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Turkey’s integration ‘EU’s last hope for the future’ legal expert claims

Am i enforcing my religion unto others, to start with, have you seen a single religiosly motivated post by me here? Look at who mentions religion and goes into those discussions before judging too fast. Thanks

my point is just to leave that discussions.. nothing bad nothing special..
@cabatli_53 BTW,i agree that i shouldn't put the Turks in the same bag just because of some brain-ded members.
I THEN,apologize for this comment if i hurt people.
Oh, no apologies necessary
Am i enforcing my religion unto others, to start with, have you seen a single religiosly motivated post by me here? Look at who mentions religion and goes into those discussions before judging too fast. Thanks
just saying you're at least as arrogant as me

Whether you take that as an insult or a compliment is up to you
I don't give a shit
You told me to shut up and keep my religion to myself? What is the point of saying such things when there isn't a single religious post made by me? I don't get it. Whatever suits your boat though. No need to prolong nonsense posts
You told me to shut up and keep my religion to myself? What is the point of saying such things when there isn't a single religious post made by me? I don't get it. Whatever suits your boat though. No need to prolong nonsense posts
even this just reeks of arrogance :D

I don't need to speak to you I'm above this sh*t :D whatever suits you little peasant's boat :D

alright alright :D I'll leave you alone
your excellency
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Turke will always get a veto from the two powers of EU. :azn:
And as i said,Turkey will never be in EU,because it would have too much importance in the EU parliament,since they'll have more seats than us..... (They will be the 2nd to have more seats after the Germans)

If Turkey's population outgrows German population--wouldn't then Turkey have more seats? Aren't seats given in proportion to population? Just asking.

And I don't think Turks would want to join EU. They want all the "good" parts (Trade deals, NATO protection, Visa Free travel, ease of investments to/from Europe and so on)---but they don't want to share the pain (foreign cultures/people in your lands, low-skilled East Europeans in your markets and so on)...
If Turkey's population outgrows German population--wouldn't then Turkey have more seats? Aren't seats given in proportion to population? Just asking.

And I don't think Turks would want to join EU. They want all the "good" parts (Trade deals, NATO protection, Visa Free travel, ease of investments to/from Europe and so on)---but they don't want to share the pain (foreign cultures/people in your lands, low-skilled East Europeans in your markets and so on)...
Turkey's population isn't exactly booming

second part of your post is completely false. Especially the NATO protection part... dafuq?

We don't need NATO protection.
Turkey's population isn't exactly booming

Turkish population, while not booming, is going at a healthy rate. German population is DECLINING!

By 2023, Republic of Turkey will have a greater population than Germany. A fact.

Also, ethnic Turks should be having 3 babies on average. Otherwise, ethnic kurds will become 40% of Turkey within 30 years...and believe me, 30 years is nothing in terms of time frame.

second part of your post is completely false. Especially the NATO protection part... dafuq?

We don't need NATO protection.

Turkey is not a nuclear missile power, so please stop it.

United States is NATO. Not Turkey.

Without a credible nuclear deterrence, and without any U.S/Coalition support, Turkey won't be able to hold against Russian military aggression in the region (Caucus, Eastern Europe, Black Sea, and so on).

Stopped reading and lost all interest apart from flametrolling war watching beyond that.
Fun thread though!

Tsss, Tay.

Please explain the inaccuracies in my post.

European powers aren't geopolitical powers anymore. They barely play any role or enjoy any influence on any countries beyond Europe. They have small, cut-down militaries.

European powers are mainly economic powers (Especially Germany!) today...but when it comes to issues like Israel-Palestine, Syrian War, Egyptian revolution/counter revolution, Russian expansionism and so on...it is the Turks who play an active geopolitical role in these conflicts rather than France or UK.

You see what I'm saying?

Besides, if Turkey enters EU---it would be a very, very important country owing to its size, population, and voting power in EU parliament.

Don't you agree?

-Don't use Turkish out of Çaybahçesi. (That's my third warning to you regarding Turkish issue)
-Instead of posting useless pictures, Try to use the power of words for more logical discussions.
-Stop Trolling and Provocations While discussing a serious matter with senior members

Ok sorry, I can't control my mood if I eat too much bastirma.
Please explain the inaccuracies in my post.

European powers aren't geopolitical powers anymore. They barely play any role or enjoy any influence on any countries beyond Europe. They have small, cut-down militaries.

European powers are mainly economic powers (Especially Germany!) today...but when it comes to issues like Israel-Palestine, Syrian War, Egyptian revolution/counter revolution, Russian expansionism and so on...it is the Turks who play an active geopolitical role in these conflicts rather than France or UK.

You see what I'm saying?

Besides, if Turkey enters EU---it would be a very, very important country owing to its size, population, and voting power in EU parliament.

Don't you agree?

Not at all but thanks for allowing the conversation to ensue.
The power is still in military power beyond economy and mil thrust is based on two things only :
Nukes and Projection.

No nukes? Need not apply!

Projection? America rules the seas today. The UK and France retain capabilities inherited from colonial past.
Russia has the ability too. Beyond that?

I like Turkey just fine too, though more of an Atatürk guy than an Erdogan one … if that matters?
I'm just the realist kind.

Good night mate, Tay.
Not at all but thanks for allowing the conversation to ensue.
The power is still in military power beyond economy and mil thrust is based on two things only :
Nukes and Projection.

No nukes? Need not apply!

Projection? America rules the seas today. The UK and France retain capabilities inherited from colonial past.
Russia has the ability too. Beyond that?

I like Turkey just fine too, though more of an Atatürk guy than an Erdogan one … if that matters?
I'm just the realist kind.

Good night mate, Tay.

So would you say that UK and France are bigger European player than Germany since Germans don't have nukes?

PS, nukes doesn't automatically means influence to shape things.

Turkey has lots of influence in surrounding region beyond its borders (Azerbaijan, MB factions in Egypt/Tunisia etc, mediation role in Israel-Palestine conflict, and so on)..

Wouldn't say that for UK or even France (except a little influence in some old African colonies may be?)..
@cabatli_53 BTW,i agree that i shouldn't put the Turks in the same bag just because of some brain-dead members.
I THEN,apologize for this comment if i hurt people.

Frenchie, my brother lives in France and has a french wife and half french kids, but I've never been there...

Now here's a thought.. What if we are related you and me? :rofl:
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