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Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

I hope you know his backstory...
He is more of weird a Hindutva
whatever thread...
I don't know,I thought he was a muslim from India who probably loves Pakistan,but his posts really are weird. What's the deal?
I don't know,I thought he was a muslim from India who probably loves Pakistan,but his posts really are weird. What's the deal?
Lol I was checking the links. Most of the subjects I didn't understand,but I can see he's weird.
I like how they ask for new aircraft and at the same time talk to them like this:

"Instead of blaming Turkey, the US should abandon its own wrong policies, and should be more honest with the American people and its Congress," Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu

I like how they ask for new aircraft and at the same time talk to them like this:

"Instead of blaming Turkey, the US should abandon its own wrong policies, and should be more honest with the American people and its Congress," Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu

We are big nation

USA is not only option in the world to buy weapons

USA did not sale PATRIOT to Turkey
and Turkey bought S400 from Russia

Turkey is not threat to USA and American People
on the other hand USA was become the biggest threat to Turkey and Turkish People
USA support PKK/YPG Terror organization to destroy Turkey's territorial integrity

so We Turks are right , The US should abandon its own wrong policies in Syria
USA never can beat Turkey to create PKK/YPG terror State
USA never can beat Turkey to create PKK/YPG terror State
If USA starts a war with Turkey tomorrow,just like they did with Saddam let's say. Who do you think will win?
If USA starts a war with Turkey tomorrow,just like they did with Saddam let's say. Who do you think will win?

USA has started war via PKK and FETO Terror organizations in 2015-2016

but they failed and USA lost

Traitor KESNIZANI Organization gave İraq to The US
FETO also tried it in Turkey ....... so USA can not fight Turkey
USA has started war via PKK and FETO Terror organizations in 2015-2016

but they failed and USA lost

Traitor KESNIZANI Organization gave İraq to The US
FETO also tried it in Turkey ....... so USA can not fight Turkey
No,you know what I'm talking about. The U.S. without nuclear weapons,just like Saddam. Do you think you can actually win? Don't give me "haha they failed and USA lost". We're not talking about Kurds and your fictionary "FETO". We're talking about the U.S.
If they evacuated Incirlik tomorrow and attacked afterwards.
No,you know what I'm talking about. The U.S. without nuclear weapons,just like Saddam. Do you think you can actually win? Don't give me "haha they failed and USA lost". We're not talking about Kurds and your fictionary "FETO". We're talking about the U.S.
If they evacuated Incirlik tomorrow and attacked afterwards.

because most of Generals , intelligence agency , etc were members of traitor KESNIZANI organization
even SADDAM's wife was member of KESNIZANI organization

İraqi Armed Forces , intelligence agency , etc were members of traitor KESNIZANI organization
They stabbed SADDAM in the back and USA won
also Arabs dont know how to fight

in Turkey , traitor FETO Members were kicked out of the Turkish Armed Forces and intelligence agency
so USA can not win against warrior-brave people and Turkey

without nuclear weapons
we have seen loser USA in weak-poor Afghanistan and Vietnam
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because most of Generals , intelligence agency , etc were members of traitor KESNIZANI organization
even SADDAM's wife was member of KESNIZANI organization

İraqi Armed Forces , intelligence agency , etc were members of traitor KESNIZANI organization
They stabbed SADDAM in the back and USA won

in Turkey , traitor FETO Members were kicked out of the Turkish Armed Forces and intelligence agency
so USA can not win against most warrior people and Turkey

without nuclear weapons
we have seen loser USA in weak-poor Afghanistan and Vietnam
So in a few words you're saying that Turkey can defeat USA in a war right now.
So in a few words you're saying that Turkey can defeat USA in a war right now.

Vietnam did it

Nobody can beat 83 million Turks in Turkish soil
We are TURKS who have been referred to as the “Army-Nation” throughout the history
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Vietnam did it
TALIBAN did it

Nobody can beat 83 million Turks in Turkish soil
To correct you,the Americans didn't lose in Vietnam nor Afghanistan.

In Vietnam,their firepower smashed the Vietcong and NVA and they postponed the fall of Saigon for some years. The ARVN lost when the Americans left. If the Americans had continued to North Vietnam,they would have obliterated them. But that was not allowed as it would have sparked a bigger war.

In Afghanistan,the Taliban were smashed and those who survived left and hid to Pakistan and other places.
The Americans didn't lose the war,they ANA lost the country and the Americans lost politically.

Tell me,how will you defend against a coordinated attack by F-15,F-16s,F-22s and F-35s that will escort B-52s and A-10s while the F/A-18s and Growlers will engage your navy which will be fighting against Arleigh Burke,Ticonderoga and various LCS?
To correct you,the Americans didn't lose in Vietnam nor Afghanistan.

In Vietnam,their firepower smashed the Vietcong and NVA and they postponed the fall of Saigon for some years. The ARVN lost when the Americans left. If the Americans had continued to North Vietnam,they would have obliterated them. But that was not allowed as it would have sparked a bigger war.

In Afghanistan,the Taliban were smashed and those who survived left and hid to Pakistan and other places.
The Americans didn't lose the war,they ANA lost the country and the Americans lost politically.

Tell me,how will you defend against a coordinated attack by F-15,F-16s,F-22s and F-35s that will escort B-52s and A-10s while the F/A-18s and Growlers will engage your navy which will be fighting against Arleigh Burke,Ticonderoga and various LCS?

USA lost in Vietnam and Afghanistan
20 years and trillions of dollars ...... stupid USA

War is not computer game

Needs ground invasion for victory .... and USA can not kill 83 million Turks
maybe we lost millions of Turks but all American soldiers will be killed in Turkish soil

btw so easy to destroy American Navy in the Aegean and in the Eastern Mediterranean
thanks to Turkish missiles , torpedos now in service
supersonic and hypersonic missiles under development

for air defense , we need more 3 years to create air defense umbrella

HISAR-A done
HISAR-O done
HISAR-U by 2022-2023
SIPER by 2023-2024
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To correct you,the Americans didn't lose in Vietnam nor Afghanistan.

In Vietnam,their firepower smashed the Vietcong and NVA and they postponed the fall of Saigon for some years. The ARVN lost when the Americans left. If the Americans had continued to North Vietnam,they would have obliterated them. But that was not allowed as it would have sparked a bigger war.

In Afghanistan,the Taliban were smashed and those who survived left and hid to Pakistan and other places.
The Americans didn't lose the war,they ANA lost the country and the Americans lost politically.

Tell me,how will you defend against a coordinated attack by F-15,F-16s,F-22s and F-35s that will escort B-52s and A-10s while the F/A-18s and Growlers will engage your navy which will be fighting against Arleigh Burke,Ticonderoga and various LCS?
What a stupid summary
The winner is the one who stands last.
American ran from Vietnam in the end and America acknowledges defeat.
America ran from Afghanistan and America acknowledges defeat

American supporters however are still waving the pompoms
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