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Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

What a stupid summary
The winner is the one who stands last.
American ran from Vietnam in the end and America acknowledges defeat.
America ran from Afghanistan and America acknowledges defeat

American supporters however are still waving the pompoms
Stupid summary? There are military victories and political victories. The Americans lost politically. They left the war and the ones they supported lost. They didn't lose militarily themselves. Do you believe USA cannot win a war against Turkey,too?
Stupid summary? There are military victories and political victories. The Americans lost politically. They left the war and the ones they supported lost. They didn't lose militarily themselves. Do you believe USA cannot win a war against Turkey,too?

USA and others could not destroy TALIBAN in Afghanistan in 20 years
even Afghan Government helped USA

and you are dreaming about a victory against 83 million Turks ( Army-Nation ) in Turkish soil
Stupid summary? There are military victories and political victories. The Americans lost politically. They left the war and the ones they supported lost. They didn't lose militarily themselves. Do you believe USA cannot win a war against Turkey,too?
My dear wars are not just military.
They are a combination.

And didn't you see Americans screaming and leaving Vietnam under fire? That's your victory?

Didn't Americans run under the cover of darkness for their largest bases in Afghanistan with even informing the commanders of the base. That's you victory.

Winning battles doesnt win wars. Its who is left standing on the battlefield last by whatever means.

Your here's got whooped and you carry on celebrating
Can we get back to the topic at hand?

I am assuming congress is gonna block this deal from going through.

What are Turkey's options?

Why not go in with the UK and buy Eurofighter as a stop gap.

And work with them on TFX.

(Also, how exactly is Turkey gonna secure their engines for the first TFX, I doubt the US will wanna help at this point)
My dear wars are not just military.
They are a combination.

And didn't you see Americans screaming and leaving Vietnam under fire? That's your victory?

Didn't Americans run under the cover of darkness for their largest bases in Afghanistan with even informing the commanders of the base. That's you victory.

Winning battles doesnt win wars. Its who is left standing on the battlefield last by whatever means.

Your here's got whooped and you carry on celebrating
Wait a minute habibi,we're talking about military victory here. I asked him if tomorrow the US attack Turkey,does he think that Turkey can win? And I asked it because of all his usual "nobody can defeat regional superpower Turkiye" lines,that he posts every time. It's the same stuff every time:
"USA cannot defeat Turkey with PKK/FETO"
"Bandit countries cannot defeat Turkiye regional superpower"
"Turkiye produce Super Star Destroyer to wipe out Rebel Alliance and Jedi forces"

Now,the Americans didn't leave Vietnam under fire. The ARVN failed. If the Americans had stayed,they would have pulverized the NVA.

In Afghanistan too,they left and the government fell because they were incompetent and corrupt.
While Americans were there with sufficient forces,the Taliban were beaten back. From the moment they started leaving,the Taliban started gaining ground.

Do you really think,that in a conflict right now,Turkey can repel a US attack? An attack aimed at destroying the THK,the Turkish navy,the airbases and infastracture,the main bridges and barracks?
Wait a minute habibi,we're talking about military victory here. I asked him if tomorrow the US attack Turkey,does he think that Turkey can win? And I asked it because of all his usual "nobody can defeat regional superpower Turkiye" lines,that he posts every time. It's the same stuff every time:
"USA cannot defeat Turkey with PKK/FETO"
"Bandit countries cannot defeat Turkiye regional superpower"
"Turkiye produce Super Star Destroyer to wipe out Rebel Alliance and Jedi forces"

Now,the Americans didn't leave Vietnam under fire. The ARVN failed. If the Americans had stayed,they would have pulverized the NVA.

In Afghanistan too,they left and the government fell because they were incompetent and corrupt.
While Americans were there with sufficient forces,the Taliban were beaten back. From the moment they started leaving,the Taliban started gaining ground.

Do you really think,that in a conflict right now,Turkey can repel a US attack? An attack aimed at destroying the THK,the Turkish navy,the airbases and infastracture,the main bridges and barracks?
Turkey has no oil. so no risk of a invasion from USA.
3 -- GDP PPP is important to compare military power in the World

because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates

Turkey uses LİRA to develop military projects

and Turkey has almost bigger GDP PPP than İran+Egypt+İsrael combined

Turkey $2,749 trillion
Egypt $1.346 trillion
İran $1.148 trillion
İsrael $399 billi0n
China has GDP PPP of over 26trillion but that doesn't mean its more powerful then the smaller PPP economy of America. In fact it will take China another 20 years to catch up to America militarily (navy and airforce). GDP nominal is far greater indicator of strength
If USA starts a war with Turkey tomorrow,just like they did with Saddam let's say. Who do you think will win?
Stupid question. No country other than Russia and China can beat the USA in a conventional war. Those two countries are the only ones that can be considered "near peer adversaries" to the USA. Who would win? Turkey would do just as good as for example countries like Egypt, KSA, UK, France, India, Pakistan, South Korea, Germany, Israel, Japan etc....
China has GDP PPP of over 26trillion but that doesn't mean its more powerful then the smaller PPP economy of America. In fact it will take China another 20 years to catch up to America militarily (navy and airforce). GDP nominal is far greater indicator of strength

American Dollars rules the World , therefore your example is wrong

GDP comparisons using PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market and power , because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country

even weak Greece use Euro and Greece never lost anything against Dollars
on the other hand , developed and industrialized Turkey use LİRA

and USA used Dollars as a weapon against Turkish economy and 1 USD has risen to 8,8 TL from 1,8 TL between 2013 and 2021

Turkish currency droped by 488% in the last 7 years

even Turkey had $956 billion of GDP Nominal in 2013
If there were no attacks on Turkey and Turkish economy , Today Turkey would have minimum $1,5 trillion of GDP Nominal instead of $794 billion

even Globalfirepower.com use PPP in global military strength ranking
American Dollars rules the World , therefore your example is wrong

GDP comparisons using PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market and power , because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country

even weak Greece use Euro and Greece never lost anything against Dollars
on the other hand , developed and industrialized Turkey use LİRA

and USA used Dollars as a weapon against Turkish economy and 1 USD has risen to 8,8 TL from 1,8 TL between 2013 and 2021

Turkish currency droped by 488% in the last 7 years

even Turkey had $956 billion of GDP Nominal in 2013
If there were no attacks on Turkey and Turkish economy , Today Turkey would have minimum $1,5 trillion of GDP Nominal instead of $794 billion

even Globalfirepower.com use PPP in global military strength ranking
Doesn't even make sense. Just proves GDP nominal is the real indicator. America economy is bigger then China and is more powerful then china (Navy and airforce). GDP PPP China is and will be far greater than America but even when China is GDP PPP 40trillion and America PPP is 25trillion America will still be stronger so that just shows nominal is the only indicator. Plenty of other examples as well you need to find more convincing arguments to prove someone wrong then just saying they are wrong with no explanation.

Another example is Indonesia PPP is far greater then UK/France and Turkey but its military and real economic strength is no where near as powerful. Just proves that GDP PPP means NOTHING.
Doesn't even make sense. Just proves GDP nominal is the real indicator. America economy is bigger then China and is more powerful then china (Navy and airforce). GDP PPP China is and will be far greater than America but even when China is GDP PPP 40trillion and America PPP is 25trillion America will still be stronger so that just shows nominal is the only indicator. Plenty of other examples as well you need to find more convincing arguments to prove someone wrong then just saying they are wrong with no explanation.

You are wrong

GDP is not only criterion to compare military power
in your theory , Germany would have the 4th biggest military power in the world because Germany has the 4th biggest GDP Nominal in the world

I am saying even Globalfirepower.com use PPP in global military strength ranking
because PPP are arguably more useful than those using nominal GDP when assessing a nation's domestic market and power

Why Turkey has $794 billion of GDP Nominal by 2021 ? in 2013 Turkey had $956 billion of GDP Nominal

Turkish economy is one of the fastest growing economy in OECD in the last 15 years
but USA used Dollars as a weapon against Turkish economy and 1 USD has risen to 8,8 TL from 1,8 TL between 2013 and 2021

If there were no attacks on Turkey and Turkish economy , Today Turkey would have minimum $1,5 trillion of GDP Nominal instead of $794 billion

so Turkey has 11th biggest GDP PPP in the World ( $2,7 trillion )

Turkey has bigger GDP PPP than almost İran+Egypt+İsrael combined
Turkey has bigger Exports rate than almost İran+Egypt+İsrael combined
and Turkey has more military projects than İran+Egypt+İsrael combined
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