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Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

most likely , The US Congress will block sale of 40 F-16V to Turkey
and 70 years of USA-Turkey military cooperation will end

Turkey can buy Eurofighter

Russia offers Turkey 2nd batch of S400 , Fighter Jets , Jet Engine technology ,Submarine and Space technologies
also possible construction of second and third nuclear plant
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Erdogan is really a capable leader. Turkey is not a big country, but Erdogan has been able to balance and negotiate among so many powerful forces, and has not failed.

Erdogan playing with fire if he can played well he will place Turkey to a dominat power in the region as we as in the world both economically and militarily . if if he fail turkey can burn into the 🔥. Hopefully Erdogan until now well played. 👍💪

most likely , The US Congress will block sale of 40 F-16V to Turkey
and 70 years of USA-Turkey military cooperation will end

Turkey can buy Eurofighter

Russia offers Turkey 2nd batch of S400 , Fighter Jets , Jet Engine technology ,Submarine and Space technologies
also possible construction of second and third nuclear plant

Buying fighter from Russians will be last things turkey will do. Unless major customizations can turkey integrate western system to Russians? More likely buying Eurofighter will be best thing turkey can get .
Turkey has managed to backstab a lot of its major partners causing a lot of distrust from US/EU/Russia even China. No one can trust Turkey anymore and since Turkey does not have the R&D to build their own jet fighters etc they will fall behind Egypt/Israel/Saudi and even Iran who is self sufficient. MMME don't go quoting GDP PPP it means nothing lol otherwise China would be the biggest economy in the world (it is not yet)
Turkey has managed to backstab a lot of its major partners causing a lot of distrust from US/EU/Russia even China. No one can trust Turkey anymore and since Turkey does not have the R&D to build their own jet fighters etc they will fall behind Egypt/Israel/Saudi and even Iran who is self sufficient. MMME don't go quoting GDP PPP it means nothing lol otherwise China would be the biggest economy in the world (it is not yet)
Buys S-400s
Gets kicked from the F-35 program
Says who cares,we'll build our own things
Doesn't work well
Wants to see Biden,gets rejected
Says he'll buy more S-400s and Russian jet fighters and submarines
Goes to Russia,Putin asks him to stop his stuff in Syria,he refuses
Asks F-16Vs from the Americans
Goes back to Russians asking for aircraft

Sells stuff to Ukrainians,wants to buy stuff from Russians
Calls Americans genocidal maniacs who invade countries,demands they sell him F-35s
Protests about Uyghurs,wants to cooperate with China
Builds ships,submarines,drones and ballistic missiles,says Greece loves arms races
Wants good relations with Egypt,calls Sisi a dictator
Says Northern Cyprus is a different country,demands Greek Cypriots to share profits because it's one island.
Pakistan is our brother,here India have some ships
Mocks Europeans,asks why they don't let Turkey in the EU
Makes fun of Macron's personal life,is angry because Macron doesn't meet him
Buys S-400s
Gets kicked from the F-35 program
Says who cares,we'll build our own things
Doesn't work well
Wants to see Biden,gets rejected
Says he'll buy more S-400s and Russian jet fighters and submarines
Goes to Russia,Putin asks him to stop his stuff in Syria,he refuses
Asks F-16Vs from the Americans
Goes back to Russians asking for aircraft

Sells stuff to Ukrainians,wants to buy stuff from Russians
Calls Americans genocidal maniacs who invade countries,demands they sell him F-35s
Protests about Uyghurs,wants to cooperate with China
Builds ships,submarines,drones and ballistic missiles,says Greece loves arms races
Wants good relations with Egypt,calls Sisi a dictator
Says Northern Cyprus is a different country,demands Greek Cypriots to share profits because it's one island.
Pakistan is our brother,here India have some ships
Mocks Europeans,asks why they don't let Turkey in the EU
Makes fun of Macron's personal life,is angry because Macron doesn't meet him
erdogan is pretty shameless lol i don't know how people in turkey still support him must be the brainwashing
erdogan is pretty shameless lol i don't know how people in turkey still support him must be the brainwashing
He tells them what they want to hear. Islam great,West bad,we strong,Yahood evil,we will unite Turkic lands,reach Vienna,liberate Palestine,go to space etc. etc.
The US won't clear this deal at all. They're still seething over the S-400 sale.
Turkey is a NATO ally. What possible security threats does Turkey see?

Turkiye is not an ally of NATO rather part of NATO.

But you should understand that the reason Turkiye continues to be part of NATO is not to seek protection from NATO but to destroy NATO from within.

In parallel, Turkiye is working with Russia and China to join SCO.

As and when Turkiye destroys NATO from within, it will jump ship into SCO.

Erdogan is a master politician and the greatest leader Turkiye ever had.
The US won't clear this deal at all. They're still seething over the S-400 sale.

Erdogan has no intention of buying anything from US or EU.

He just wants to use this excuse of denial by the US to buy more equipment from Russia.
Turkiye is not an ally of NATO rather part of NATO.

But you should understand that the reason Turkiye continues to be part of NATO is not to seek protection from NATO but to destroy NATO from within.

In parallel, Turkiye is working with Russia and China to join SCO.

As and when Turkiye destroys NATO from within, it will jump ship into SCO.

Erdogan is a master politician and the greatest leader Turkiye ever had.

Erdogan has no intention of buying anything from US or EU.

He just wants to use this excuse of denial by the US to buy more equipment from Russia.
Please stop doing drugs.
Modern Turkey or Ottoman Turkey included? Even more than Kemal?

It is a disgrace to compare Erdogan and Kemal.

Kemal was a lackey of the West and sold out the interests of Turkiye and the Muslim world at large with his secularism nonsense.

It look another century for a great leader like Erdogan to rise and undo the damages done by Kemal.
One hand the deal is good money. On the other hand,the Americans are angry at Erdogan's erratic behavior. He stubbornly refuses to get rid of the S-400s and stop dealing with Russia. But at the same time,they want to restore relations and Turkey wants to restore relations.
But they also said they will buy a second batch of S-400s.
I guess it's 4-5. But Lockheed Martin wants the money.

4 - 5... that's rather low right...? less than 50% chance.. but seems plausible as there are already groups requesting to block such possible sales to Turkey :

If the US really does refuse this Turkish request, then Turkish gov will become 'free' to pursue Russian jets and can still put the blame on the US... but on the other hand, it can also weaken the Turkish position when trying to negotiate such purchases from Russia... The Russian can simply say something like "Hey, from where else can you buy advanced fighter jets now if not from us ? :meeting:" but on the other hand, Rosoboron is also under sanctions and would probably be just too happy to get a new foreign client that will buy in bulk so they probably won't play hardball too much.. 🤪

Well.. alternately the US can also play a delaying game by not refusing the Turkish request outright but by delaying it for as long as possible to prevent Turkey from turning to Russia too quickly... while at the same time hoping that in the mean time the Turkish gov will change their attitude..
Turkey has managed to backstab a lot of its major partners causing a lot of distrust from US/EU/Russia even China. No one can trust Turkey anymore and since Turkey does not have the R&D to build their own jet fighters etc they will fall behind Egypt/Israel/Saudi and even Iran who is self sufficient. MMME don't go quoting GDP PPP it means nothing lol otherwise China would be the biggest economy in the world (it is not yet)

1 -- Traitor USA and The EU support PKK Terror Organization since 1990s to destroy Turkey's territorial integrity

Tratior USA-France support PKK/YPG Terror Organization to create terror state in Syria against Turkey

Turkey lost tens of thousands of citizens and over $400 billion to fight USA-The EU backed PKK terror organization

2 -- Turkey has more military projects than İran+Egypt+S.Arabia combined

İsraeli military = 80% American and German Weapons

Turkey has already started developing its own aviation Industry including turboprop-turboshaft-turbofan Engines

-- TFX air superiority Fighter Jet
-- HURJET close support Fighter Jet
-- MIUS unmanned Fighter Jet
-- KARGI anti-radiation Drone
-- T-629 and T-929 Attack Helicopters
-- T-625 and T-925 Utility Helicopters
-- HAVASOJ airborne stand off Jammer
-- Military and Communications Satellites

3 -- GDP PPP is important to compare military power in the World

because PPP takes into account the relative cost of local goods, services and inflation rates of the country, rather than using international market exchange rates

Turkey uses LİRA to develop military projects

and Turkey has almost bigger GDP PPP than İran+Egypt+İsrael combined

Turkey $2,749 trillion
Egypt $1.346 trillion
İran $1.148 trillion
İsrael $399 billi0n
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TURKEY : We want to buy PATRIOT Air Defense System
USA : No

TURKEY : to sign a deal to buy FD-2000 Air Defense System from China
USA : ooo sht , stop buying from China , We will give you PATRIOT

TURKEY : Ok . We cancalled buying FD-2000 from China , give us PATRIOT
USA : again NO

TURKEY : then We signed a deal to buy S400 from Russia
USA : ooo sht , stop buying S400 from Russia


Turkey wants to buy 40 F-16V
USA will not sale F-16V to Turkey

and Nobody can say Turkey , why to buy more weapons from Russia
It is a disgrace to compare Erdogan and Kemal.

Kemal was a lackey of the West and sold out the interests of Turkiye and the Muslim world at large with his secularism nonsense.

It look another century for a great leader like Erdogan to rise and undo the damages done by Kemal.
Oh you really are an Islamist,aren't you? :o
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