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Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

turkey is a country with near half trillion foreign debt.they can't even pay the interest...
leave them alone and watch they will collapse from inside.probably in next coup.
country of coups ...
turkey is a country with near half trillion foreign debt.they can't even pay the interest...
leave them alone and watch they will collapse from inside.probably in next coup.
country of coups

Turkey has the lowest external debt in Europe to compare with GDP

France has $7.3 trillion of external debt ( 230% of GDP )
Netherhlands has $4,5 trillion of external debt ( 453% of GDP )
Italy has $2,5 trillion of external debt ( 141% of GDP )
Spain has $2,2 trillion of external debt ( 170% of GDP )
even tiny Greece has $476 billion of external debt ( 298% of GDP )

Turkey has $453 billion of external debt ( 63% of GDP )

in the last coup attempt in 2016 , Turkish People kicked USA backed FETO terror organization
and all traitor FETO members were kicked out of the Turkish Armed Forces

no more military coup in Turkey , because of USA lost control over the Turkish Armed Forces
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Turkey buys S400 from Russia and get kicked off the F35 programme

very bad move Turkey would have benefitted so much

now Russia is threatening Turkey

Now Turkey wants F16 again

Turkish brothers please get your freggin act together
Finally somebody said it!
I don't give a rats *** about Shia Sunni nonsense. Good luck finding American bases to Pummel....last I checked they are out of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Who talked about Shias and Sunnis? Not me.

Good luck ensuring sufficient sortie rates from bases outside of Iran's BM range.

As for firing few old scuds on Saudis and Israel it will bring no damage to them. Iranian oil based paper tiger economy will be sent to Stone Age in few days of strikes.

Hahaha, "a few old SCUDs", sure. As I rightly noticed before, I'm communicating with a person unfamiliar with the subject matter, but who moreover seems not interested in bringing his knowledge up to date... since there's a dedicated topic on Iranian ballistic missiles in the Iranian section of the forum containing plenty of information. Oh well, believe what you want.

Also if you feel no pain for the mass slaughter, gassing and barrel bombing of innocent civilians in Syria than people like you are animals and have no place in civilized society.

Yeah, stories about "gassing" that with each passing day, are getting debunked by the same bodies which spread them. Such as OPCW employees who quit in protest over biased "findings" incriminating the Syrian government, such a BBC producer revealing in 2019 that videos of the chemical weapons attack on Douma were staged, or the same BBC admitting in 2021 that their documentary on the subject was riddled with serious flaws.

Mass slaughter of civilians, when the Syrian army's civilian to insurgent kill ratio was 1:1 - according to pro-insurgent sources themselves (which suggests that it might actually be even lower than that), and despite a lack of precision ammunition and the fact that most of the fighting was taking place in cities and other densely populated areas.

This said, of course I feel pain for every single civilian killed in war. But it does not mean I have to accept propaganda suggesting that the Syrian government's war effort was motivated by a desire to eradicate entire communities on the sole basis of their ethnic or religious origins, for this is simply nonsensical.

Also, either cut the insults or stop preaching about civilized behaviour.

Same goes to you. Stop licking Iranian b***. They will soon be cut off .

In your dreams.
Who talked about Shias and Sunnis? Not me.

Good luck ensuring sufficient sortie rates from bases outside of Iran's BM range.

Hahaha, "a few old SCUDs", sure. As I rightly noticed before, I'm communicating with a person unfamiliar with the subject matter, but who moreover seems not interested in bringing his knowledge up to date... since there's a dedicated topic on Iranian ballistic missiles in the Iranian section of the forum containing plenty of information. Oh well, believe what you want.

Yeah, stories about "gassing" that with each passing day, are getting debunked by the same bodies which spread them. Such as OPCW employees who quit in protest over biased "findings" incriminating the Syrian government, such a BBC producer revealing in 2019 that videos of the chemical weapons attack on Douma were staged, or the same BBC admitting in 2021 that their documentary on the subject was riddled with serious flaws.

Mass slaughter of civilians, when the Syrian army's civilian to insurgent kill ratio was 1:1 - according to pro-insurgent sources themselves (which suggests that it might actually be even lower than that), and despite a lack of precision ammunition and the fact that most of the fighting was taking place in cities and other densely populated areas.

This said, of course I feel pain for every single civilian killed in war. But it does not mean I have to accept propaganda suggesting that the Syrian government's war effort was motivated by a desire to eradicate entire communities on the sole basis of their ethnic or religious origins, for this is simply nonsensical.

Also, either cut the insults or stop preaching about civilized behaviour.

In your dreams.
Well said man. All of it.
The Turkish Ministry of Defense sent a Letter of Request (LoR) to the American government for the acquisition of 40 new F-16C/D Block 70 Viper Fighter Jets as well as the modernization of a total of 80 existing Turkish F-16s to the Viper standard

-- 40 new F-16 block70
-- 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

F-16 Block70

-- APG-83 AESA radar ... ( The APG-83 provides F-16s with 5th Generation fighter radar capabilities )
-- New avionics architecture
-- New mission computer and electronic warfare suite
-- The new Center Pedestal Display (CPD) which provides critical tactical imagery to pilots on a high-resolution 6”x 8” screen
-- Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS)
-- The Night Vision Imaging System
-- The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II
-- SNIPER Advanced Targeting Pod
-- IRST (Infrared Search and Track)
-- Conformal fuel tanks
-- Extended structural service life of 12,000 hours
-- General Electric F110-GE-132 Engine rated at 32,500 lbf (144 kN) of afterburning thrust

View attachment 782689

Masterful stroke by Erdy, the us will say no to him because of s-400 and erdy will then create a narrative of us stab in the back and buy more s-400s and Russian goodies with European avionics :) this way us will have to sanction india 2 lol

this guy is sooooooo smart I love him

Who talked about Shias and Sunnis? Not me.

Good luck ensuring sufficient sortie rates from bases outside of Iran's BM range.

Hahaha, "a few old SCUDs", sure. As I rightly noticed before, I'm communicating with a person unfamiliar with the subject matter, but who moreover seems not interested in bringing his knowledge up to date... since there's a dedicated topic on Iranian ballistic missiles in the Iranian section of the forum containing plenty of information. Oh well, believe what you want.

Yeah, stories about "gassing" that with each passing day, are getting debunked by the same bodies which spread them. Such as OPCW employees who quit in protest over biased "findings" incriminating the Syrian government, such a BBC producer revealing in 2019 that videos of the chemical weapons attack on Douma were staged, or the same BBC admitting in 2021 that their documentary on the subject was riddled with serious flaws.

Mass slaughter of civilians, when the Syrian army's civilian to insurgent kill ratio was 1:1 - according to pro-insurgent sources themselves (which suggests that it might actually be even lower than that), and despite a lack of precision ammunition and the fact that most of the fighting was taking place in cities and other densely populated areas.

This said, of course I feel pain for every single civilian killed in war. But it does not mean I have to accept propaganda suggesting that the Syrian government's war effort was motivated by a desire to eradicate entire communities on the sole basis of their ethnic or religious origins, for this is simply nonsensical.

Also, either cut the insults or stop preaching about civilized behaviour.

In your dreams.

waiting for you to say Ameeeen …
As I said earlier I hope you and your family receive the same treatment from civilized Syrian regime and Iranian hired thugs as peaceful civilians of Syria did demanding democracy…… May they do same thing to your family like they did to thousand of others ..

You said that earlier to me? Uh no, you didn't. Take a deep breath, you seem confused and don't even remember our previous exchanges.

You mean the peaceful Syrian civilians chanting "Christians to Beirut, Alawis to the grave"? Or the ones who cut off the head of a child with a knife on camera while smiling and spewing "we're worse than "I"SIS"?

Nah, I'm not going to react like you just did. I won't wish you nor your relatives the sort of a treatment your terrorist buddies subjected people to.

By the way 7000 Syrian men posed as dead for the propaganda purposes. Would you want your family to be in there too???

You just resorted to a straw man fallacy: trying to give the impression of refuting the other side's argument but avoiding to address the discussed point.

But let's see what you got... ah, the "Caesar" propaganda operation. What I found a tiny bit odd, is that at least one of the victims shown in those pictures had a tattoo depicting... Bashar al-Assad's face.

And what's your point? Are you trying to argue that the BBC is lying when they backtrack on their own propaganda?

waiting for you to say Ameeeen …

Based on the moral standards I was taught, we don't wish someone ill because they know to distinguish between terms such as "genocide", "war crime", "collateral damage", and so on. Nor do we ill wish a person's relatives when we have a problem with said person. You're wasting your time.
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You mean the peaceful Syrian civilians chanting "Christians to Beirut, Alawis to the grave"? Or the ones who cut off the head of a child with a knife on camera while smiling and spewing "we're worse than "I"SIS"?
Turkish backed FSA Nour Ed-Din Az-Zenki Movement,2016.
You said that earlier to me? Uh no, you didn't. Take a deep breath, you seem confused and don't even remember our previous exchanges.

You mean the peaceful Syrian civilians chanting "Christians to Beirut, Alawis to the grave"? Or the ones who cut off the head of a child with a knife on camera while smiling and spewing "we're worse than "I"SIS"?

Nah, I'm not like you. I won't wish you nor your relatives the sort of a treatment your terrorist buddies subjected people to.

You just resorted to a straw man fallacy: bringing in something I was not referring to.

But let's see what you got... ah, the "Caesar" propaganda operation. What I found a tiny bit odd, is that at least one of the victims shown in those pictures had a tattoo depicting... Hafez al-Assad's face.

And what's your point? Are you trying to argue that the BBC is lying when they backtrack on their own propaganda?

In the moral standards I was taught, we don't wish someone ill because they know to distinguish between terms such as "genocide", "war crime", "collateral damage", and so on. Nor do we ill wish a person's relatives when we have a problem with said person. You're wasting your time.

let’s just say Ameen …..
Erdogan is really a capable leader. Turkey is not a big country, but Erdogan has been able to balance and negotiate among so many powerful forces, and has not failed.
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