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Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

Let them. Saddam thought the same, and in fact it's a good thing to be underestimated. The Pentagon is realistic though, which is why despite almost daily threats and "all options are on the table" announcements, Washington has not dared attack Iran - indeed they know full well that in case of an aggression against the motherland, Iranians will rally behind the flag in near complete unanimity, regardless of their political views, and will make Vietnam look like a walk through the park. The funeral procession of shahid Soleimani is telling enough: it was the largest such event in history, with literally millions filling the streets of major Iranian cities. But I don't even know what this has to do with the topic at hand, which is about Tukey's F-16's...

The aim of any future attack will be to decapitate Iranian leadership . Neutralize their 1970s vintage museum airforce.
There will be no Vietnam as there are no American troops in the ground. Americans have bot attacked exactly because of the fear from their Arab allies and international oil supply disturbance .
as for the Solamani he was the architect of genocide in Syria so good riddance .

feel free to have bigger funerals and protests …. No one really cares .
No,just the Persians. It's hilarious that you think Turkey is a superpower and can take on Egypt,Iran and Israel at the same time.
You are afraid of the egyptians you are right they can invade greece in a few hours.
you are afraid of the turks you are right they can invade greece in a few hours
you are afraid of the iranians you are right they can invade greece in a few hours

I hope you don't do the same with Greek women, you rely on others to please them or give them gifts.
Do you see the English, the Canadians, the Pakistanis, the Germans praising other armies in order to defend themselves?. NO !.
Talk about what you can do, not the French, the English, the Russians, the Americans, the Iranians, the Pakistanis and all the others
I have nothing to gain from getting involved in this discussion but when I read memebers trying to compare Turkey to Greece /Egypt/Iran or the Middle East it makes me laugh.

These countries are insignificant and unworthy of being compared to Turkey.

Turks are an economic and military industrial power house unmatched by every country named above . Infact I find it insulting that people are even trying to compare these countries with Turkey.

look at Egypt’s history and present situation . Can weapons buy them ba… to fight? Do you think Middle Eastern armies will leave their air conditioned rooms to come out and fight? Look at their performance in Yemen. Pathetic.

Ragtag Hamas has killed more Israeli soldiers than mighty Egyptian army. These countries don’t produce soldiers ….. they produce protectors of monarchy and dictatorships.

Iranian army on the first sign of foreign attack will turn and run like bat out of hell. They will drag mullahs out and kill them .

good luck trying to stand them in front of Turkish forces …. They are battle hardened and can fight at three fronts simultaneously.

France selling few dozen Rafael to avenge their insults by Turks will make
Absolutely no difference if Turks on the first day neutralize their air bases .

From your post I assume you are Turkish origin..have no beef with Turkey.. but I think k if you like to make intelligent conversation you should drop your Turkish chest thumping or keep it between yourselves...Turkish,Egyptian and Iranjan militaries are peer powers...Turkish GDP is only slightly higher than Iranian GDP(719 vs 628 billion world Bank data 2020)....and no ...Iranian army will fight for iran no mater who is in charge. I am sure the other two militaries will do the same....do some reading about others will help to open your eyes.
The aim of any future attack will be to decapitate Iranian leadership . Neutralize their 1970s vintage museum airforce.

Neutralize the air force, when it is the last thing Iran would use against a US attack? This right here indicates unfamiliarity with the subject matter.

The Iranian leadership can't be "decapitated" with a handful of airstrikes. It will be staying at hardened, safe locations unknown to the enemy.

There will be no Vietnam as there are no American troops in the ground.

There will be no massive air campaign since all US airfields in the neighborhood will be pummeled with hundreds of precision guided ballistic missiles before their jets can take off. A limited air campaign and/or strikes from afar will not achieve anything tangible, and certainly no regime change.

Americans have bot attacked exactly because of the fear from their Arab allies and international oil supply disturbance .

In other terms, Iran has established deterrence against military aggression by America. QED.

as for the Solamani he was the architect of genocide in Syria so good riddance .

No such thing occurred in Syria. Getting rid of terrorists isn't genocide. The UN doesn't think any "genocide" took place, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch don't either, nor does any serious lawyer.

feel free to have bigger funerals and protests …. No one really cares .

Nor does anyone care about your assessments.
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Turkiye does not have any intension to buy anything from the US.

This is just posturing to show that it was all US' fault.

Turkiye is preparing the ground to join SCO.
You are afraid of the egyptians you are right they can invade greece in a few hours.
you are afraid of the turks you are right they can invade greece in a few hours
you are afraid of the iranians you are right they can invade greece in a few hours
Who said I'm afraid of Egyptians and Iranians? We have the best relations with Egypt and good relations with Iran.
as for the Solamani he was the architect of genocide in Syria so good riddance .
"Genocide"? Another fictional invention of anti-Shia rhetoric?
Neutralize the air force, when it is the last thing Iran would use against a US attack? This right here indicates unfamiliarity with the subject matter.

The Iranian leadership can't be "decapitated" with a handful of airstrikes. It will be staying at hardened, safe locations unknown to the enemy.

There will be no massive air campaign since all US airfields in the neighborhood will be pummeled with hundreds of precision guided ballistic missiles before their jets can take off. A limited air campaign and/or strikes from afar will not achieve anything tangible, and certainly no regime change.

In other terms, Iran has established deterrence against military aggression by America. QED.

No such thing occurred in Syria. Getting rid of terrorists isn't genocide. The UN doesn't think any "genocide" took place, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch don't either, nor does any serious lawyer.

Nor does anyone care about your assessments.

I don't give a rats *** about Shia Sunni nonsense. Good luck finding American bases to Pummel....last I checked they are out of Iraq and Afghanistan. As for firing few old scuds on Saudis and Israel it will bring no damage to them. Iranian oil based paper tiger economy will be sent to Stone Age in few days of strikes.

Also if you feel no pain for the mass slaughter, gassing and barrel bombing of innocent civilians in Syria than people like you are animals and have no place in civilized society.
Who said I'm afraid of Egyptians and Iranians? We have the best relations with Egypt and good relations with Iran.

"Genocide"? Another fictional invention of anti-Shia rhetoric?

You can stick your sectarian suggestions where the sun does not shine.

İran has no high capacity with outdated Army ,Navy and Airforce in a conventional war
İran has only asymmetric warfare capability over IRGC , HASHDI SHABI and HEZBOLLAH

but Turkish Armed Forces can crush all of them as like We did it in IDLIB/Syria in 2020

even FSA beat ASSAD Regime + İran + İran backed militias and in 2015 ROUHANI called helping from PUTIN
and Russia entered Syria to save ASAD Regime + İran + İran backed militias from FSA

btw there are 35-40 million Turks in Southern Azerbaycan ( İran )
in a war they will join to Azerbaijan and Turkey against İran


Egyptian Army can not match with even 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Sinai
Egypt has no defense Industry
and Egypt is fully dependent on France,USA,Russia for even Missiles and Guided Bombs
its very big disadvantage in a large scale war


İsrael has high technology with American and German Weapons
but İsrael is tiny country with small population
therefore Israel has SAMSON option to use nuclear Weapons when İsrael is on the verge of extinction


Turkey has the biggest GDP PPP ( $2,7 trillion ) in the region .. almost bigger GDP PPP than İran+Egypt+İsrael combined

in the last 10 years , Turkey spent around $100 billion for humanitarian aid to muslim countries
that means Turkey would buy İran+Egypt+İsrael militaries combined for $100 billion

Turkey create its own defense industry with over 700 military projects

Turkey has NATO standard highly advanced and experienced Armed Forces
The strongest military power in the region

Turkey has some disadvantages

-- Turkey lost over $1 trillion to fight PKK/YPG , FETO Terror organizations and attacks on Turkish economy by The US

-- Turkey is fighting in N.Cyprus , İraq , Syria , Azerbaijan , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean against many enemies
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Also if you feel no pain for the mass slaughter, gassing and barrel bombing of innocent civilians in Syria than people like you are animals and have no place in civilized society.
If you believe the terrorist propaganda and agenda of "boor beoble get killed by evil Assad and Iran"....well what can I say. You're one of those people.

Egyptian Army can not match with even 1.000 ISIS terrorists in Sinai
Egypt has no defense Industry
and Egypt is fully dependent on France,USA,Russia for even Missiles and Guided Bombs
its very big disadvantage
And you habibi,you can't destroy PKK for 40 years.

Turkey create its own defense industry with over 700 military projects
700 projects doesn't mean 700 products. It means 700 ideas. Ukraine has had a gazillion ideas and produced little.

btw there are 35-40 million Turks in Southern Azerbaycan ( İran )
in a war they will join to Azerbaijan and Turkey against İran
That's a danger to them,but will they? Aliyev wants to unite Iranian Azerbaijan with his country.
The one that says we will send 10000 Taliban to conquer Iran cannot be a Turk. Turks mostly dislike Taliban for plenty of reasons even in governmental level. More over, Iran doesn't have problem with a Taliban led Afghanistan and people with political Knowledge are aware of this very fact.

This guy is trying to make confusion pretending of being a Turk. Ignore him
If you believe the terrorist propaganda and agenda of "boor beoble get killed by evil Assad and Iran"....well what can I say. You're one of those people.

And you habibi,you can't destroy PKK for 40 years.

700 projects doesn't mean 700 products. It means 700 ideas. Ukraine has had a gazillion ideas and produced little.

That's a danger to them,but will they? Aliyev wants to unite Iranian Azerbaijan with his country.

It’s not a propaganda .

I have supported and helped settle many Syrian refugee families in Canada. They all have stories that will shock your conscious (if you have any). I have a Syrian refugee patient whose neck was broken by regime soldier in front of his young kids by jumping on his neck while he was on the ground. He is permeantly disabled . There are tons and tons of horrible stories Iike this I have heard.

so either show some sympathy or if you think nothing like this happened then I hope some day same nothing happens to your family too.
And you habibi,you can't destroy PKK for 40 years.

We destroyed PKK in Turkish soil

therefore there are many PKK terror camps in İran,İraq and Syria to attack Turkey

btw Turkish Army killed over 3.000 ISIS and over 15.000 PKK/YPG terrorissts in Syria and İraq since 2016

700 projects doesn't mean 700 products. It means 700 ideas. Ukraine has had a gazillion ideas and produced little.

Not ideas but projects which were confirmed by Presidency of Defense Industries

Visit the next IDEF in 2023 and see what about Turkish Defense Industry
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The one that says we will send 10000 Taliban to conquer Iran cannot be a Turk. Turks mostly dislike Taliban for plenty of reasons even in governmental level. More over, Iran doesn't have problem with a Taliban led Afghanistan and people with political Knowledge are aware of this very fact.

This guy is trying to make confusion pretending of being a Turk. Ignore him

lol …. I am not a Turk … never been there or know anyone …..I am just calling out nonsense and BS people like you are spreading.
Turkey buys S400 from Russia and get kicked off the F35 programme

very bad move Turkey would have benefitted so much

now Russia is threatening Turkey

Now Turkey wants F16 again

Turkish brothers please get your freggin act together

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