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Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

You masturbatory fantasies are amusing. That's a lot of "upcoming" stuff there,mate.

When Turkish SOM , ATMACA , TRLG-230 , BORA , KUZGUN-TJ , etc explodes in your head then Greeks will wake up from their fantasy dreams

You've barely just finished construction of the first Istanbul class frigate.

on the other hand , the first Belharra Frigate is to be delivered starting in 2024

ISTANBUL Frigate will be in service in 2023

also Turkey now produce unmanned Vessels armed with 250km ATMACA anti-ship Missiles and AKYA heavyweight Torpedo

also until 2025 , Turkey will modernize 4 MEKO-200 Frigates with stealth capabilities and most modern AESA Radar , EW System and Weapons

also Turkey to produce 10 new FACs armed with 76mm gun , 8x ATMACA anti-ship Missiles and 21x RAM

also Turkey to produce 10 new OPV armed with 76mm gun , 8x ATMACA anti-ship Missiles and 8x HISAR SAMs

good luck you will need it

Yes,very stealthy. Was followed by our frigate all day.

in 2014 , TCG BUYUKADA ( ADA class stealth Corvette ) wandered in the Aegean Sea for 26 hours without being caught on the Greek Radars

Sure buddy,if that makes you feel better.

combat proven game changer Turkish UCAV technology in Syria,Libya and Azerbaijan

Another game changer UCAV entered service

AKINCI able to launch SOM Cruise missile that can hit targets up to 280 km

AKINCI will be equipped with the locally produced AESA Rradar and air to air missiles Gökdoğan (Merlin) and Bozdoğan (Peregrine) also 250 km KUZGUN-TJ IIR guided joint strike Missile
In theory :P

Such nice words.


The U.S.-Turkey friendship dates to 1831, when the United States established diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire. After World War I and the founding of the Turkish Republic, the United States established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Turkey in 1927. The Economic and Technical Cooperation agreement – signed July 12, 1947 between the United States and Turkey – advanced the relationship further. The agreement implemented the Truman Doctrine and its policy “to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” The United States condemned the July 15, 2016, coup attempt in Turkey, and the United States continues to emphasize the importance of the Turkish government’s adherence to policies and actions that build public trust in the country’s democratic institutions and the rule of law, as well as upholding human rights commitments. Turkey is a key NATO Ally and critical regional partner, and the United States is committed to improving the relationship between our two countries. It is in our interest to keep Turkey anchored to the Euro-Atlantic community.

Security Cooperation

Turkey is an important U.S. security partner. Turkey has been a valued North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ally since 1952. Turkey was a leader in the Alliance’s Resolute Support Mission, continues to contribute to security in Afghanistan, and serves as NATO’s vital eastern anchor, controlling (in accordance with international conventions) the straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, which link the Black Sea with the Mediterranean.

Turkey is engaged in intensive efforts to defeat terrorist organizations both inside and outside its borders, including the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP-C), and ISIS. As a vital member of the Defeat ISIS Coalition, Turkey opened its military bases to the United States and Coalition partners in July 2015. Since that time, Incirlik Air Base has been critical in the effort to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey contributes to international security alongside U.S. forces in Europe, the seas bordering Somalia, and in the Mediterranean. Turkey borders Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and is a key partner for U.S. policy in the surrounding region.

Bilateral Economic Relations

Although overall U.S.-Turkey trade jumped from $10.8 billion in 2009 to $21 billion in 2020, it remains modest compared to its potential.

In 2019, Turkey was the United States’ 28th largest goods export market and its 32nd largest supplier of goods imports. Turkey is the 7th largest purchaser of U.S. liquified natural gas exports worldwide and an emerging regional energy hub. The top categories of U.S. exports to Turkey include aircraft, mineral fuels, iron and steel, machinery, optical and medical instruments. The top import categories from Turkey include machinery, vehicles, carpets and other textile coverings, precious metals, and stone, plaster, and cement. Reported U.S. direct investment in Turkey is led by manufacturing, wholesale trade, and finance and insurance.

Although not a member of the European Union (EU), Turkey has a customs union with the EU, which Turkey aims to update.

Turkey’s Membership in International Organizations

Turkey hosted the G20 in 2015 and remains an active and engaged G20 member. Turkey is a member of NATO, the UN, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Council, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Turkey also is an observer to the Organization of American States, a Dialogue Partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and a sectoral dialogue partner of the Association of Southeastern Asian Nations (ASEAN). Turkey is a candidate for EU membership and continues working towards accession. The United States is convinced that a Turkey that meets EU membership criteria would be good for the EU, and that Turkey’s efforts to meet those criteria are good for Turkey.
ISTANBUL Frigate will be in service in 2023
You don't exactly call the Istanbul class a "game changer"...

in 2014 , TCG BUYUKADA ( ADA class stealth Corvette ) wandered in the Aegean Sea for 26 hours without being caught on the Greek Radars
Buyukada wandered in the Aegean for 26 hours followed by the Greek frigate Elli and occasionally helicopters :)
Sorry,we didn't know it was invisible!


Oh and again in another instance!
Screenshot_2021-10-08 AegeanHawk στο Twitter.png

ombat proven game changer Turkish UCAV technology in Syria,Libya and Azerbaijan
Game changer in small NKR. Not Syria and Libya,habibi.

Screenshot_2021-08-05 List of aircraft shootdowns - Wikipedia.png

Such nice words.


The U.S.-Turkey friendship dates to 1831, when the United States established diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire. After World War I and the founding of the Turkish Republic, the United States established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Turkey in 1927. The Economic and Technical Cooperation agreement – signed July 12, 1947 between the United States and Turkey – advanced the relationship further. The agreement implemented the Truman Doctrine and its policy “to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” The United States condemned the July 15, 2016, coup attempt in Turkey, and the United States continues to emphasize the importance of the Turkish government’s adherence to policies and actions that build public trust in the country’s democratic institutions and the rule of law, as well as upholding human rights commitments. Turkey is a key NATO Ally and critical regional partner, and the United States is committed to improving the relationship between our two countries. It is in our interest to keep Turkey anchored to the Euro-Atlantic community.

Security Cooperation

Turkey is an important U.S. security partner. Turkey has been a valued North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Ally since 1952. Turkey was a leader in the Alliance’s Resolute Support Mission, continues to contribute to security in Afghanistan, and serves as NATO’s vital eastern anchor, controlling (in accordance with international conventions) the straits of the Bosporus and the Dardanelles, which link the Black Sea with the Mediterranean.

Turkey is engaged in intensive efforts to defeat terrorist organizations both inside and outside its borders, including the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP-C), and ISIS. As a vital member of the Defeat ISIS Coalition, Turkey opened its military bases to the United States and Coalition partners in July 2015. Since that time, Incirlik Air Base has been critical in the effort to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey contributes to international security alongside U.S. forces in Europe, the seas bordering Somalia, and in the Mediterranean. Turkey borders Greece, Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, and is a key partner for U.S. policy in the surrounding region.

Bilateral Economic Relations

Although overall U.S.-Turkey trade jumped from $10.8 billion in 2009 to $21 billion in 2020, it remains modest compared to its potential.

In 2019, Turkey was the United States’ 28th largest goods export market and its 32nd largest supplier of goods imports. Turkey is the 7th largest purchaser of U.S. liquified natural gas exports worldwide and an emerging regional energy hub. The top categories of U.S. exports to Turkey include aircraft, mineral fuels, iron and steel, machinery, optical and medical instruments. The top import categories from Turkey include machinery, vehicles, carpets and other textile coverings, precious metals, and stone, plaster, and cement. Reported U.S. direct investment in Turkey is led by manufacturing, wholesale trade, and finance and insurance.

Although not a member of the European Union (EU), Turkey has a customs union with the EU, which Turkey aims to update.

Turkey’s Membership in International Organizations

Turkey hosted the G20 in 2015 and remains an active and engaged G20 member. Turkey is a member of NATO, the UN, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) Council, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Turkey also is an observer to the Organization of American States, a Dialogue Partner of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and a sectoral dialogue partner of the Association of Southeastern Asian Nations (ASEAN). Turkey is a candidate for EU membership and continues working towards accession. The United States is convinced that a Turkey that meets EU membership criteria would be good for the EU, and that Turkey’s efforts to meet those criteria are good for Turkey.
Then why do you ask if they are part of NATO? What bugs about them being NATO? What's your question?
One of the reasons is the fact that along with Italian companies,French companies were given contracts to search for oil and gas in the Greek Cypriot EEZ and the Turks made a fuss about it.
Another reason is that a French frigate enforcing the UN arms blockade on Libya,was targeted 3 times by a Turkish Navy vessel that was escorting a ship going to Libya.
Recently,a French research ship called Naval Geo,that was hired by Greece to conduct oil and gas searches in the Greek EEZ,was harassed by the Turkish Navy just a few miles off Crete.

@Wood sorry I wrote by mistake earlier "Turkish frigate" instead of French.
The Turks targeted a French frigate 3 times,which meant they were ready to attack. The French got pissed off at this.
Yes, I recall reading about this in news. Smart of the Greeks to drag the French into their problem with Turks :azn:
Turkey is a NATO member right?

only USA ,The UK and Turkey are real active NATO Members

-- Turkey is only gateway to the Black Sea for NATO against Russia

-- without Turkey , NATO is nothing in Caucasus

-- Turkey hosts AN/TPY-2 Early Warning Radar for use by NATO against ballistic missile attacks from Russia and İran to protect Europe

-- Turkish INCIRLIK Air Base hosts B-61 Nuclear Bombs ... ( NATO nuclear weapon sharing policy )

-- Turkey was the major strategic point for NATO against Soviet threat during cold war

-- Turkish Army is only NATO Army that fought against ISIS terror organization
and US led coalation forces used İncirlik Airbase to fight ISIS

-- Izmir-Turkey is NATO Allied land command ... NATO LANDCOM community here in Turkey

-- Turkish Army is the 2nd strongest Army in NATO after The US Army

Looking at the map is enough to see Turkey’s importance: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
Yes, I recall reading about this in news. Smart of the Greeks to drag the French into their problem with Turks :azn:
What do you mean drag them? They had problems with Turkey,we have problems with Turkey,they want EU to care more about its members so they supported us. The Germans on the other hand didn't say a thing.
You don't exactly call the Istanbul class a "game changer"...

We exactly call the unmanned armed VESSEL technology a "game changer"

Turkey readies unmanned surface vessels for herd mission that is matched by only a limited number of countries worldwide

The approximately 7-meter long USV designed for herd missions has a speed of over 40 knots, a cruising range of over 200 nautical miles and a significant payload capacity


Good luck to Enemies in the Eastern Mediterranean

NB57: Autonomous and herd capable armed unmanned surface warfare vehicle
RD09: Autonomous and swarm-capable unmanned anti-submarine warfare vehicle

the construction of both vehicles was started

While the RD09 and NB57 unmanned Vehicles can reach speeds exceeding 40 knots
They will be able to provide uninterrupted service for almost 4 days without refueling, with a mission range exceeding 600 nautical miles

-- 2x2 Torpedos
-- 6 ASW Rockets
-- UMTAS Missiles
autonomous and herd capable
autonomous reconnaissance-intelligence
surface warfare
unti submarine warfare
protection of base/port/critical facility
protection of high-value floating platforms


btw Turkish TF-2000 class Destroyer project is another game changer to be in service by 2027

Turkiye will be 3rd NATO State to use its own systems on own designed 8.500 tons TF-2000 class Destroyer after USA and France

-- National Design and Production
-- National Naval Gun
-- National VLS
-- National IFF
-- National E/O Systems
-- National laser warning System
-- National X and KU band Satellite communications
-- ARES-2N Electronic Warfare System
-- ADVENT Combat Management System
-- 450 km CAFRAD Multi-function/illumination/Fire control/Long range Radar complex
-- ALPER LPI Surface Radar
-- HISAR-O and SIPER surface to air Missiles
-- STAMP 25 mm
-- UMTAS Missile
-- ATMACA network enabled anti ship Missile
-- GEZGIN Land attack cruise Missile
-- LEVENT Rolling Airframe Missile
-- NAZAR Laser Electronic Warfare System
-- ORKA Leightweight Torpedo
-- TORK Hard-Kill Torpedo Countermeasure System
-- HIZIR Soft-Kill Torpedo Countermeasure System
-- HIZIR-LFAS Low Frequency Towed Active Sonar
-- FERSAH Hull Mounted Sonar

Greece will have 3 BELHARRA Frigates , on the other hand Turkey will have 31 new Warships ( excluding unmanned Vessels )
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And we're back at the long lists of future projects and products. Thank you MMM-E,you are salesman of the year.

@LeGenD I'm curious,why is this guy back here for the third time? After the last time I thought he was banned permanently

Screenshot_2021-09-03 Erdogan's new Pentagon(1).png
Screenshot_2021-09-03 Erdogan's new Pentagon(2).png
Game changer in small NKR. Not Syria and Libya,habibi.

Turkish UCAV war doctrine changed the game in Syria , Libya and Azerbaijan

Turkey’s extensive deployment of Armed Drones in its fight against Syrian Regime Forces in Idlib province has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

after the Assad Regime attack on Turkish Forces in Idlib 27.02.2020 , Turkish UCAVs killed 3.322 Assad Regime , IRGC , Hezbolah militia including 6 generals

also Turkish UCAVs destroyed

8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

in Libya Turkish TB-2 UCAVs saved Tripoli from LNA + WAGNER + The Uae and other Forces

now AKINCI UCAVs can turn BELHARRA Frigate into crap of metal
also MIUS unmanned Fighter Jet to be in service by 2025
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No I think it was 10,000 tanks and 50,000 armored vehicles. And then dragons came out of nowhere.

ask PUTIN who deployed new Weapons in Syria after Turkish Military victory in IDLIB over SAA , IRGC and HEZBOLLAH

And we're back at the long lists of future projects and products. Thank you MMM-E,you are salesman of the year.

@LeGenD I'm curious,why is this guy back here for the third time? After the last time I thought he was banned permanently

My list hurst you as always .

and You again has started personal attack to provoke me

I am not salesman and I will not attack you to ban by Mods ....... no more your cheap game wont work

only civilized discuss with military knowledge
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Turkey being a member of NATO is not a sound 'critic' of Turkey for having disagreements with 'some' NATO member states. This arrangement is beneficial to both entities in the end.

NATO member states have competing interests as well - some will backstab the other over lucrative deals. France was shafted in case of AUKUS recently.

Turkey should be laughing.

Anyways, Biden administration isn't the end of the world. Administrations will continue to change over time, and opportunities for Turkey cannot be ruled out.

Turkey should not buy another S-400 system though. Turkey should seek F-16 Block 70/72 instead.
Turkey isn't even a regional power at this stage, Iran/Egypt and Israel are stronger then turkey at the moment in the middle east thats why Turkey needs these new jets. They don't want another country like Saudia arabia overtaking them too.
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