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Turkey to declare $4 bln decision on air defense

My vote is for PAC-3 or S-400

Turkey will most likely pick a western system.
If Lockheed Martin could enter the tender with THAAD there would be no discussion. PAC3 and Aster aren't very advanced and S400's procurement is highly unlikely
I would prefere the HQ-9, A more advanced and modified version of the S-300. I hope we have no intension buying Russians systems or inferior Western Systems.
brothers yesterday i saw a missile going through turkey , israel and a few more countries in the news im sure youve seen it aswell , it was russias ICBM test or something , im asking you guys what we going to do with 1000 f-35 os 10,000 f-16 when in a war with russia they have 10,000 nucleur war heads? without our own nucleur detterent what we gona do if we have 5 aircraft carriers when they are conventional , some of you is going to say nucleur umbrella , but believe me in a big scenario that wont work

This is the sad, powerful truth about nuclear warheads.
I would prefere the HQ-9, A more advanced and modified version of the S-300. I hope we have no intension buying Russians systems or inferior Western Systems.

The Chinese requested for the S-400 system from Russia so why not go for that?
4 billion? We can't even give a decent raise to our state workers but we are goig to pay 4 billion for a military system... Turkey will never change... Always going with wrong choices...
4 billion? We can't even give a decent raise to our state workers but we are goig to pay 4 billion for a military system... Turkey will never change... Always going with wrong choices...

oh so you want us to go the same way Greece did thanks to their public spendings :)
4 billion? We can't even give a decent raise to our state workers but we are goig to pay 4 billion for a military system... Turkey will never change... Always going with wrong choices...
Don't bring it to government budget pal

This is a critical system we are talking about. Government is paying for far less important things much more money. While Greece has both S300s and Patriots Israel has arrows we cant keep defending our airspace with low and mid attitude air defence systems. Like... I-Hawks
i thought aselsan and roketsan working on T-LORAMIDS. some1 has more infos about this projekt!!
There won't be a war in near future for Turkey to enter... Why are we spending this much into military? I could atleast understand it if 4 billion spending on R&D but to buy from foreign countries? No...
There won't be a war in near future for Turkey to enter... Why are we spending this much into military? I could atleast understand it if 4 billion spending on R&D but to buy from foreign countries? No...

MBDA relies on hi-tech transfer to win Turkish defense deal

"There is a genuine and sincere friendship between Italy and Turkey. We are offering a great rate of technology transfer, we can jointly design systems, we can develop systems and we can jointly export them," said Michele Lastella, head of communications at the Italy branch of MBDA, an Italian member company of the Eurosam consortium, during a briefing in Rome late last week.

ECONOMY - MBDA relies on hi-tech transfer to win Turkish defense deal

We dont have to do the R&D from scratch if we decide to go for MBDA's offer.
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