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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Russia was warned multiple times not to cross into Turkish airspace,the rules of engagement had changed,Russia knew this and this incident was a consequence of that so,nothing but blah blah will happen.
Putin can threaten all he wants.

Just to burst your bubble, you are a no one with out NATO. and thats what you did exactlly right after shooting that jet you consulted NATO, instead of Russia as you downed that plane. Your policies are well known. Save us the trouble.
Yes .. And Israelis are crying out of love for Syrians .. Fukin hypocrisy.
You know we Iranians say that if you want to know someone, take a look at his friends.

Israelis and saudis are cheering for who ?
Well said and I suspect things will only get worse fro the Turkish side as time goes by. I think the key is at what level the authority to shoot down the Russian plane came- if it was from the President himself then the Turks are really in a bad spot. If it came from a local area commander (I can't beleive this would be the case) perhaps the Turks can wriggle their way out of this with just a few scratches to show for it.
Do we look like a third world country to you?
''wriggle their way out of this with just a few scratches to show for it'',really?
We showd radar signutures and they showed nothing...just words. And i know they are not gonna show anything.

I hope, that Turkey has a case there...I was watching the news this morning, Turkey's western friend are squirming ...
"According to Reuters, the video was sent by a rebel group operating in the northwestern area of Syria, where groups including the Free Syrian Army are active but Islamic State has no known presence."

What an utter mess, the West is going to find this fact (if it turns out to be the case the FSA are the members in the video) particuarly hard to swallow. These so-called "moderates" that they have armed are in the buisness of executing bailed-out pilots and Russians at that.

I'm sure Putin will have little problem using this to his advantadge.
Putin: Downing of Russian jet over Syria stab in the back by terrorist accomplices
Published time: 24 Nov, 2015 12:58Edited time: 24 Nov, 2015 13:36

Russian President Vladimir Putin © Michael Klimentyev / Sputnik
Turkey backstabbed Russia by downing the Russian warplane and acted as accomplices of the terrorists, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
This incident stands out against the usual fight against terrorism. Our troops are fighting heroically against terrorists, risking their lives. But the loss we suffered today came from a stab in the back delivered by accomplices of the terrorists,” Putin said.

Follow LIVE UPDATES on Russian warplane shot down at Syria-Turkey border

Putin said the plane was hit by a Turkish warplane as it was traveling at an altitude of 6000 meters about a kilometer from the Turkish border. It was hit by an air-to-air missile launched by a Turkish F-16 jet. The crash site is four kilometers from the border. The plane posed no threat to Turkish national security, he stressed.

Putin said the plane was targeting terrorist targets in the Latakia province of Syria, many of whom came from Russia.

Read more
Russian Su-24 fighter jet shot down over Syria - Russian MoD (VIDEO)
Russia has for a long time been aware of oil going from Syria under the control of terrorists to Turkey, Putin said. The money finances terrorist groups.

IS has big money, hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars, from selling oil. In addition they are protected by the military of an entire nation. One can understand why they are acting so boldly and blatantly. Why they kill people in such atrocious ways. Why they commit terrorist acts across the world, including in the heart of Europe,” the Russian leader said.

The downing of the Russian warplane happened despite Russia signing an agreement with the US to prevent such incidents in Syria, Putin stressed. Turkey claims to be part of the US-led coalition fighting against IS in Syria, he added.

The incident will have grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey, Putin warned.

We have always treated Turkey as not only a close neighbor, but also as a friendly nation,” he said. “I don’t know who has an interest in what happened today, but we certainly don’t.”

The fact that Turkey did not try to contact Russia in the wake of the incident and rushed to call a NATO meeting instead is worrisome, Putin said. It appears that Turkey want NATO to serve the interests of IS, he added.

Putin said Russia respects the regional interests of other nations, but warned the atrocity committed by Turkey would not go without an answer.

Putin was speaking at a meeting with King of Jordan Abdullah II in Sochi, who expressed his condolences to the Russian leader over the loss of a Russian pilot in Tuesday’s incident, as well as the deaths of Russians in the Islamic State bombing of a passenger plane in Egypt.

The two leaders discussed the anti-terrorist effort in Syria and Iraq and the diplomatic effort to find a political solution to the Syrian conflict.

Earlier a Russian Su-24 bomber was shot down by Turkish fighter jets near the Turkish-Syrian border. Turkey claimed that the plane violated Turkish airspace and did not respond to warnings. Ankara said it was rightfully acting to defend its sovereignty.

Russia insists that the plane stayed in the Syrian airspace.

One of the two pilots of the downed Russian warplane was reported killed by a rebel group as he was parachuting down on the ground after ejecting from the plane. The fate of the second pilot remains unknown
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