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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Turkish officials say its foreign ministry has summoned US, Russian, French, Chinese and British envoys to brief them on the downing of the Russian jet, according to Reuters. - BBC

Damage control
Russia was warned multiple times not to cross into Turkish airspace,the rules of engagement had changed,Russia knew this and this incident was a consequence of that so,nothing but blah blah will happen.
Putin can threaten all he wants.

Reminds me of Afghan Jihad days... Soviet bombers would fly aggressively near our borders.. Sometimes entering our territory ... And scram before PAF showed up..(they didn't have much radars covering North back than)... Than the "el presidente" announced the beguninf of hunting season... Several soviet jets,gunships were shit down by newly inducted F-16s... Some Soviets pilots defected to Pak (some killed their co pilots during flight).
That's Putin for you, i completely agree with your analysis. Russia being a Great Power has vast options at her disposal. Turkey messed up here IMO, and once the Analysis starts coming in, it appears Turkey's claims will start falling apart.

The Turkish claims simply don't add up. Lets say the SU24 was flying at a speed of 800 km/h, that means it had t fly over roughly 70 km over the Turkish Airspace to get Five Minutes of Warning. 2 km simply does not add up according to the Basic Laws of Math.
Well said and I suspect things will only get worse fro the Turkish side as time goes by. I think the key is at what level the authority to shoot down the Russian plane came- if it was from the President himself then the Turks are really in a bad spot. If it came from a local area commander (I can't beleive this would be the case) perhaps the Turks can wriggle their way out of this with just a few scratches to show for it.
RIP to the russian jet , Turk - e - Khar , you well deserve your title
Question is was the Russian jet shot down in Syrian or Turkish airspace? Hopefully, that information will be 100% confirmed soon.
You have Ataturk as your avatar (someone i like) yet you defend the actions of a radical islamist that is bringing your country to the brink of war. Be a sane patriot not a crazy one.

This is about Turkish sovereignty, not its goverment. Regardless how bad ones goverment is, you have NO right to violate our airspace. They still went ahead and did even after they did it before and Turkey clearly stated their rules of engagement will be changed from that point forward. The Russians chose to poke the wolf, and now the wolf bit their ballz off. Let them come. I couldnt give two shits about Erdogan or AKP.

If Russia thinks we are Ukraine, which will just stand by as they gain influence and power then you are surely mistaken. This is about Turkey taking a firm stands against Russian aggresian and their meddling with ours and middle-eastern affairs. This was long overdue.

If the Russian jet didnt enter Turkish airspace, i am willing to apologize and recognize the mistake.
A Russian warplane has gone down near the Turkish-Syrian border after an apparent attack. Turkish and Russian sources have given conflicting reports about the incident, which has the potential to escalate the tension between Russia and NATO member Turkey.


  • 24 November 2015

    13:29 GMT
    The Russian Su-24 was downed while returning to the Khmeimim airbase, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

    “A Russian Su-24 was downed by a Turkish F-16 fighter over the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic while returning to the Khmeimim airbase. Objective monitoring data showed that there was no violation of Syrian airspace,” the statement from the ministry said.

  • 13:00 GMT
    Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu says Turkey has a right to respond to violations of its airspace.

  • 12:53 GMT
    Turkey backstabbed Russia by downing the Russian warplane and acted as accomplices of the terrorists, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

    The plane was hit by a Turkish warplane as it was travelling 1 km away from the Turkish border, Putin said. The plane posed no threat to Turkish national security, he stressed.

    Putin said the plane was targeting terrorist targets in the Latakia province of Syria, many of whom came from Russia.

    Russia noticed of the flow of oil from Syrian territory under the control of terrorists to Turkey, Putin said.

    Apparently, IS now not only receives revenue from the smuggling of oil, but also has the protection of a nation’s military, Putin said. This may explain why the terrorist group is so bold in taking acts of terrorism across the world, he added.

    The incident will have grave consequences for Russia’s relations with Turkey, Putin warned.

    The fact that Turkey did not try to contact Russia in the wake of the incident and rushed to call a NATO meeting instead is worrisome, Putin said. It appears that Turkey want NATO to serve the interests of IS, he added.

    Putin said Russia respects the regional interests of other nations, but warned the atrocity committed by Turkey would not go without an answer.

    Putin was speaking at a meeting with King of Jordan Abdullah II in Sochi, who expressed his condolences to the Russian leader over the loss of a Russian pilot in Tuesday’s incident, as well as the deaths of Russians in the Islamic State bombing of a passenger plane in Egypt.

    The two leaders discussed the anti-terrorist effort in Syria and Iraq and the diplomatic effort to find a political solution to the Syrian conflict.

  • 12:35 GMT
    Several protesters have showed up in front of the Turkish Embassy in Moscow to protest the downing of the Russian bomber. “Turkey, are you for or against ISIS?” one of the banners said in Russian
    • 12:28 GMT
      Czech President Miloš Zeman has criticized Turkey for downing the Russian warplane.

      “Sometimes one may suspect that Turkey has informal contacts with Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL]. Considering that the Russian Air Forces are fighting IS, the attack appears to be too radical a measure,” he said, as cited by Itar-Tass.

    • 12:21 GMT
      A video published by Turkish media reportedly shows two Russian helicopters, a Mi-8 transport and a Mi-24 gunship, patrolling the area around the crash site of the Russian Su-24 downed by Turkey.
      • 12:02 GMT
        The downing of the Russian jet by Turkey is a very serious incident, the UK Foreign Office said, adding that it was seeking further details.

        "Clearly this is a very serious incident, but it would be unwise to comment further until we have more certainty on the facts," the ministry said.

      • 11:57 GMT
        Turkey has summoned the Russian Ambassador in Ankara following the warplane downing incident, Bloomberg reported.

      • 11:57 GMT
        The rebel group that released an alleged video of one of the Russian warplane pilots has told AP he was shot at by the group while in the air and was dead when he landed.

      • 11:48 GMT
        The Kremlin recommended not jumping to conclusions after the downing of a Russian warplane in Syria, saying it was too early to say how the incident could affect Russia’s relations with Turkey.

        “What we should do is be patient. This incident is very serious, but until we see a complete picture, making any statements is impossible and wrong,” spokesman for the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov told the media.
Question is was the Russian jet shot down in Syrian or Turkish airspace? Hopefully, that information will be 100% confirmed soon.

The Turks themselves show it was shot down in Syrian territory after alleged incursion in to Turkey.. In all probability for a few minutes
Reminds me of Afghan Jihad days... Soviet bombers would fly aggressively near our borders.. Sometimes entering our territory ... And scram before PAF showed up..(they didn't have much radars covering North back than)... Than the "el presidente" announced the beguninf of hunting season... Several soviet jets,gunships were shit down by newly inducted F-16s... Some Soviets pilots defected to Pak (some killed their co pilots during flight).
What do you think will happen,be realistic?
It is in the Turkish Border, actually we hear Turkish from turkish Journalists and not from stupid Arabs "Allahu Akbar" i hate it when they are saying that, using the Religion to legitimate their actions.
After reading Putin's statements, he says "Neither our pilots nor our jet threatened the territory of Turkey.", he doesn't admit that their jets violated Turkish air. Somehow i feel Putin acting too smart here, trying to paint every country in black and white.Russia has been warned before too. Let us wait for NATO's meeting.
Perfectly legitimate responce by Turkey. Period.

We have also finally got to see the real faces of some Iranian members here. In addition, this incident will be a good test for the NATO.
How can you catergorically state that Turkey's actions were legitamate?

+ I agree about the test for NATO part, it's going to be interesting to see how much distance they can put between themselves and Turkey from now. NATO is not interested in paying for Turkey's sins, Turkey has just ensured it stands isolated.
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