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‘Turkey’s Syria stance aggravates plight of Iran’s Turks’

if it was so, persians would not ban any thing related to azeri turk idedntity, they even ban tv reciever in south azerbaijan.

you could be right , but not that much righ, if persian reactions is considered.


My view was regarding Iranian Azeri Turk"s mindset and not necessarily replicating the Persian response.
if it was so, persians would not ban any thing related to azeri turk idedntity, they even ban tv reciever in south azerbaijan.

you could be right , but not that much righ, if persian reactions is considered.


Another lie. Azaris are allowed to speak Azari, allowed to follow all their customs and even watch TV in Azari (Sahar tv).

Why are Aliyevbaijanis so scared? They arrest people who support Iran, ban political parties that like Iran. Block Sahar tv broadcast. They know that their fake nation is on its last legs. Northern Iran will not be occupied for much longer.
the worls does not like how you think...

... just simple example, persians support pkk terrorists with bases and equipments, which result in many people deaths, and also persians support armenia over azerbaijan, which they claim to be persians and brothers.

so are you thinking in the same way, when facing the truth and the real world?


1: Iran doesnt support PKK, they fight against them themselves.
2: Iran has good relations with Armenia which is only natural considering their common history, the same with Azabaijan and Turkey.

The truth is you lot have no idea about current world events and do not understand that having good relations with all your neighbors always is preferable to alienating them. You can disagree in certain things, but if those things lead to war and conflict you shoot yourself in the foot. Do you think a conflict with a neighbor such as Iran would be a good thing for Turkey? Or proxy wars for that matter? Instead of sorting things out you prefer to fight with them over small things.

I know there are fanatic Iranians as there are fanatic Turks. Put aside those fanatic elements and concentrate on building good bonds and strong friendship.
Most are Shias. Generally Sunnism are more spread among Azeri Turks of north, but most are Shia.

Thanks, the proportion is the same in your country as across the border are something different ?
dont speak other people , you are the real nutcase , you dont know what you talk about , surely your unhappy of your armenian race and you try to be Turkish

Being rational and pragmatic comes before everything else in international politics. Iran is a rich country with rich history. There is none in Turkey that wants to provoke war with Iran, only a couple of nutcase pan-turans who doesn't represent any. Some people are acting like kindergarten children "my daddy can beat your daddy". Grow up
Being rational and pragmatic comes before everything else in international politics. Iran is a rich country with rich history. There is none in Turkey that wants to provoke war with Iran, only a couple of nutcase pan-turans who doesn't represent any. Some people are acting like kindergarten children "my daddy can beat your daddy". Grow up

Nope, you are in wrong course. It is Sunni extremists who provoke Iran. Afterall if it were not upto Sunni-Shia secterian division, today we would not talking about this issue. we would be sitting on a country stretching from Aegean Sea to Khazar Sea. Unfortunately, ambitious sultans and extremist ideologies created a feud that lasted for 5 centuries, and may continue to last for another 5 centuries.

I stand for nationalism. I feel closer to an Azerbaijani Turk rather than any other Muslim national. Sects divided a nation of 100 million into three or perhaps five pieces. Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Iraq and Syria, wherever you go, Turks are divided and living in different countries.
Thanks, the proportion is the same in your country as across the border are something different ?

85% are Shia in Azerbaijan Republic. Although to big a deal is made of this. Even in Iran you rarely hear anything about Sunni Shia. Shia, Sunni, Christian, Zoroastrian or Jew all are Iranians :D

ARAZ ELSES my faviourite azeri singer One Nation Two state
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Ok, i see i'm wasting my time here, we can't have a constructive discussion when there are kids like ottomanturk. Ok kids continue your piss contest. My suggestion to sane Iranian and Turkish brothers, please ignore the fanatics on both sides.
Why does Iran support Armenia about Karabakh? (a good one)

(Google Translate)


Mehmet Fatih Öztarsu* - 17.06.2012

Iran is the dominant actor in the Caucasus region, which has a property of the incidents differing approaches from time to time. The loss of the former power of the Soviet Union and Russia to Iran and the danger of communism led to the disappearance of the emergence of new hazards.

Spread through the Caucasus to Iran throughout history, to any intellectual movement, the new political environment has led to the spread of the danger of ethnic nationalism. Iran ignored the danger in this sowing cicer because the borders with neighboring countries çevrelenmesidir by the different ethnic elements. Today, the number of countries in the Caucasus borders of the 25 million Azerbaijani Turks living in South Azerbaijan. Demonstrated the efficacy of Western-based structures in the region who are concerned about Iran, and original you have in common with Russia on this issue, so the most important conflict in the South Caucasus as a matter of national security threats related to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue is described as being due to the variable exhibits an attitude.

As with all policies, moving the discourse of the Islamic revolution in Iran's foreign policy approach to the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh, the relations with both sides claim compensation. That make up the northwest of the country's ethnic structure, especially for southern Azerbaijan to Armenia with Iran are forced to sympathize, be said to carry the big states this situation because of the variability of the alliance. Closed borders with Azerbaijan and Turkey, Armenia to other countries because of the impasse in which Iran can easily satisfy the need for transportation and Iran can establish partnerships with important commercial and energy. From the beginning of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict to respect the territorial integrity of countries that Iran is, in principle, whether this discourse often girişmesi peacemaking activities in the region, turning the balance in his favor in various ways to minimize the potential losses that may occur or the U.S. policies, takes shape in the direction of the request. This is the first issue in 1992 as the Foreign Minister of Iran in Baku, the Azerbaijani authorities that might have a mediator. Afterwards, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Mahmoud Vaezi'nin, details of the ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners of war held talks in Yerevan and Baku to discuss the issue of finding a short time thereafter, and then Laçin'in Şuşa'nın to be occupied by Armenia, Iran has frustrated attempts at mediation . Iran feels the weight of all the developments in the region of Russia, the Russian influence on Nagorno-Karabakh was followed by a road. This led to the emergence of much closer relations with Armenia. In addition, a strategic alliance with Azerbaijan, Turkey and Israel toward the end of the 1990s to its proximity, proximity, demonstrating Iran's response to Yerevan-Athens-Moscow alliance ended. After September 11, losing the effectiveness of this alliance, Iran, Turkey and went to the path of strengthening its relations with Azerbaijan, Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh from time to time condemned the invasion.


The definition of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, Iran's religious or ethnic term use, the variable attitude about an issue can be explained in different spots. These are the solution to the problem of South Azerbaijan, Iran, the national security of the Turkish community in danger of connecting the most important endişelerindendir Azerbaijan, according to Iran, Armenia, a country that should be supported on the side of Russia against the Western alliance, but the effectiveness of Turkey's Caucasus Armenia la can be reduced through the problems, the Armenian diaspora in the West through Iran itself, and even create some opportunities in the international community can support the required image of the diaspora about the theme of renewal. Indeed, this latter product is directly related to today in support of the regime of Assad in Syria, the Armenians.

Sees Armenia as a means of changing the balance of the region and Iran in this direction and original period of the Nagorno-Karabakh meselesindeki anti-Iranian attitudes Ebulfez Elchibey largely influenced by the political discourse. Emphasis of sectarian unity for the people of South Azerbaijan that Iran, in particular to strengthen the cultural ties there and original. Conflicts that occur in the region for Iran to spread its territory is undesirable.

Although Western influence in the region of other considerations to move together with Russia, Iran could have a policy should be in. Attitude of the pro-Russian Armenia and Iran to act on the side of the balance of power in the region formed a separate appearance, besides providing a more comfortable makes Iran's national security concerns. Originating in the western region of Turkey with the Armenian-prone approaches to the formation of an impact in the region for the Turkish people in Iran who want to avoid the possible efficacy of the Nagorno Karabakh problem is related to the desire to be more effective as an actor. Recently, recurrent narrative mediation, Iran, Russia just wants to hissettirmeyi this policy as well as the existence of this problem through.

In this direction, the message to Russia the issue of Radar Station in Azerbaijan's pregnancy should be addressed. So far as Moscow's trump card in the hands of the Karabakh issue on the approach of pregnancy contain Station in Azerbaijan, Russia's position on Karabakh would like to see more clearly its attitude. According to some experts in Russia, the station intends to mobilize and transport of Armenia, or the Northern Caucasus. Russia's role in Iran had cut out of discussions of a radar station for the period discussed. Because the beginning of the Iran-Azerbaijan to the good relations with Israel, Russia restleşmelerde redirects are also important. Iran is moving in this direction will also supports Armenia, the ongoing state of the problem with the West in Iran, the Armenian diaspora around the world with activities effectively through powerful lobbies, is eager to fix the image.

All these considerations the main issues that determine the character of Being Iran's approach to the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh. Influence of the Turkish population in Southern Azerbaijan, Armenia, following the direction of policy in the neighboring state of Iran's importance as a collective are expansions of peace. In the face of current problems in the region tended to be on the side of Russia to discontinue anti-Western and a neighbor of Iran as a state that might influence the solution of the problem is indisputable importance. What matters set policies for the region gained so far in Iran, another matter that should be asked. In addition, the nuclear issue, Iran, Russia, constantly leaving alone the question marks is what will happen to the new stimuli. Recently, Iran's medium-term issue is frequently mentioned in connection with the rhetoric of mediation more conciliatory than they used to, but because of different expectations, and the routes to be followed by Azerbaijan restleşmelere gives the impression of a clear path.

* Strategic Outlook Analyst, Armenia

1: Iran doesnt support PKK, they fight against them themselves.
2: Iran has good relations with Armenia which is only natural considering their common history, the same with Azabaijan and Turkey.

The truth is you lot have no idea about current world events and do not understand that having good relations with all your neighbors always is preferable to alienating them. You can disagree in certain things, but if those things lead to war and conflict you shoot yourself in the foot. Do you think a conflict with a neighbor such as Iran would be a good thing for Turkey? Or proxy wars for that matter? Instead of sorting things out you prefer to fight with them over small things.

I know there are fanatic Iranians as there are fanatic Turks. Put aside those fanatic elements and concentrate on building good bonds and strong friendship.

...quite interestin to see such people like you, anyway there are many documents by turkihs intelligence and army that say iran support pkk terrorism, and iran refuse that, just like italy, greece and south cyprus did in the past,

... they could be '' in fight'' now, but usa is now in fight with al-qaeda, but this does not change the fact that al-qaede is created/supported by the same usa ,

...if you think we do not know the world, then it is because we have an ability to think, we have emotions but also have brain in full function, if we have just emotion, then we would be isolated from the rest of the world, just like some countries.


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