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Turkey blocks Twitter, after Erdoğan vowed 'eradication'


As said you have no clue about the situation, exporting banana doesn't means everything is fine in the country, we're dealing with a semi dictator who thinks he can do everything he wants even bend law, instead of being the uniting force, he provokes people, he openly lies, he destroyed justice system, police organization, everything is under his control, we make a great list of his doings.

And lastly the revealed corruptions, twitter blocking is related this.

Good. DEFEAT him through elections. Thats what I'm saying.

Don't make your country another Egypt....

Street agitation will only hurt Turkey, no?

Btw, what part do you support if not AKP?


Honestly, isn't AKP better than these two?
You mean too many Anatolian Turks are making Istanbul into a Turkish city again and reducing overt western liberalism

Yes, please tell me more about my country, you certainly know better as a Pakistani (?) national.
With the first part you sound like one of them and for the second part, I believe the latest polls show that he will keep Istanbul but lose Ankara. To many eastern-Anatolian immigrants are changing the demographics of a otherwise extremely liberal and secular city.
Erdoğan gürcü yahudisidir, İstanbulda çok var onlardan, bazıları kimliklerini gizler, bazıları gizlemez. Eski çağdaki İsrail devletinden bu yana devam eden bir hayatta kalma içgüdüsü var, ne yapacaklarını biliyorlar.

to be honest I'm more worried about Sarıgül than Erdoğan, that man is very dangerous, I'll be voting for Levent Kırca for he's a decent person. I'd actually like if things progress the way you presume.
Good. DEFEAT him through elections. Thats what I'm saying.
Thing is, he won't go away without bloodshed. 8 people already died, by the March 30th things will get heavy. If this progresses to a civil war, his head will end up on a spike.

As said you have no clue about the situation, exporting banana doesn't means everything is fine in the country, we're dealing with a semi dictator who thinks he can do everything he wants even bend law, instead of being the uniting force, he provokes people, he openly lies, he destroyed justice system, police organization, everything is under his control, we make a great list of his doings.

And lastly the revealed corruptions, twitter blocking is related this.


İnsanda biraz haysiyet olur, bak dersin ki ben bu pisliklerin temizleneceğine inanıyorum, bu yüzden yine AKP'ye veriyorum, tamam kendi görüşün der geçerim. Ama bunca olan bitenden sonra hala işi dalgaya alıyorsun, trollük yapıyorsun, eminim vatanseverim diyorsundur, yahu hiç mi vicdanın sızlamıyor ? AKP size ne yaptıda bu kadar gözünüz köreldi, eleştirmekten aciz duruma geldiniz ?

Yes but you have always dealt with goverments with a slightly authoritarian streak, the only reason many of you are complaining now is because this authoritarian goverment has a islamic streak...

Many of the same liberals who hate this goverment were fully supportive of banning headscarves and whatever else when former goverments were in power

Yes, please tell me more about my country, you certainly know better as a Pakistani (?) national.

Well you tell me who acts more Turkish,

Anatolian Turks who abide by traditional Turkish, faith, culture and beliefs or liberal Turks who are Indivisible from liberals in europe or elsewhere
Yes but you have always dealt with goverments with a slightly authoritarian streak, the only reason many of you are complaining now is because this authoritarian goverment has a islamic streak...
No becuase they presented themselves as the liberators who lift all the bans the last 10 years but now they are faster than any other goverment in banning things.
They are corrupt hypocrites thats why we dont like them.

Just because they win in elections, doesn't means we can't criticize or protest them, they didn't got the title deed of the country after they won the elections.

We only protest, we do not have ak 47s or rpgs in our hands, unless AKP goes completely crazy there is no reason why we would want to turn our country into something like Syria.

Criticizing or protesting AKP is not equal to wholeheartly supporting other parties, many people thinks all parties are corrupted and there is a need for new, fair parties.
Well you tell me who acts more Turkish,

Anatolian Turks who abide by traditional Turkish, faith, culture and beliefs or liberal Turks who are Indivisible from liberals in europe or elsewhere

Well first of all they do not abide traditional Turkish faith but Islam to begin with, if you ask me.
I prefer the side that does not tell others what to do and how to live their lifes. Always.
this westernzation turks are really desperate i can understand their psychologies because once upon times they was ruling this country with prohibitions now tayyip deported them and their privilges are over thatswhay thay are getting crazy everyday they want to A NEW al SİSİ what a pity:P
this westernzation turks are really desperate i can understand their psychologies because once upon times they was ruling this country with prohibitions now tayyip deported them and their privilges are over thatswhay thay are getting crazy everyday they want to A NEW al SİSİ what a pity:P
Nobody wants a coup, we are just sick of people defending him no matter what he does, this is a big threat for democracy in Turkey.

Erdogan will do whatever he wants only because people like you dont dare to talk against him when he does something bad.
Well first of all they do not abide traditional Turkish faith but Islam to begin with, if you ask me.
I prefer the side that does not tell others what to do and how to live their lifes. Always.

All previous Turkish goverments told people how to live their lives, Turkish muslims have had so much crap rammed down their throats by liberal goverments for almost 100 years,

This AKP Goverment has turned that around,

Even if a secular liberal goverment comes into power now, they know they cant be the same as before as too much silly anti-islam, anti tradition stunts will bring down their goverments and give the AKP massive victories
All previous Turkish goverments told people how to live their lives, Turkish muslims have had so much crap rammed down their throats by liberal goverments for almost 100 years,

This AKP Goverment has turned that around,

Even if a secular liberal goverment comes into power now, they know they cant be the same as before as too much silly anti-islam, anti tradition stunts will bring down their goverments and give the AKP massive victories

I think every Turk knows the discussion you're trying to have with me and I'd like to ask you a question I ask everyone with a similiar opinion to yours: Have you been a Muslim before Erdogan? Did anyone stop you from practicing you religion?
All previous Turkish goverments told people how to live their lives, Turkish muslims have had so much crap rammed down their throats by liberal goverments for almost 100 years,

This AKP Goverment has turned that around,

Even if a secular liberal goverment comes into power now, they know they cant be the same as before as too much silly anti-islam, anti tradition stunts will bring down their goverments and give the AKP massive victories
Past is past, the future is more important, and this future is in danger if nobody talks against erdogan, the silence of AKP supporters legitimate his anti democratic moves.
Past is past, the future is more important, and this future is in danger if nobody talks against erdogan, the silence of AKP supporters legitimate his anti democratic moves.

Those people we're talking against don't care about democracy.
Weak and naive people need leaders to tell them what to do. This is not directed at hussain, but more at kinds of tesla.
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