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Turkey blocks Twitter, after Erdoğan vowed 'eradication'

Oh yeah? Look how is Libya doing without Gaddafi..not that I support him though.

If Turks do something stupid..that is outside the parameters of democracy...and then Turkey will go back to being a third-world, weak-***, shit-hole slave nation that nobody cared about.

Yup, this was Turkey under your "educated" "secularistss"...before AKP came to power and transformed the nation into a respected regional power.

AKP is critical for the future of Turkey...

Erdogan is making mistakes, offcourse...but still, he's the best bet you got.
woah, easy dude, its their country, their problem i advise you to not use such harsh words with our brotherly nation. go and bother Indians with that vocabulary
I thought Erdo was playing politics but he actually pushed it through. He thought he was smarter than he looked. It turns out he is dumber than he looks or that is my prognosis after him banning twitter. You can't ban social media or freedom of information. This guy is a danger for Turkey's development. It is questionable he is Turkish since he never addresses the nation with Turks. He is ashamed by our flag and bans it. He surrenders to PKK. He is the worse PM ever.
I thought Erdo was playing politics but he actually pushed it through. He thought he was smarter than he looked. It turns out he is dumber than he looks or that is my prognosis after him banning twitter. You can't ban social media or freedom of information. This guy is a danger for Turkey's development. It is questionable he is Turkish since he never addresses the nation with Turks. He is ashamed by our flag and bans it. He surrenders to PKK. He is the worse PM ever.
He's not Turkish, he's a crypto Georgian jew, I thought everyone knew that
In a couple of years nothing will be left from democracy in Turkey thanks to people like you.
Things are developing much faster, we'll see in march 30th, according to polls AKP is losing in İstanbul.
He's not Turkish, he's a crypto Georgian jew, I thought everyone knew that
Things are developing much faster, we'll see in march 30th, according to polls AKP is losing in İstanbul.

With the first part you sound like one of them and for the second part, I believe the latest polls show that he will keep Istanbul but lose Ankara. To many eastern-Anatolian immigrants are changing the demographics of a otherwise extremely liberal and secular city.
Look I want to see some arguments here. I dont live in Turkey so I dont have access to this kind of stuff. Make my day guys. I already saw what some people think.

As said you have no clue about the situation, exporting banana doesn't means everything is fine in the country, we're dealing with a semi dictator who thinks he can do everything he wants even bend law, instead of being the uniting force, he provokes people, he openly lies, he destroyed justice system, police organization, everything is under his control, we make a great list of his doings.

And lastly the revealed corruptions, twitter blocking is related this.


İnsanda biraz haysiyet olur, bak dersin ki ben bu pisliklerin temizleneceğine inanıyorum, bu yüzden yine AKP'ye veriyorum, tamam kendi görüşün der geçerim. Ama bunca olan bitenden sonra hala işi dalgaya alıyorsun, trollük yapıyorsun, eminim vatanseverim diyorsundur, yahu hiç mi vicdanın sızlamıyor ? AKP size ne yaptıda bu kadar gözünüz köreldi, eleştirmekten aciz duruma geldiniz ?


With the first part you sound like one of them and for the second part, I believe the latest polls show that he will keep Istanbul but lose Ankara. To many eastern-Anatolian immigrants are changing the demographics of a otherwise extremely liberal and secular city.

You mean too many Anatolian Turks are making Istanbul into a Turkish city again and reducing overt western liberalism
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