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Turkey aiming for nuclear weapons ?


In the long term, if Turkey wants to survive as an independent power. It needs a kick-*** nuclear military along with a massive economy...

We've been doing good without for quite sometime.

One day you Pakistanis and Indians might regret your love for the bomb.
Strangely, I believe all the Arab countries have signed the NPT, despite Israel's nuclear weapons. They have accepted their own inferiority and the possibility of nuclear blackmail.

All Arab rulers did with an assured guarantee of their throne.
I think Turkey will become a nuclear power by around 2030.

The world then will be a completely difference place as the Westerners will no longer be dominant.
We've been doing good without for quite sometime.

One day you Pakistanis and Indians might regret your love for the bomb.

Its not love for "bomb" so to speak. But love for "sovereign security" ...

Bomb has averted a war between india and Pakistan for three times now.

If Turkey has a kick-a$$ nuclear forces capable of striking thermonuclear strikes at great distances....guess what? You'll able to avert any war even against the likes of Russians etc.

Today, you are relying on others for your security. And relying on others for your security is the single greatest risk a nation takes.

Look at Ukraine...
Why do Turkey need Nukes for?
Syria? Greece?
Turkey is already Conventionally much more powerful then its foes. Unless turkey have a direct threat from Russia(Which is impossible unless Turkey is in NATO) or it want to Go head on head with Israel i don't see any need of Nuclear Turkey.
But mind it nukes can suddenly turn you from a closest ally to Sanctioned Axis of Evil in eyes of Uncle SAM. Like Pakistan :-). But only if you are a Muslim country, this Rule Does not apply to Israel of course :sarcastic:
Report: Evidence of a Turkish nuclear weapons program

Die Welt has put together a pretty good case that Turkey is seeking to build nuclear weapons.

That Turkey is obviously working on nuclear weapons is hardly discussed publicly. The western intelligence scene, however, is largely in agreement about it.

The model for the strategy of the Turks is clearly Iran. Tehran seeks nuclear weapons by creating bomb material in secret under the cover of a civilian nuclear program. And Turkey has launched a large-scale civilian nuclear program in recent years. The official reason for this: The domestic economy is growing and needs more power.

In 2011 they contracted the Russian company Rosatom Ankara for 15 billion euros to build a large reactor complex on the Mediterranean coast, about 300 kilometers east of the tourist center of Antalya. Two years later, a similar agreement with a Japanese-French consortium for the price of 17 billion. Even more interesting than these figures are the contracts - and especially what is not in them.

When companies build a light-water reactor, they usually agree with the Government that the project will operate for 60 years and they will provide the necessary uranium for the operations and then take back the spent fuel. This was offered in the case of Turkey by both Rosatom and the Japanese-French consortium. So far nothing special.

But Turkey has waived in both cases to fix the supply of uranium and the disposal of spent fuel from the contract. She insisted on the contrary, to regulate this separately later. Ankara explains that this is not an unusual maneuver in the negotiations. But the intention behind it is easy to see: The Turkish leadership wants to keep these parts of the nuclear program in their own hands - and they are crucial to any State that wants to develop nuclear weapons.

First, there are the fuel rods: All over the world, the disposal of nuclear waste is discussed as a problem. Turkey on the other hand does not want to give up their spent fuel. The only logical explanation for this: they want to make preparations for the construction of a plutonium bomb.

And this is a civilian nuclear power plant so after burning off the bars they contain only 90 percent of waste, but in addition nine percent is permanently contaminated with uranium and plutonium. A plant that can isolate the plutonium from the highly radioactive material from the rods can be built within half a year and is about the size of a normal office complex. This has been shown in the United States system studies.

The fuel rods could theoretically be processed for reuse in a civilian reactor. But this is much more expensive than buying new. If Turkey still wants to keep the spent fuel rods, then there's just one reasonable explanation: She wants to gather material for a plutonium bomb.

The gaps in the contracts open yet another way to the bomb, namely directly with uranium. For Ankara uses the same technology that is also used to make the ore for a civilian reactor fuel available: uranium enrichment.

For the power plant operation, it must be enriched to 3.5 to five per cent, for nuclear weapons on at least 80 percent. The technical process is the same in principle. And so, it is a suitable cover for those who want to say that they are using it for power to in truth produce nuclear weapons.

According to the Federal Intelligence Service..., the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has already arranged in 2010 to secretly prepare for the construction of facilities for urainum enrichment. According to other intelligence findings Turkey already has a significant number of centrifuges. Where they come from, can be guessed, after all: Pakistan.

The Turks had a leading role in the activities of Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear smuggler who provided 1987-2002 Iran, North Korea and Libya with thousands of centrifuges. The electronics of all Pakistani assets came from Turkish partners. Khan temporarily had even the intention to relocate its entire illegal centrifuge production in Turkey. 1998 offered the then Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif the Turks even a "nuclear partnership" in research.

Turkey had finally been helped in the construction of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program in the 80s. At that time many components, which could not be procured openly, were delivered via Turkey to Pakistan. Therefore it is not surprising that intelligence reports to date say there is brisk nuclear scientific exchange between the two countries.

But probably it's about more than this. AQ Khan has proven to give his customers not only the centrifuges, but also with complete blueprints for the construction of nuclear weapons [like he did with Iran, Libya and North Korea.]

Another important indication in the chain is the Turkish missile program.....

Tthere is the question of the meaning and purpose of such accelerated missile development. The answer is relatively simple: medium-range missiles are suitable, due to their low accuracy and payload, only for weapons of mass destruction. A program for their preparation is a strong - a very strong - indication of an ongoing nuclear weapons program.

But why exactly does the political leadership of Turkey want the nuclear option? Again, you have to know to read hints and omissions. In August 2011, the Turkish ambassador to the United States, Namik Tan, said: "We can not let Iran have nuclear weapons." Two years later, the then Turkish President Abdullah Gul clarified this position in an interview with the magazine "Foreign Affairs": "Turkey will not allow a neighboring country to have weapons which Turkey does not have."

Given the already established nuclear power of Israel and the nascent nuclear-armed Iran, the Turkish prime minister has no choice but to arm his country with nuclear weapons as well, if he wants to carry out his vision of building a great Turkish power. Because otherwise, Turkey remains to his understanding of secondary importance - and therefore Erdogan cannot and will definitely not be satisfied.

Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Report: Evidence of a Turkish nuclear weapons program
Report: Evidence of a Turkish nuclear weapons program

Die Welt has put together a pretty good case that Turkey is seeking to build nuclear weapons.

That Turkey is obviously working on nuclear weapons is hardly discussed publicly. The western intelligence scene, however, is largely in agreement about it.

The model for the strategy of the Turks is clearly Iran. Tehran seeks nuclear weapons by creating bomb material in secret under the cover of a civilian nuclear program. And Turkey has launched a large-scale civilian nuclear program in recent years. The official reason for this: The domestic economy is growing and needs more power.

In 2011 they contracted the Russian company Rosatom Ankara for 15 billion euros to build a large reactor complex on the Mediterranean coast, about 300 kilometers east of the tourist center of Antalya. Two years later, a similar agreement with a Japanese-French consortium for the price of 17 billion. Even more interesting than these figures are the contracts - and especially what is not in them.

When companies build a light-water reactor, they usually agree with the Government that the project will operate for 60 years and they will provide the necessary uranium for the operations and then take back the spent fuel. This was offered in the case of Turkey by both Rosatom and the Japanese-French consortium. So far nothing special.

But Turkey has waived in both cases to fix the supply of uranium and the disposal of spent fuel from the contract. She insisted on the contrary, to regulate this separately later. Ankara explains that this is not an unusual maneuver in the negotiations. But the intention behind it is easy to see: The Turkish leadership wants to keep these parts of the nuclear program in their own hands - and they are crucial to any State that wants to develop nuclear weapons.

First, there are the fuel rods: All over the world, the disposal of nuclear waste is discussed as a problem. Turkey on the other hand does not want to give up their spent fuel. The only logical explanation for this: they want to make preparations for the construction of a plutonium bomb.

And this is a civilian nuclear power plant so after burning off the bars they contain only 90 percent of waste, but in addition nine percent is permanently contaminated with uranium and plutonium. A plant that can isolate the plutonium from the highly radioactive material from the rods can be built within half a year and is about the size of a normal office complex. This has been shown in the United States system studies.

The fuel rods could theoretically be processed for reuse in a civilian reactor. But this is much more expensive than buying new. If Turkey still wants to keep the spent fuel rods, then there's just one reasonable explanation: She wants to gather material for a plutonium bomb.

The gaps in the contracts open yet another way to the bomb, namely directly with uranium. For Ankara uses the same technology that is also used to make the ore for a civilian reactor fuel available: uranium enrichment.

For the power plant operation, it must be enriched to 3.5 to five per cent, for nuclear weapons on at least 80 percent. The technical process is the same in principle. And so, it is a suitable cover for those who want to say that they are using it for power to in truth produce nuclear weapons.

According to the Federal Intelligence Service..., the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has already arranged in 2010 to secretly prepare for the construction of facilities for urainum enrichment. According to other intelligence findings Turkey already has a significant number of centrifuges. Where they come from, can be guessed, after all: Pakistan.

The Turks had a leading role in the activities of Abdul Qadeer Khan, the Pakistani nuclear smuggler who provided 1987-2002 Iran, North Korea and Libya with thousands of centrifuges. The electronics of all Pakistani assets came from Turkish partners. Khan temporarily had even the intention to relocate its entire illegal centrifuge production in Turkey. 1998 offered the then Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif the Turks even a "nuclear partnership" in research.

Turkey had finally been helped in the construction of Pakistan's nuclear weapons program in the 80s. At that time many components, which could not be procured openly, were delivered via Turkey to Pakistan. Therefore it is not surprising that intelligence reports to date say there is brisk nuclear scientific exchange between the two countries.

But probably it's about more than this. AQ Khan has proven to give his customers not only the centrifuges, but also with complete blueprints for the construction of nuclear weapons [like he did with Iran, Libya and North Korea.]

Another important indication in the chain is the Turkish missile program.....

Tthere is the question of the meaning and purpose of such accelerated missile development. The answer is relatively simple: medium-range missiles are suitable, due to their low accuracy and payload, only for weapons of mass destruction. A program for their preparation is a strong - a very strong - indication of an ongoing nuclear weapons program.

But why exactly does the political leadership of Turkey want the nuclear option? Again, you have to know to read hints and omissions. In August 2011, the Turkish ambassador to the United States, Namik Tan, said: "We can not let Iran have nuclear weapons." Two years later, the then Turkish President Abdullah Gul clarified this position in an interview with the magazine "Foreign Affairs": "Turkey will not allow a neighboring country to have weapons which Turkey does not have."

Given the already established nuclear power of Israel and the nascent nuclear-armed Iran, the Turkish prime minister has no choice but to arm his country with nuclear weapons as well, if he wants to carry out his vision of building a great Turkish power. Because otherwise, Turkey remains to his understanding of secondary importance - and therefore Erdogan cannot and will definitely not be satisfied.
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Report: Evidence of a Turkish nuclear weapons program
I dont know about the details but i wouldnt trust ''Die Welt'' from Axel Springer Verlag, they are known for being biased against Turkey.

I will wait for more details from different sources.

german retards nothing more.. germany is spreading hate against turks since 11.09 its getting worser.. you cannot take any german paper serios when it comes to turkey.. I don't say that they all are NPD nazis.. no there is no need for NPD these germans can love Africa and china or japan, they can be "open minded" but finally when it comes to turks they all be together in hate :)

to topic:

history showed us that we cannot rely on foreigners, if you rely on them than your energy sector will be in their hands that is the only thing to have the whole chain in your own country.. no one can interference no one can threaten you
I don't wanna hear crap of a nation which led the whole human race to two world wars.... arrogant retards.. they dont like us, I dont like them...
When companies build a light-water reactor, they usually agree with the Government that the project will operate for 60 years and they will provide the necessary uranium for the operations and then take back the spent fuel. This was offered in the case of Turkey by both Rosatom and the Japanese-French consortium. So far nothing special.
But Turkey has waived in both cases to fix the supply of uranium and the disposal of spent fuel from the contract. She insisted on the contrary, to regulate this separately later.

Hımm not exactly true...

In Akkuyu Nuclear Plant, fuel rods will be supplied by Russians also Russians will take back the spent fuel. However if Turkey wants, it can buy the spent fuel.

"Nükleer Santralde kullanılacak tüm yakıt Rusya’dan getirilecek. Atıklar da yine Rusya’ya geri gidecek. Atıkları Türkiye satın almak isterse, Türkiye’de de kalabilecek."

^^ At the bottom of the page.

Mersin, Türkiye’nin enerjisine enerji katacak AKKUYU NGS A.Ş.
Some people want Turkey to look like Iran.

Here's the check list:

Supports terrorists (ISIS)

Islamist Government

Nuclear Weapons Program

Developing Ballistic Missiles

Bad relations with Israel

Leaders with Mustaches

(im not saying these are true)
. .
I think all of these plans can be very good in the long term. Turkey can reach West European living standards such as GDP per capita, ... in the next 15-20 years. at that time, by following these plans, you would have all the means and power and technology to decide to go for making nukes or not. In that condition, West won't be able to oppose Turkey. Another scenario is having a policy like Japan. Japan can make nukes in 48 hours, but they don't do it for obvious reasons, so, they maintain their ability for producing nukes in the case of special events.

I think the Japan model is best for Turkey. :tup:

Some people want Turkey to look like Iran.

Here's the check list:

Supports terrorists (ISIS) View attachment 78556

Islamist Government View attachment 78556

Nuclear Weapons Program View attachment 78556

Developing Ballistic Missiles View attachment 78556

Bad relations with Israel View attachment 78556

Leaders with Mustaches View attachment 78556

(im not saying these are true)

:rofl: :rofl:

The funniest is the last one though. I thought Turks were big on keeping the stache as they get older regardless whether they are politicians or not.
. .
Turkey has developed Therobaric warheads for SOM and artillery ammunition. Nukes are inhuman and last defence solution against occupation from "some imperial countries" or against Israel Nuke attack attempt; which would lead to Armageddon

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