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Turkey aiming for nuclear weapons ?

We speaking here about a nuclear Threat from Israel, Iran and Russia to Turkey. What's with France ? They have interest were Turkey also have Interests in the Maghreb and Turkey have also Interests in this Region. A future Conflict in the Region could lead to an Intervention of Turkey and France, which can probably end in a Confrontation of both armed Forces. There could be a Risk of an use of nuclear Weapons against turkish Forces or Targets in Turkey.
We speaking here about a nuclear Threat from Israel, Iran and Russia to Turkey. What's with France ? They have interest were Turkey also have Interests in the Maghreb and Turkey have also Interests in this Region. A future Conflict in the Region could lead to an Intervention of Turkey and France, which can probably end in a Confrontation of both armed Forces. There could be a Risk of an use of nuclear Weapons against turkish Forces or Targets in Turkey.
Why do you think that France got issues with Turkey? France want to be on the Saudi and Qatar side, which with the new Saudi King, Turkey is also in the league..
Why do you think that France got issues with Turkey? France want to be on the Saudi and Qatar side, which with the new Saudi King, Turkey is also in the league..

The likely Conflict will not be in the arabian Peninsula and now at Moment such Conflict seems to be unthinkable ! In the Future we don't know, they have Interest in northern and sub - saharan Africa. Lets take an example if in Future after 2020 ISIS north Africa will gain Ground from Libya into Tunisia and Turkey Intervene on it's own or together with Algeria in an former french Colony(Tunisia). France sees it's Influence by the turkish led Intervention Threatend, Air and Seabattles Occur and turkish U-214 TN sink the Aircraft Carrier CDG other Ship will be sunk and damaged. The Answer for sinking the Carrier will be a limited Nuclear Strike on Naval and Aircraft Facilities in Turkey.
The likely Conflict will not be in the arabian Peninsula and now at Moment such Conflict seems to be unthinkable ! In the Future we don't know, they have Interest in northern and sub - saharan Africa. Lets take an example if in Future after 2020 ISIS north Africa will gain Ground from Libya into Tunisia and Turkey Intervene on it's own or together with Algeria in an former french Colony(Tunisia). France sees it's Influence by the turkish led Intervention Threatend, Air and Seabattles Occur and turkish U-214 TN sink the Aircraft Carrier CDG other Ship will be sunk and damaged. The Answer for sinking the Carrier will be a limited Nuclear Strike on Naval and Aircraft Facilities in Turkey.
The president of TUnisia is from muslim brotherhood.. WHich is the whole Arab spring started.. Basically, France already lost Tunisia for now! your imagination is soo good man ))
The president of TUnisia is from muslim brotherhood.. WHich is the whole Arab spring started.. Basically, France already lost Tunisia for now! your imagination is soo good man ))

The President is from 'Nida Tunees' and his Name is Beji Caid Essebsi. Tunisia is only one example France have far more Interests in North Africa!
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