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TTP raid on army post Waziristan.

He was not in a fort or post. It was a hot pursuit operation.
Now they are playing games with our soldiers on the border now. It's getting unbearable. What was the response of the military after that, we lost a huge asset like Major of the SSG it's not some insignificant loss. Are there rat holes being bombarded with artillery or drone strikes following this loss?? And what the heck was fence doing there?? Where's the fence gone and surveillance around the fences??

At every loss of our beloved soldiers, kill 500 of them with excessive and brutal firepower. Now you should attack TTP sites in Kandhar or Kabul (if any) too. And give clear message to the Talibans that if they can't control those TTP plagued rats in check then we would strike deep within their cities to dispatch them to where they belong, ie straight into hell.
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Not an ambush, a proper firefight with a larger group....yes, an ambush of a sort, but its like you ambushed someone who is much more in numbers than you.
Sounds like bad recon / intel to assess the opposing side or not properly equipped to handle the obstacles / resistance put up by the opposing side.
Sounds like bad recon / intel to assess the opposing side or not properly equipped to handle the obstacles / resistance put up by the opposing side.
Not assessing the strength of the enemy is something which most of our army and especially our SSG excel at....your confidence in yourself and the men under your command always steers you to places and situations which a logical mind wont go in....that unfortunately is how a real battle is fought.

Nopes, rest are regular...he was part of a regular unit in this action.
Why don’t army do cross border raids on ttp before they attack our posts or are we doing that too?
Since loc is quite, pak should gather all the volunteer fighters from there and put them on western border to do raids against ttp. It’ll be good training and experience for them too so when they go back to loc they’ll be battle hardened and be a serious headache for Indians.
Not assessing the strength of the enemy is something which most of our army and especially our SSG excel at....your confidence in yourself and the men under your command always steers you to places and situations which a logical mind wont go in....that unfortunately is how a real battle is fought.
I am sorry that I had to read the bold part, alas, all I can say is "God Bless PA officers and the men that serve under them and follow their command."
Why don’t army do cross border raids on ttp before they attack our posts or are we doing that too?
Since loc is quite, pak should gather all the volunteer fighters from there and put them on western border to do raids against ttp. It’ll be good training and experience for them too so when they go back to loc they’ll be battle hardened and be a serious headache for Indians.
Excellent idea... Some already being done...

Going forwards, can we expect to see these hot pursuits being carried out by armed drones instead?
I am also hoping for the same, wil happen shortly.
Its really like that, even if the enemy is more than you, you still go in.......
Ah the infamous saying 'A lone Texas Ranger can stop the riot.' One Riot, One Ranger.

Thank you for replies Sir and you know that I hold respect for all serving members here including you and I mean no malice when I write something, however after reading most of the posts on this I really gotta go take my BP med for real.
To be quite upfront the establishment hasn't been doing fck all for the foot soldier anyway they deserve the hate they are getting. You tell me how many IED attacks have we seen? Lost count by now the leadership is still mum as of day one.

Now I take India's concern about cross border attacks at face value no one likes losing good men that too
By our creation.

Major Shujat was martyred by sniper fire what makes you think this won't happen again.

When the establishment itself does a simple dua and usual hands over face gesture and acts like it never happened until then attacks like these will carry on. Being passive achieves nothing, crying budget, budget, every time an IED hits personnel won't do sh*t either.

I think we should employ the Establishments tactic of not giving a sh*t anymore. Keep releasing those damn serial dramas and songs you good for nothing fools.
MRAPs have nothing to do with budget
Army brass go around in BMWs
We have 10b$ budget few millions for MRAPS and drones is nothing

It's getting beyond bearable folks. Where did the indestructible forts go? Where did the surveillance go?
Where are our battle-hardened tactics and training.
@Desert Fox 1 @Areesh @Sainthood 101 @Goenitz @Mentee

Allah bless them with the highest station in the this blessed month.
As brother @PanzerKiel has pointed out this was pursuit operation and not an attack on a outpost or base. Far more terrorists died as well.
We also have to remember how many of them are getting assassinated in Afghanistan as well i.e. we are hitting top TTP people all the time.
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