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TTP raid on army post Waziristan.

How we can be developed if the same people trying to protect us are constantly involved in our politics?
You should read the post I was quoting
He is talking about soldiers, Captain's, majors etc
And I think they try to do good from Thier presepctive and what they think is right but sometimes it turns wrong- than they face abuse
why not implement sharia law in KP like Indonesia did in Aceh? I don't believe a military victory over ttp is possible as long taliban is sitting in Afghanistan.
Ina lila for the fallen

Neutrality for top brass.

They dont care about the fallens
They are busy in selecting SS.

So said that our jawans are loosing precious lives but those at the top are interested in power games
Cheif have alot of free time 8hrs at LUMS then busy dislodging elected Govt of Pak & now they are busy attacking at SM. They are happy in theior lives who cares about borders
To all pak members who are blaming India for the situation afghan border, You do know India doesn't even have a diplomatic presence in Afghanistan as of now for past 8 months?

You dont need to go there... Americans have bought our GHQ ... they are enough to damage us internally.. in fact they have SUCCESSFULLY done irreparable damage.
When the higherups are busy in toppling government at the behest of US, who is going to worry about actually doing their job. At the end of the day its the jawans that suffer.
A sad loss indeed. Allah un ki qurbani qabool farmai.
Bajwa focus was to ousted Imran Khan which he achieved rather than protecting lives of his men at the border.

P.S. what happened to the much touted border wall we created in the last 4-5 years ? Seems like a hogwash. This army again wasted millions of our tax payers money for a fence which seems useless.
Bajwa focus was to ousted Imran Khan which he achieved rather than protecting lives of his men at the border.

P.S. what happened to the much touted border wall we created in the last 4-5 years ? Seems like a hogwash. This army again wasted millions of our tax payers money for a fence which seems useless.

Yea for some reason I feel like "awakened" or been "deceived"

I used to defend Pak fauj tirelessly against Afghans and other anti army ethno nationalists, but even I as an individual feel sort of betrayed.

Is this really the people I was defending? or is it a lie? I sometimes feel like we are all in a bad dream and this whole Imran Khan fiasco is just gonna be non-existant if I get over with this dream.

Yea for some reason I feel like "awakened" or been "deceived"

I used to defend Pak fauj tirelessly against Afghans and other anti army ethno nationalists, but even I as an individual feel sort of betrayed.

Is this really the people I was defending? or is it a lie? I sometimes feel like we are all in a bad dream and this whole Imran Khan fiasco is just gonna be non-existant if I get over with this dream.

It's just a momentary , things will resolve again. Things aren't always smooth sailing and yes we are all facing unprecedented challenges at the moment but we have to push through and not allow our emotions to be manipulated. That's another axis of this drama , hostile forces are also actively trying to push Pakistan to utter chaos and anarchy. This will allow them to call Pak a failed state and then lead the way to denuclearization.

We are in a very dangerous situation and we have to be VERY careful. Allah knows best but with difficulty comes ease, inshallah things will get better but it's important we don't burn down our house in the meantime
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