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TTP got hands on MANPADS


Jun 8, 2010
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It is strange as Pakistan army declared RAW sponsoring terror in Pakistan TTP announces they have MANPAD in their arsenal. Point to ponder is they weren't able to obtain it in 10 years of war. What changed this time and how did they obtain it ?

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Screen shots from the Taliban video of the SAM-7:

@balixd @Icarus It's a matter of grave concern
if they have them in working condition,why they didn't used them in waziristan?

may be they got it somehow from Afghanistan but are not in working condition
Told you so!

Probably came from ISIS.
Not so, I.S don't have close ties with Taliban as we have seen certain clashes between them and Taliban in afghanistan and TTP itself are the followers of Afghan taliban.
Indians have provided them these, even their media had first time claimed it that they are soon going to have MANPADs with them. But this just give further good news for pakistan as we will now have all the moral will to arm the freedom fighters in Kashmir and other parts of india with even more sophisticated weaponry.

Everything has a prize.
Indians can also supply either directly or through some middlemen. At any rate, I doubt the said chopper was downed by the SAM for the SAM should hit the engine and not the tail rotor, though it cant be ruled out altogether.

If true however, it will only intensify Pakistan's war against these Bharti/Afghan -backed rats and it will last until the last rat is sent to the hell along with their overt and covert supporters.

According to today's news, rats hideouts very near to Afghan borders were bombarded by PAF's jets. It is only a matter of time when their sanctuaries well inside Afghanistan will also be taken out.
A militant video purports to show Taliban fighters with a surface-to-air missile, claiming they used a similar one to shoot down a Pakistani helicopter carrying diplomats.

The video, obtained by The Associated Press, includes a message from the Pakistani Taliban claiming they fired a missile from a distance of 3 kilometers (1.9 miles) to down the helicopter Friday.

"The missile hit the tail rotor," a written message in Urdu says at the video's start.

The crash killed the ambassadors to Pakistan from the Philippines and Norway and the wives of the ambassadors from Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as three Pakistani crew members. Twelve passengers, many of them diplomats, were injured.
Military officials could not be immediately reached Sunday. Previously, Pakistan said a technical failure caused the crash and dismissed an earlier Taliban claim as opportunistic.

However, the surface-to-air missile shown in the video appeared real. In the video, a masked militant discusses the missile's parts, while another portion shows what appears to be a hand-drawn picture of how a missile can strike a helicopter's tail rotor.

The video was released late Saturday via militant websites and corresponded to other messages distributed by the Pakistani Taliban, though the AP could not independently verify it. Militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan do have access to surface-to-air missiles.

A later Taliban statement Sunday said fighters' missile hit the rotor as the helicopter turned, saving it from being destroyed in mid-air.

"No matter if the Pakistani government accepts it or not, it doesn't bother us," the statement said. "God willing, we will carry out (more) such attacks."

Pakistani security forces have been battling militants in the country's northwestern tribal regions bordering Afghanistan for the past several years. That fighting took on a new urgency after a Taliban attack in December on a military school killed 150 people, many of them children.

The helicopter's crash site Friday in Naltar is several hundred kilometers (miles) from the North Waziristan tribal area, where fighting recently has been focused.
Video: Taliban Downed Pakistan Helicopter Carrying Diplomats - ABC News
Proliferation of MANPDS is not a big deal.

Taliban was provided Stingers in 80s

Al Badr Mujahedeen had Anza MANPADS in Kargil war,many of them captured by Indian Army today publicly displayed in museums

Hamas has russian ATGMs while Anza MK II surfaced in Libya and kashmir

Pakistani missile found in Kashmir, army says - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Anza Mk-II MANPADS in Libya | The Rogue Adventurer

Saudi Arabia ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’ | GulfNews.com

Anza mk 2 in libiya .... Question is how these sophisticated weapons proliferated as far as libiya,Kashmir and Bosnia (Bakhtar shikan)

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Probably a stinger from 80s era being shown for propaganda purpose.
The PAF air chief and one of the Diplomats travelling on the subject Helicopter have quashed the idea of any foul play.

Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman blamed technical failure for the crash.

“The pilots were seasoned. The base commander was present at the landing site. The helicopter went out of control due to technical reasons moments before landing,” he told the state-run Pakistan Television.

The air chief said the helicopter appeared to behave normally as it approached the landing area.

For his part, South African High Commissioner Mpendulo Jele, who was on board the helicopter but miraculously remained unhurt, said it was an accident.

“It’s an accident that can happen anywhere in the world. Unfortunately we lost some of our colleagues,” he told a news channel.

“There was a major vibration in the air and then the helicopter took a vicious circle. It went up and then went down. In the next moment it just dropped,” he said.
What is the proof of Indian hand in it ? Iraq and Afghanistan are the main source of weapons used by terrorist in Pakistan . And who is arming LeT and Anti India terrorist intruding into Kashmir ? India ?

If you are so sure why there is no proof ? Your Defence Minister when asked why Pakistan not providing any proof even to its own media or UN he said : Matter I'd very critical so we can't share the details or proof !!! Then why keep propagating India did this did that ?
pakistan army and its terror sponsoring agency ISI had supplied taliiban with these manpads in 80s.
yes, everything has a price, now pakistan army is paying the price.
Exactly ! Don't expect snakes only to byte your enemy . And these snakes don't have any moral so When you arm a single terror group it will have other plans to make deal with other terror groups , middleman agents for money .
Indians can also supply either directly or through some middlemen. At any rate, I doubt the said chopper was downed by the SAM for the SAM should hit the engine and not the tail rotor, though it cant be ruled out altogether.

If true however, it will only intensify Pakistan's war against these Bharti/Afghan -backed rats and it will last until the last rat is sent to the hell along with their overt and covert supporters.

According to today's news, rats hideouts very near to Afghan borders were bombarded by PAF's jets. It is only a matter of time when their sanctuaries well inside Afghanistan will also be taken out.
lol, you brainwashed fool. those TTP don't need indian help. they have pakistan army for logistic support. you forget that in every terror attack on a military installation of pakistan there are Pakistan military officials are in support of terrorists. even in recent attack on navel ships, it was found out that former pakistani navy officals were behind the attack. :lol::lol:
if you have a defence force like this then, for terrorists there is no need for other countres's support terrorism. your own military personals are enough for it.
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And the Indian Army using terror as tool in IOK, will further pay the price....besides the fratricides.

Sir IA don't have to go terrorist routes to inflict damage in Pakistan . Because these kind of tactics are counter productive . Own up the mess in Pakistan which went out of control . You can keep blaming India but the real problem still working inside Pakistan. Which has to be delt with immediate effect
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