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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

Time is right for Pakistan to revise it's foreign policy.pakistan should stop targeting talibans that are targeting Americans.let Americans pay for what they have done.they started this nasty war and now blaming us.we must ask Russia and China to play a constructive role in afghanistan.let Americans bleed.
I stayed up watching his speech and it was a direct threat to Pakistan. Every single failure in AFG was blamed upon Pakistan yet hardly any mention of Pakistan making full efforts to secure its side of the border by countless militery operations. Trump wants to plunge Pakistan in a never endin war in AFG. Gen Bajwa and the political establishment must make some serious decisions to move away from the Americans. America is hell bent on occupying AFG indefinitely. Push comes to shove with Mr Ghani posturing over his uncles Trumps comments Pakistan should reply back by expelling the thousands upon thousands of Afghan refugees from its land. Let AFG deal with thier lost children and let India hep feel them. Pakistan, it's time to be more assertive!
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Don't bet on things, politics is ever changing, a martyr today may become a terrorist tomorrow and vice versa.
Absolutely correct....

But, why why why ... Pakistan wants Taliban in Afghanistan???

They can try to be a good friend of Afghanistan govt and make good relationship.

And help to rebuild Afghanistan and then send all refuse from Pakistan.

Anyhow, militants not gonna to help Pakistan, right?
Pakistan must make sure usa pay for damaging Pakistan reputation to please india and we must not allow a psycho to say anything he likes to cover up their failures
Time is right for Pakistan to revise it's foreign policy.pakistan should stop targeting talibans that are targeting Americans.let Americans pay for what they have done.they started this nasty war and now blaming us.we must ask Russia and China to play a constructive role in afghanistan.let Americans bleed.
Agreed let Russians do what USA done with russia
USA should pay now they are paying us peanuts and asking us to do more we should spit USA policy and close all transit from Pak for un definit period let USA India alone feed these Haram khors

Pakistan should openly criticize USA for it's policy which is making situation critical for us bring our enemy on our borders
We don't have to take his statements seriously even americans don't take him seriously now,the guy is politically inept and morally barren even american analysts have said this. Throughout his campaign and after becoming president he has been criticising financers of islamic state fighters and then went saudi arabia with his whole family and started criticising iran because of saudi arabians now saudi arabia is one of major financers of salafist movements but he did not consider any such thing as he is a businessman and sees wealth of that country. Being the president of country he needs to unite america but he is only adding to the bifurcation that he did during his presidential campaign. Only supporters of trumps in america are islamophobes and businessmen now. If he thinks he can bluff pakistan by giving vague threats then good luck to him. Since 2014 to 2017 terrorism in pakistan has dropped down by almost 80% still he thinks we need to do more, he shall himself do more as still so much area in afghanistan is under taliban control and american forces are in afghanistan since 2001. America is accusing us for her own ineptness in tackling talibanisation in afghanustan. Throughout our operations terrorists were killed and no one was being asked whether he is a good one or bad one so our critics who think we still are advocating good talibans need to grow up. We have provided shelter to millions of afghan refugees no one of our critic is ready to do so neither they mention it.
Total Pakistani export is 24 Billion USD and thats it. Most of it is to Arab countries. EU zand USA may be 12-15 Billion export market. On the other hand US and EU companies do a lot more business in Pakistan. Just kicking out Nestle will rattle many cages in EU and USA .

Until unless, you stop business in $$ - US sanction does matter..
If Any country says, Pakistan supports terrorists and terrorists find safe heaven in Pakistan but as per our friends, they (India, Afghanistan, US, etc) are wrong.

US is saying due to nawaaz foreign policy failure.
Iran - no, Iran supports terrorism in Pakistan.
India- every problems start with India.

Reality - Pakistan is only correct and others are saying lie.

You missed Afghanistan in the list.:D
Its ok nothing new. We will get our new American gunship helicopters in few weeks time to give Indians yet another shock. Most US Govt will do is to stop militarily aid to Pakistan which is almost next to nil in the last 2-3 years anyways.

Same Trump was crapping about Qatar after GCC action yet they are in bed with them as well by selling them F15s.
But how? All supply lines run through Pakistan! How will you prosecute a war without supplies?


If Pakistan is part of the AfPak area under war then the logistics would be in Arabian sea.

Trump said that he will not reveal, how? He will do it. So let's wait and see.

American generals are more sensible and know the ground reality. I am sure they will not let America go down the drain with such rhetoric and jingoism that Trump just demonstrated.

Let's wait and see who would blink first - US or Pakistan? I will put my money on Pakistan. You can bet on US.

Our missiles can have a global reach in a blink.... if super power wants to exchange New York and Washington for Pakistan it's up to them... but I would cautions against it... we are not enemies ...... Don't make us one

The ball is Pakistan's court. Let's see if Pakistan blinks or not. I would like to see the same Bravado from the Pakistan's military.
cute seeing all these Indian cheer leaders.

As a pakistani i dont want to see anything more then indian troops on the ground in Afghanistan. This will be hilarious and taliban will make mince meat out of indian troops.

the question is Mr Modi do you want to join the war in Afghanistan because they are no winners there

India's economy isn't much better ... for a country 7 times its size
Indian cheer leaders needs to see this comment and what Americans think of them.
First of all, what makes you think the EU will follow suit?

Trump has worsened relations with Germany, and even threatened to leave NATO. There is no legal obligation between these states to follow sanctions and I dont see why they would.

Secondly Pakistan is far from an export driven economy, in fact exports have dropped from 21 billion to around 18 billion and nothing has happened. The US are not stupid enough to add sanctions, and even if they did thee would be little effect.

US & EU are much closer than you think. Ignore at your risk. Think about that $ 18 Billion going down to around $3-4 Billion. How many of these countries do you think would go against US baring China?


How will you import you oils? If Saudis can go against Qatar what chance does Pakistan have?

Following Pakistan imports



If Saudis want their borders secure and safe and if US wants a face saving exit from Afghanistan ......... both of them will respect Pakistan and its genuine concerns. It will be hard for you to figure this one out ....... but finally we have locked the interests of major players .............. by the way the days of planting a dictator in Pakistan to achieve someone's own goals have also long gone and faded ........... difficult now.

Rhetoric is one thing, churning out same demands "do more", oh safe heavens and some new additional blah blah added with new administration in place ......... but the ground realities are something that have been there for last 17 years. Fencing, additional posts and stricter visa documentation requirements won't leave any excuse for incompetent bastards. I foresee the plan of blaming Pakistan for every ill failing fast and quick.

US would just ram through Pakistan if they wish. They don't as Pakistan has been playing the game or one step forward and two steps backward. Now that game will no longer work with Trump. Its up to Pakistan to decide and respond.

Pakistan's military just deposed a PM through their own JIT.

Zardari, MQM and PML are all out. The only one remaining is PTI.
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