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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

It is true. Mumbai's Gross Domestic Poop is equal if not greater than Pakistans. After millions of Mumbaites eat vegetable dhosas they go running on the streets and excrete to hearts content in the fresh open air. Result GDP is greater than Pakistans.

Per capita wise, each Indian is more indebted than each Pakistani.
Here is a debt pizza, eat it:

have always been ... :coffee:

Nothing new in what trump said.. its the same speech/script read by a diff guy, the do more mantra continues....
Well carrot is only given when stuck doesn't work
Seemingly stick is working with no push back from military or more importantly political leadership
And you have no idea about Pak - Saudi relationship. Relationships are made between the people. Any other relationship doesn't last long.

I am not saying that there is an anti-American alliance being made. What I am saying that US sanctions (if they are ever put in place) will not affect the economic and/ or cultural relationships between Pakistan and at least three countries... 1 - Saudi Arabia, 2 - China, 3 - Turkey

You have no idea man! I have an idea because my father have spent half of his life in KSA and has many friends there. Even I have many local friends and I know what are their feelings towards Pakistan. I know now you will bring their attitude towards Pakistanis at Saudi airports, then let me tell you, it is no different with other nationalities, including Europeans.

Saudi will prefer US, over Pak in many things.. won't finger when it comes to US interest... Get back to reality..
Completely lost in Iraq. Now Irony is Iraq is getting closer and closer to its arch rival Iran and US is still paying for Iraqi weapons :rofl:
Have no Clue What so ever in Syria. Syrian government have won the war, US proxies are finished and now all they are doing is Arming Kurds pissing their key Ally Turkey off big time.
Even Big Fat Kim dont Give a F' for this joker superpower.
Americans here keep babbling our army our power we are super power. But look at the pathetic state of affair these baboons in US Administration have made it. Its only pure muscle that US always thrusts its stupid good for nothing opinion everywhere that only causes disaster.

Keep Thrusting your face everywhere and blunting your Already Joke of a Foreign Policy.

And BTW no idea why Indians are jumping up and down.
I pray that Pakistan has intercontinental ballistic missiles with a range of at least 8000 miles. I think she may need it.
My point is that the size of the Pakistani economy is not big enough to matter to American businesses that they would lobby against US Govt sanctions, if imposed.

...Also US companies have big presence in Pakistan like Coke and Pepsi. Pepsico DEW sales in Pakistan was the 2nd highest in the world. Both Coke and PEPSICO investment in Pakistan is more than 2 billion USD, each comapny. Sales in excess of 80 billion Rupees per year, for COKE and 90 billion Rupees for PEPSICO.

P&G a US company has just inaugurated the 2nd largest plant outside USA of FMCG products in Pakistan near Karachi.

Big presence of Nestle(sales last year about 100 billion Rupees, all products locally made in Pakistan). Unilever a British cong. sales were also similar, about 110 billion RS. last year in Pakistan, all factories in Pakistan.

So US will not alienate Pakistan...many other strategic reasons...

Food and beverages: Pakistan among PepsiCo’s top 10 non-US markets

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True! That's how it works.

And what happens next time Pakistan needs loans?

Oops I forgot, Pak will never need the world banking system again because of CPEC.

Right o !
Yes, thats the reason of involving so much chinese financial benefits in Pakistan,
Saudi will prefer US, over Pak in many things.. won't finger when it comes to US interest... Get back to reality..
True, but a kingdom always would like to have a plan B. If anything being in cento organization and
Previous dictators have given them a lesson.
I pray that Pakistan has intercontinental ballistic missiles with a range of at least 8000 miles. I think she may need it.
The way things are going,we will soon have one. Same as North Korea as stupid Trump is treating us like North Korea.
Initial reactions from the international community on United States President Donald Trump's new policy on Afghanistan were mixed, with some viewing it as a positive step forward while others focusing on the flaws in its approach.

In his much-awaited speech on Monday night, Trump backtracked from an earlier promise to swiftly end America's longest running war. Instead, he announced that the US would deploy more troops in Afghanistan. The US president also lambasted non-Nato front-line ally Pakistan, accusing the country of offering 'safe haven' to terrorist groups.


China came to Pakistan's defence after Trump said the US "could no longer be silent" about Pakistan allegedly providing "safe havens for militants".

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying was quoted by news agency Reuters as saying that Pakistan was on the front line in the struggle against terrorism and had made “great sacrifices” and “important contributions” in the fight.

“We believe that the international community should fully recognise Pakistan's anti-terrorism efforts,” she said at a daily news briefing.

“We are happy to see Pakistan and the United States carry out anti-terror cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, and work together for security and stability in the region and world. We hope the relevant US policies can help promote the security, stability and development of Afghanistan and the region,” Hua was quoted as saying.


Many Afghans interviewed by The Associated Press in Kabul, the country's capital, feared that the newly announced US policy on Afghanistan will further deteriorate an already worsening situation. They expressed fears of a worsening in runaway corruption, increased unemployment and a surge in deadly attacks.

Some Afghans, however, welcomed Trump's harsh words for Pakistan.


India, Pakistan's arch-rival, was also welcoming of Trump's remarks regarding provision of safe havens to terror groups allegedly operating out of its rival's territory.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement that it welcomed Trump's “determination to enhance efforts to overcome the challenges faced by Afghanistan and in confronting issues of safe havens and other forms of cross-border support enjoyed by terrorists.”

Without naming rival Pakistan, the ministry said: “India shares these concerns and objectives.”

India, the largest regional provider of reconstruction aid to Afghanistan, totaling more than $2 billion, also reaffirmed its policy of extending assistance to the country.

“We are committed to supporting the government and the people of Afghanistan in their efforts to bring peace, security, stability and prosperity in their country,” said the statement.

The UK also welcomed Trump's commitment to step up the military campaign in Afghanistan, Reuters reported. “The US commitment is very welcome,” British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said in a statement.

“In my call with [US Defence] Secretary Mattis yesterday, we agreed that despite the challenges, we have to stay the course in Afghanistan to help build up its fragile democracy and reduce the terrorist threat to the West."

"It's in all our interests that Afghanistan becomes more prosperous and safer; that's why we announced our own troop increase back in June,” he added.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)'s Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, welcomed Trump's new strategy and said that the US-led military alliance remains committed to the conflict-torn country.

Stoltenberg welcomed Trump's “conditions-based approach”, referring to America's decision to make troop presence conditional on needs rather than timelines.

More than 12,000 troops from Nato and partner countries have been helping to “train, advise and assist” Afghan security forces since January 2015 after the alliance wound down combat operations there.

Stoltenberg said that “Nato allies and partners have already committed to increasing our presence in Afghanistan.”

“Our aim remains to ensure that Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for terrorists who would attack our own countries,” he said.

An Australian military analyst said Trump's speech set a “fairly low bar” in terms of success. Military strategist David Kilcullen told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that Trump isn't seeking to promote democracy or counter corruption, but simply noted military outcomes that he is trying to achieve.

“I think this is carefully shrouded in triumphalist rhetoric but it is actually quite a modest set of strategic goals,” Kilcullen said, adding that Trump's speech sounded as if it had been written by military officers working in the White House.

Trump offered few specifics, such as whether more troops would be sent to Afghanistan. The president said the US would shift away from a “time-based” approach, instead linking its assistance to results on the ground.

Kilcullen said Trump's speech focused on fighting terrorism, rather than fighting an insurgency, and that will require more use of lethal force and a restrained approach to nation-building and economic development.
BTW, Met Nusrat Parveen today (Pakistani), CEO, Unilever Malaysia.
Don't want to post my photo with her.
She was very intelligent and good looking.
Clean bowled.
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