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Trump: Pakistan is a safe haven for terrorists

You can't hold on to two diverging parties. As they move apart something has to give and I know KSA will cut us loose first. Never USA.
Perhaps you are right, brother.

However I know Saudi Arabia is coming closer to China by the passing day.
I know but they have retarded Mullahs who think like retarded Mullahs. Iran is a great country going waste. A tragedy frankly for Pakistan.
Indeed a tragedy.

To hell with Palestinian-Zionist conflict. Iran has better things to do.
Because of the Palestinian-Zionist conflict, Iran is an enemy of USA.

Even here
Saudi Arabia's largest export partner is China.

This shows that Saudi Arabia is moving away from USA.

Saudi Arabia's largest import partner is China as well.
However I know Saudi Arabia is coming closer to China by the passing day.
KSA has proved to be more adept at playing the international geo-strategic chess game then Iran has. However I think it would require a bold move by KSA which I can't see happening until US dumps KSA - which it will when the oil factor runs out.

KSA and Iran have a weapon which is almost as lethal as nuclear weapons but has even more influence - oil. If KSA swung over to China 100% tomorrow Trump would turn into a crying b*tch to get back KSA. Iran could easily use it's energy reserves to pull China in and purchase Bejing to the point where China would stand by Iran because of economic self interest but as you can see Mullahs in Tehran enjoy isolatin themselves from everybody. Annoy USA. Annoy Israel. Annoy Pakistan. Annoy India. Annoy Russia. Annoy China. Then end up having nobody in hand but just passing acquintenances.

Result despite have massive oil reserves as leverage they end up having less influence then even Bangladesh. It's crazy.

This shows that Saudi Arabia is moving away from USA.
No. I will give you $350,000,000,000 reasons for that.


*By the way that is worth seven, yes 7 CPECS worth of money that is going to roll straight into the American economy.
Nothing drastic. Maintain course. Launch diplomatic initiative to dampen the effects. Focus on core relationship with China to take to to next level. Personally I would also join China in a joint charm offensive to bring Iran into our own "trioka" but the problem is your mullahs are as retarded as ours and obstinate to boot. Not a good mix.
Well thanks for the reply
I know that if you didnt align yourself with a super power it will make you look like a pariah state.
But having a separated and indenpendent game field makes you strong willed and forces you to stand for what you truly wish for. Ummah exists and will exist forever thats why i am sure about our future stance.
game field makes you strong
No my friend. I am a unabashed Iranphile. Persia is like the well of sophisticated culture of the east that has influenced most of the east. However this policy by Mulllahs has destroyed Iran. You have the oil. I would rather Iran be less cocky but the richest economy in the east. Iran should be miles ahead of Turkey but is not. I love Turkey and I am happy they ae booming but the problem is they are too distan from Pakistan to benefit us directly. Turkish boom benefits Europe more then Pakistan.
However Iran should have been decades ahead of Turkey because it ha the oil. Iran could have had a super-economy. We in Pakistan would be primary beneficiaries of that because Iran is next to us. Your gas could have supplied our economy./ Our economy could have been tied into your booming economy and Taftan border should have been congested with traffic. Instead a few smuggle gallons of oil and flies buzz around. not good my friend.

Once we had a strong combined economies trust me we could afford to be cocky and join in with China. You would not need to shout "death to Amrika". Instead Amrika would die with jealousy as it looks in from outside.
For the first time I completely agreed with trump. State sponsoring terrorist nations like pak should not be tolerated anymore. All civilised people should come together and kick those na pak black as*es
Absolutely zero acknowledgement of Pakistanis killed when WOT started. A school full of children massacred. No mention of the lives lost.

We all know the reason don't we, I wonder who's proxies were at work.

This is a dirty game being played. Major world players are scared of a economically strong Pakistan. So every few years they try to re-apply the pressure.

The quicker Pakistan totally seal of the Afghanistan border the better.
Every action has a reaction. If they try something pay them in equal but in a different way in Afghanistan. Heck we should learn from Stone Cold how to deal with trump
KSA has proved to be more adept at playing the international geo-strategic chess game then Iran has. However I think it would require a bold move by KSA which I can't see happening until US dumps KSA - which it will when the oil factor runs out.

KSA and Iran have a weapon which is almost as lethal as nuclear weapons but has even more influence - oil. If KSA swung over to China 100% tomorrow Trump would turn into a crying b*tch to get back KSA. Iran could easily use it's energy reserves to pull China in and purchase Bejing to the point where China would stand by Iran because of economic self interest but as you can see Mullahs in Tehran enjoy isolatin themselves from everybody. Annoy USA. Annoy Israel. Annoy Pakistan. Annoy India. Annoy Russia. Annoy China. Then end up having nobody in hand but just passing acquintenances.

Result despite have massive oil reserves as leverage they end up having less influence then even Bangladesh. It's crazy.

No. I will give you $350,000,000,000 reasons for that.


*By the way that is worth seven, yes 7 CPECS worth of money that is going to roll straight into the American economy.
Guess you are right brother.

I hope KSA ditches USA for China one day, brother.
For the first time I completely agreed with trump. State sponsoring terrorist nations like pak should not be tolerated anymore. All civilised people should come together and kick those na pak black as*es
Haha BD false flagger.

Listen idiot, get lost!

BD is not important in international politics.

Think Bush and Obama kinda sorta talked 'tough' sometimes too...but, that's what it mostly was, talk.

Now awami league cheerleader became Trump propaganda puppet same way hindu extremist were praying for trump ascendance. Well, real education for these propaganda puppet is the followings. It is US and its generals carrying ISIS terrorist and their weapons.

Afghanistan is ripe for proxy war

Russia has hinted in the past that the United States is covertly sponsoring the Islamic State in Afghanistan. On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson raised the bar by alleging that “foreign fighters” who were transferred by “unknown helicopters” have perpetrated a massacre of Hazara Shias in the Sar-e-Pol province in northern Afghanistan. The spokesperson said:
  • We can see attempts to stir up ethnic conflict in the country… Cases of unidentified helicopter flights to territory controlled by extremists in other northern provinces of Afghanistan are also recorded. For example, there is evidence that on August 8, four helicopters made flights from the airbase of the Afghan National Army’s 209th corps in Mazar-i-Sharif to the area captured by the militants in the Aqcha district of the Jowzjan province. It is noteworthy that witnesses of these flights began to fall off the radar of law enforcement agencies. It seems that the command of the NATO forces controlling the Afghan sky stubbornly refuses to notice these incidents.
From the above, it appears that sections of the Afghan armed forces and the NATO command (which controls Afghan air space) are hand in glove in these covert operations. No doubt, this is a very serious allegation. The attack on the Hazara Shias must be taken as a message intended for Tehran. Historically and culturally, Iran has affinities with the Hazara Shia community in Afghanistan. Possibly, the Trump administration, which has vowed to overthrow the Iranian regime, is opening a ‘second front’ by the IS against Iran from the east.
Interestingly, Russian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement on Friday on the alarming drug situation in Afghanistan. It pointed out that:

  • A sharp increase in drug production is expected in Afghanistan this year and one-third of the country’s population is now involved in cultivation of opium poppy.
  • The geography of the Afghan drug trafficking has expanded and now reaches African continent.
  • Tonnes of chemicals for processing narcotics are illegally imported into Afghanistan – with Italy, France and Netherlands “among main suppliers”.
  • The US and NATO are either unwilling or incapable of curbing the illegal activity.
Russia and Iran cannot turn a blind eye to the hostile activities by the US (and NATO) in their backyard, transforming the anti-Taliban war into a proxy war. They cannot but view the Afghan conflict through the prism of their deepening tensions with the US.
What are Russia’s options? The Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting with the top brass in Moscow on August 18 that the Afghan conflict poses a threat to Central Asia’s stability. He said that Russia plans to hold joint military exercises later this year with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Russia has military bases in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Again, Ambassador Zamir Kabulov, Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan, said recently that if the Afghan government and the US are unable to counter the IS threat, Russia will resort to military force. Kabulov disclosed that Russia has raised in the UN Security Council the air dropping of supplies for the IS fighters in at least three provinces in northern Afghanistan by unidentified aircraft.
Of course, it is inconceivable that Russia will put “boots on the ground” in Afghanistan. But if the IS breaches the borders of the Central Asian states, it becomes the “red line”, Russia will hit back.

Russia is reinforcing its bases in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Significantly, in a joint military exercise with Tajikistan in July, Russia tested its Iskander-M short-range ballistic missiles, one of the most advanced weapons in the Russian arsenal, with a range of 500 kilometers and a payload of 700 kg. Iskander is equipped with terminal guidance systems with the capability to overcome missile defences. Iskander’s accuracy could be better than 10 meters. (Russia has deployed the deadly weapon to Syria.)


Talib means a madrassa student, and the term is also used for particular brand of armed fanatics involved in terrorist activities in Afghanistan as well as in Pakistan. They have brainwashed, are brainwashing gullible young boys to prepare them for suicide bombings, like Hasan Bin Saba used to do.

Why we (Pashtuns) have to be Taliban for Indian or American invaders?. Why not imagining Punjabis, Balochs and Sindhis taking this role?
Talib Means Talibilam, Talibilam means in english Is Student. Madarsa Is urdu word of School, So yu Can Use it as School Student, Yu Can Call A Normal School Student Talib. iam Pashtun thats why used Pashtuns if yu are Punjabi yu can use it, vicancy available Thank Yu. end Discussion
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