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Trump again offers to mediate between India, Pakistan on Kashmir

Fine thats your opinion Tayyip the watermellon seller but I urge to think outside the box many Pakistanis dont do that

nothing wrong with being a watermelon seller mate, its still a halal job. I do like that you want to think outside the box and i agree many people don't do that. However for me the end goal is a progressive Pakistan and who ever becomes a means to it, i will support.

I would like to urge you to stop with name calling, it doesn't represent well and it always over-shadows the point you are trying to make.
nothing wrong with being a watermelon seller mate, its still a halal job. I do like that you want to think outside the box and i agree many people don't do that. However for me the end goal is a progressive Pakistan and who ever becomes a means to it, i will support.

I would like to urge you to stop with name calling, it doesn't represent well and it always over-shadows the point you are trying to make.

Pakistanis keep calling Modi "Chai wala" and I understand your point but most people prefer name calling here as it gets the point across

India is preparing a Rwanda type genocide of Muslims in India and being supported by Trump and his Neocon masters by supporting India economically and militarily.

Of course they are but does "Uncle Sam" care no they need India to counter China thats the name of the game besides its a larger market and the US is desperate for cheap labor needed to exploit for its neo liberal capitalist economy Pakistan is just another tool they need for Afghanistan but there is too much mistrust since Pakistan is now much closer to China
Of course they are but does "Uncle Sam" care no they need India to counter China thats the name of the game besides its a larger market and the US is desperate for cheap labor needed to exploit for its neo liberal capitalist economy Pakistan is just another tool they need for Afghanistan but there is too much mistrust since Pakistan is now much closer to China

US used and cooperated with Iran in both Afghanistan and Iraq, does that make the Iranian regime a US puppet?
We have different points of view, just accept it and move on.

I agree but probably like 70-75 percent we could agree the other 25 percent on the Turkish/Pan Turkic stuff yeah pretty much

You are correct that this is a bolder Pakistan but Pakistan would have ignored Trump's Please-India-Again rants about Pakistan if he had uttered that. The deal with the Taliban is a prize win for Pakistan--almost certainly a great reduction in Indian presence in Afghanistan--something Pakistan has been trying to achieve since 2001. So Pakistan wouldn't jeopardize that by acting 'bold' which the likes Erdogan do in public. Pakistan has mostly been a Truman--and not Trump follower: Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick.

By unnecessarily praising Pakistan in public while in India, instead of even dodging mention of Pakistan altogether, Trump has surely embarrassed his Indian hosts. There is no doubt about that.

India is just going be "America's good boy in he the region they need them no 1- counter China 2-cheap labor and gullible partner to toy with as for Afghanistan I still say take Trump word with a grain of salt as with Yanks in general they have mistreated us for too long us Pakistanis should not get this excited right away the Yanks smell this if it were not for the whole region wanting them out they could have stayed forever but with China/Russia plus Iran up their nose no choice but to leave but I wont be suprised if another Afghan civil war might occur and the Yanks might try to pull a trick we gotta be careful

US used and cooperated with Iran in both Afghanistan and Iraq, does that make the Iranian regime a US puppet?

Does Pakistan being a NATO supply route make it a US puppet if we are going in that length besides Turkey supported the Northern Alliance in 2001 the world was much different place back then also
not for the whole region wanting them out they could have stayed forever but with China/Russia plus Iran up their nose no choice but to leave but I wont be suprised if another Afghan civil war might occur and the Yanks might try to pull a trick we gotta be careful

The whole region and even most Americans have been wanting them out since at least GWB's second term. But Trump can do bold things--good and bad. And he's almost certainly going to greatly reduce American presence in Afghanistan and after that if there are still American casualties in Afghanistan then there can be complete pull-out. Remember: USA is a superpower and has plenty of theaters and means to try to contain China...

But you are right: A civil war is likely in Afghanistan unless miraculously they manage to live together. Which I really hope they do.
nothing wrong with being a watermelon seller mate, its still a halal job. I do like that you want to think outside the box and i agree many people don't do that. However for me the end goal is a progressive Pakistan and who ever becomes a means to it, i will support.

I would like to urge you to stop with name calling, it doesn't represent well and it always over-shadows the point you are trying to make.
Great men are the products of the troubled childhood - Winston Churchill

While being in elementary school Reis Erdo'an in fact used to sell lemons in the streets of Kasim Pasha, a tough neighborhood in Istanbul....
Trump is in Full Troll mode in India. Ghus ke mara Do-Lun Trump ne bhi.
Funny thing is that..
When trump was asked about mediation of Kashmir ,CNN outright cut it off completely while i was watching the interview.
CNN and its relative parties don't want that
I happened to watch the Fox News video on YouTube and it was all there.

Also, as I said a few days ago, that Trump is a Dollars and Cents man. He just cares about making deals.
We have already gifted him Afghan deal which will help him immensely in upcoming elections and what we got in return? Trump , despite the media reports ordering his subordinates to clear Pakistan from FATF, couldn't get his orders implemented because American deep state is against Pakistan.

There is still time either way; FATF will make a “final” decision in October.
Mature states do not sit and wait for the fumes of Nazi racial superiority to form a regional hegemony based on financial prowess(propaganda)

Well Shiva, God of War just went to Delhi and praised Pakistan. I do not know what you are complaining about.

But mature states have patience. They calculate themselves and the enemy before initiating a conflict. We do not have resources for any military misadventure. Balakot cannot be held as a template for India's incompetence nor can 27th Feb action be held as Pakistan's superiority, not in the complete sense. Even though, Pakistan came up on the top in the two-days crisis it was too limited to draw any futuristic conclusions. Also, if we initiate a conflict we would be doing India favour. They want Pakistan to take the first jab and then they plan to control the escalate ladder. More importantly, why make it look like a murder when they are committing suicide? Our actions can portray India as a victim, which it isn't, and tilt international sympathy in their favour. Right now the world is watching India and not from a positive viewpoint. Why take that away?
soon till then enjoy some visuals with me.

Did she uploaded this from Kashmir? lol

Propaganda at worse. Anyway, you got the message across. That is what matter.

Now please show us some videos from streets of New Delhi as well.
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