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Trump again offers to mediate between India, Pakistan on Kashmir

If you think that these constitutional changes which no previous government dared to do are worthless then you need to deliberate again. Anyways changes of demography takes time. I was watching a program of Kamran Shahid where he was interviewing Kashmiris on your side. Hardly anybody looked or sounded like any Kashmiri on Indian side. Most of them spoke with typical Punjabi accent. It took militant insurgency 8 to 10 years to drove Kashmiri pundits away from the valley. They will be back soon, don't worry.

Who gives a damn to internal politics of India in Pakistan? Its a non issue for us. All we see that India is making blunders every day and now chicken are coming home to roast even in nation's capital new Delhi, as we speak. Kashmir is now played on the streets of Delhi. Worry about your mainland then disputed territory if I am honest.

As for the pundits or anyone else to go to Kashmir, you have to open Kashmir first. So when are you planning to do so? Its seem that Indian establishment is between rock and hard place at the moment. Bitten more then they can chew.
Best time to act like a mature state.
Mature states do not sit and wait for the fumes of Nazi racial superiority to form a regional hegemony based on financial prowess(propaganda)
Won't it shine bright if it burns...

Agni is a Hindu God, they love it.

Well Shiva, God of War just went to Delhi and praised Pakistan. I do not know what you are complaining about.
US just playing with gullible Indians and some Pakistanis

But Trump still shouldn't have even remotely praised Pakistan while in India. If he was worried about the deal with the Taliban then still he could have stayed neutral or mildly criticized Pakistan. Pakistanis know darn well that US dignitaries have to say some nasty thing about Pakistan while in India to win some business for America; so Pakistanis would have just ignored any anti Pakistan rant by Trump.

But then Trump is Trump...
But Trump still shouldn't have even remotely praised Pakistan while in India. If he was worried about the deal with the Taliban then still he could have stayed neutral or mildly criticized Pakistan. Pakistanis know darn well that US dignitaries have to say some nasty thing about Pakistan while in India to win some business for America; so Pakistanis would have just ignored any anti Pakistan rant by Trump.

But then Trump is Trump...

We are not the same Pakistan as before. We are bold and courageous when it comes to India. We have resigned ourselves to defeat India, no matter the cost. Pakistani influence, respect, and soft power is increasing day by day.

Americans understand this. It can never be the same as it was before. 'Do More' has no more currency in Pakistan and will result in immediate backlash from Pakistanis.

It is a newer, bolder Pakistan, as it should have been from the beginning.
We are not the same Pakistan as before. We are bold and courageous when it comes to India. We have resigned ourselves to defeat India, no matter the cost. Pakistani influence, respect, and soft power is increasing day by day.

Americans understand this. It can never be the same as it was before. 'Do More' has no more currency in Pakistan and will result in immediate backlash from Pakistanis.

It is a newer, bolder Pakistan, as it should have been from the beginning.

Perhaps but I dont think Pakistan is doing as much as it should at this moment I really feel its too little not just soft power but hard power must be assured as well
@Taimoor Khan

This is the voice of American Public, not to be confused with American Deep State. :-)

Pakistan must help Donald Trump secure 2nd term.

It is still the deep state. The military is controlling Trump's words and actions. He is not as free as he was when he was campaigning.

American public is vehemently anti-Pakistani, they still associate our country with terrorism, Taliban, allegedly hiding Osama, and criticize us for playing double game with them.

As bloodthirsty as they are when it comes to Turkey, they reserve the same hate and venom for us. We are just Turkey in Asia for them, and Turkey is just Pakistan in Europe for them.

They use the same tactic of Taliban safe haven to attack Turks today. We are still on their hit list. FATF is economic warfare and their last card against us.

Trump is a no-body.
It is still the deep state. The military is controlling Trump's words and actions. He is not as free as he was when he was campaigning.

American public is vehemently anti-Pakistani, they still associate our country with terrorism, Taliban, allegedly hiding Osama, and criticize us for playing double game with them.

As bloodthirsty as they are when it comes to Turkey, they reserve the same fate and venom for us. We are just Turkey in Asia for them, and Turkey is just Pakistan in Europe for them.

They use the same tactic of Taliban safe haven to attack Turks today. We are still on their hit list. FATF is economic warfare and their last card against us.

Trump is a no-body.

Listen I respect you a lot but your emphasis on Turkey is way too much,Turkey is just a foot solder in American Imperialism still and and I dont care if Tayyip the watermellon seller double deals with the Russians/Chinese he is just a toady as anybody else is, as for American public well they are braindead at this point and are too distracted
Listen I respect you a lot but your emphasis on Turkey is way too much,Turkey is just a foot solder in American Imperialism still and and I dont care if Tayyip the watermellon seller double deals with the Russians/Chinese he is just a toady as anybody else is, as for American public well they are braindead at this point and are too distracted

Why are you so anti-Turkey mate? As per my limited knowledge they have never done us any harm.
Why are you so anti-Turkey mate? As per my limited knowledge they have never done us any harm.
I am not Anti-Turkey I am anti-AKP and anti-Erdogan and I see him as shrill not a real leader for the Muslim world
Fair enough, i reckon there isn't any real leaders for the Muslim world, but atleast he has been good to us and for me that matters most.

Fine thats your opinion Tayyip the watermellon seller but I urge to think outside the box many Pakistanis dont do that
We are not the same Pakistan as before. We are bold and courageous when it comes to India. We have resigned ourselves to defeat India, no matter the cost. Pakistani influence, respect, and soft power is increasing day by day.

Americans understand this. It can never be the same as it was before. 'Do More' has no more currency in Pakistan and will result in immediate backlash from Pakistanis.

It is a newer, bolder Pakistan, as it should have been from the beginning.

You are correct that this is a bolder Pakistan but Pakistan would have ignored Trump's Please-India-Again rants about Pakistan if he had uttered that. The deal with the Taliban is a prize win for Pakistan--almost certainly a great reduction in Indian presence in Afghanistan--something Pakistan has been trying to achieve since 2001. So Pakistan wouldn't jeopardize that by acting 'bold' which the likes Erdogan do in public. Pakistan has mostly been a Truman--and not Trump follower: Speak Softly but Carry a Big Stick.

By unnecessarily praising Pakistan in public while in India, instead of even dodging mention of Pakistan altogether, Trump has surely embarrassed his Indian hosts. There is no doubt about that.
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