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Trump again offers to mediate between India, Pakistan on Kashmir

mediation will not work,trump should pressure india to resolve this issue and now matter has gone far beyond kashmir to whole indian Muslims
But mature states have patience. They calculate themselves and the enemy before initiating a conflict. We do not have resources for any military misadventure. Balakot cannot be held as a template for India's incompetence nor can 27th Feb action be held as Pakistan's superiority, not in the complete sense. Even though, Pakistan came up on the top in the two-days crisis it was too limited to draw any futuristic conclusions. Also, if we initiate a conflict we would be doing India favour. They want Pakistan to take the first jab and then they plan to control the escalate ladder. More importantly, why make it look like a murder when they are committing suicide? Our actions can portray India as a victim, which it isn't, and tilt international sympathy in their favour. Right now the world is watching India and not from a positive viewpoint. Why take that away?

Only Saints with a death wish act in a manner that you are describing after someone have them by the jugular.

You have all the ingredients available to settle the 90k times 10 score.

The only thing that is lacking is the will to pull it off.

Bottom line is it's either IMF or War. Ruling junta favors IMF economic. You decide your own
Propaganda at worse. Anyway, you got the message across. That is what matter.

You really think that this video / vlogger is not genuine but is somehow sponsored by government. I found it depicting ground realities. Anyways you are entitled to your opinion.
You really think that this video / vlogger is not genuine but is somehow sponsored by government. I found it depicting ground realities. Anyways you are entitled to your opinion.

From where did she uploaded the clip? Kashmir? Think over it. Let the rest upload their side of story, will yea?
ImranKhan is a beghairat.TRump was sitiing in one corner of delhi and on the other Hindus wwere ranssacking mosques. Wes should srtip being foolish and do the needful. Pakistan needs to break india's teeth.
OIC is gone now , all Arabs permanently silent, It's now controlled by Israel and India .... Pakistan has to counter Kashmir issue by themselves.
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