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Trolling and hate?

I am very sad to see that most of PDF members are acting like total jerk.Not a single thread is left without hate and trolling.Posters become animals over tiny issues,where as remaining ones with some sense adopt stealth trolling via manipulation and teasing.
From my life experience,I have learnt that if you want to know someone's reality,give him/her anonymity.

I ask you that do I/we need to develop protocol for everything?Don't any of trolls have some shame left?
Please do not respond with counter reasons,hate for others and blame game.Take first step by accepting your own fault.This website welcomes sane people to take part,not some gutter minded fools with no morals or who are not mature enough.
This thread is not a rant nor some death knell.This is like a meeting,maybe some of you realize your responsibility and stop trolling.


unfortunately it is the national pastime of people of the subcontinent wherever they may be located.
If moderators and think think tanks enforce rules in fair and just manner most of the issues will get solved. For example pakistani pdf member celebrates death of a soldier in india then indian pdf member gives it back vice versa.

A small amount of banter/trolling is ok but some of the threads look total junk. More ever some of think tank members themselves are not good. Instead of being the fair umpire they end up taking sides and start trolling !

Bottom line is that if rules are strictly enforced irrespective of their flags , it will make a hell lot of difference.
Most of time I don't comment , I just read threads. Whenever I feel that it is good thread to comment then I do but only on topic related to the thread.
@Slav Defence @Jango @Icarus @Manticore @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

There can be one way to reduce trolling. Whenever, somebody crosses the line, someone can always report it and the moderator will review the case. That system is already in place. What it lacks is a feedback mechanism.

The person who is reporting does not know whether any action has been taken or not. The other users do not know that either. There may or may not be an infraction handed to the user, nobody knows. That gives the impression that the perpetrator went scot-free and may be acting with impunity. That results in more trolling.

Also, I will not be mistaken to assume that most of the forum members don't bother to read the rules.

So, I will suggest you all to create a sticky thread, where you post updates for forum rule violation. If you don't want to expose the identity of the user, then that is also fine. At least there should be enough pointer there so that if any forum member goes through it, then he/she will be able to understand, for what reasons one is being handed infractions.

How does this sound ?
@Slav Defence @Jango @Icarus @Manticore @Irfan Baloch @WebMaster

There can be one way to reduce trolling. Whenever, somebody crosses the line, someone can always report it and the moderator will review the case. That system is already in place. What it lacks is a feedback mechanism.

The person who is reporting does not know whether any action has been taken or not. The other users do not know that either. There may or may not be an infraction handed to the user, nobody knows. That gives the impression that the perpetrator went scot-free and may be acting with impunity. That results in more trolling.

Also, I will not be mistaken to assume that most of the forum members don't bother to read the rules.

So, I will suggest you all to create a sticky thread, where you post updates for forum rule violation. If you don't want to expose the identity of the user, then that is also fine. At least there should be enough pointer there so that if any forum member goes through it, then he/she will be able to understand, for what reasons one is being handed infractions.

How does this sound ?

Moderators do occasionally leave report feedback, we can't do it for everyone because we are flooded with reports and simply cannot stop at one long enough to ensure a response. I for one will try to leave feedback more regularly now that I know that people expect to see it.
Moderators do occasionally leave report feedback, we can't do it for everyone because we are flooded with reports and simply cannot stop at one long enough to ensure a response. I for one will try to leave feedback more regularly now that I know that people expect to see it.

If possible try making a general thread for the positive cases, where all moderators will post. Other regular forum members can go through it and say to himself, "Okay, people are being handed infraction for doing this, maybe I shouldn't do that".

Correct me if I'm wrong, that's how the system of policing works ? Prevention is better than cure ehh ? :D

Otherwise, you guys end up banning different users for probably similar type of violations..Just a suggestion. Feedback mechanism always works. :)
Moderators do occasionally leave report feedback, we can't do it for everyone because we are flooded with reports and simply cannot stop at one long enough to ensure a response. I for one will try to leave feedback more regularly now that I know that people expect to see it.

Well if it means anything I always get feedback since u have become a mod and seeing a faster action too. I report around 10-20 posts daily its good to see a feedback that an action has been taken. Thank you. :tup:
Umm when he said Indian Mod he probaly meant someone who is amicable to the general Indian Point of View on this forum which you don't represent.

you misunderstand the role of moderators.

if i am made mod, i will actually allow a better image of india and educated views from here to reach the international reader.

Otherwise what is the difference between you and a Pakistani Mod?

so conversely, you want a indian mod who will disallow any post that dissents with the view of the indian majority here ( sanghis )??
you misunderstand the role of moderators.

if i am made mod, i will actually allow a better image of india and educated views from here to reach the international reader.

I am on many forums and know what is the role of the moderator. He/She should be someone who is fair and disallows/bans trolls

so conversely, you want a indian mod who will disallow any post that dissents with the view of the indian majority here ( sanghis )??

I'm waiting for Horus to give up trolling first.

He is the biggest troll as an administrator on pdf.

He celebrates death on Indian army men and sympathises with terrorists.

For example, visit the thread where he sympathised with 5 terrorists who were killed recently in Kashmir.

I mean if an administrator starts acting like a lunatic then how can you expect decency from new members.

He is also very hateful towards Hindu and Sikhs.

I've asked webmaster many times to put him on short leash, but no result as of yet.

1-Horus is one of the most contributive poster we are ever gifted of.
2-He is himself author of various amazing writeups.
3-As a mod,he has performed amazing work
4-Usually,his harsh response is towards troll posters
5-Initiator of new defence talk project.
6-Speaks openly and straight forward.
7-It is his patience that he is tolerating you my friend,and you must respect it.

Now you:
1-Never introduced amazing writeups
2-Never come up with any contribution
3-Since,you have shown troll activity,therefore you cannot be even promoted to R&D
4-Harsh response towards everyone
5-Never come up with any good idea
7-You do both stealth and open ''trolling"'

Mathematical expression:
Over all score @Horus 6/7 (-1) of your claim.
You 0/7
Let horus=6
Since 6>0
Therefore, Horus>you is the Answer

Case closed.
I am on many forums and know what is the role of the moderator. He/She should be someone who is fair and disallows/bans trolls

Yes, the moderator has to be fair and SEEN to be fair. Also, same cannot derail each and every thread to pet subjects like long dead african dictators, " money less societies" or "suicidings"...whatever that means. IMO, A moderator can be unconventional and have a different perspective to mainstream but should be always seen as sane and rational otherwise it makes a laughing stock out of the post. Actually I think moderators on PDF do a pretty neat job and capable of standing up to pressure ( not suck up...just saying) but not enough of them.
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I am very sad to see that most of PDF members are acting like total jerk.Not a single thread is left without hate and trolling.Posters become animals over tiny issues,where as remaining ones with some sense adopt stealth trolling via manipulation and teasing.
From my life experience,I have learnt that if you want to know someone's reality,give him/her anonymity.

I ask you that do I/we need to develop protocol for everything?Don't any of trolls have some shame left?
Please do not respond with counter reasons,hate for others and blame game.Take first step by accepting your own fault.This website welcomes sane people to take part,not some gutter minded fools with no morals or who are not mature enough.
This thread is not a rant nor some death knell.This is like a meeting,maybe some of you realize your responsibility and stop trolling.


Whether you have realized it or not by now. Trolling/trolls have a massive support base on pdf.

Blatant racist troll/abusive posts receive massive encouragement from senior members here (even TTAs) in the form of thanking a post or quoting and verbally encouraging the same. In some worst cases even receive a positive rating.

All trolls seek this kind of attention to themselves, which give them a feeling that their garbage /nonsense posts are valued.

If the mods implement a rule of taking same action towards members encouraging a troll post as they would against trolling, you will have pdf with no support base for trolling. Less work for the mods etc.

This way trolls after permanent ban will no longer come back with duplicate ids, once they realize they receive no attention/support here.

If this rule is not already implemented, it would make a lot of difference in ensuring pdf remains a forum for only proper intellectual discussions.


Yes, the moderator has to be fair and SEEN to be fair.

i quite understand when a post is trolling or filth, and i say this about postings from other nationalities too.

Also, same cannot derail each and every thread to pet subjects like long dead african dictators, " money less societies" or "suicidings"

...which subjects are relevant to india and the world at any point.

and it is your poisoned perception that i bring these in every post... reality is that you only want to see sanghis acknowledging each other in every thread.

A moderator can be unconventional and have a different perspective to mainstream but should be always seen as sane and rational otherwise it makes a laughing stock out of the post.

lovely... a sanghi teaching a socialist about sanity and rationality.

including with the background of having indian rationalists being murdered and the murdered then celebrated by the saffronis on pdf.

what cheek !!

Actually I think moderators on PDF do a pretty neat job and capable of standing up to pressure ( not suck up...just saying) but not enough of them.

sure, you must be really happy with the mods, given that the sanghis are easily able to flood most threads.
Three warnings a ban Three ban Perma ban:tup: trollers must be troll just need to be strict on them.
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