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Treat India Seriously: China's People's Daily

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Götterdämmerung;2340892 said:
Spending is good for business i wish India success and start spending as well. We have tons of luxury here waiting for customers.

luxury stuffs are like a drug that would drive you to additives, and the only ones who benefit from that the most are the western capitalists!!! remember how british trick the Chinese during Opium war!!!???

the real example today you can witness is vietnam, just have to go there 1 and see how stuck up those people over there eager to buy luxuy stuffs from the west such as Lamborghini cars....but those people never realize how clownish of vietnam traffic in world views!!! is it too funny!!!
luxury stuffs are like a drug that would drive you to additives, and the only ones who benefit from that the most are the western capitalists!!! remember how british trick the Chinese during Opium war!!!???

the real example today you can witness is vietnam, just have to go there 1 and see how stuck up those people over there eager to buy luxuy stuffs from the west such as Lamborghini cars....but those people never realize how clownish of vietnam traffic in world views!!! is it too funny!!!

Well, opium and a luxury bag are rieally incomparable. But yeah, i know what you mean with the Lamborghini and the shoddy roads in Vietnam.

But I also see Chinese luxury goods starting to enter European markets like the way Japanese luxury goods in the 1980s.
Sorry, indians can't do physics and chemistry. only answer calls from a call center.

Really is that why we helped intel make the first pentium chip so that you Chinese can use it to reverse engineer every new piece of technology that hits the markets. Let's not open the pandora's box shall we
Really is that why we helped intel make the first pentium chip so that you Chinese can use it to reverse engineer every new piece of technology that hits the markets. Let's not open the pandora's box shall we

no, you did not help make intel make the first pentium chip. a purebred caucasian American with a funny name that sounded sort of Indian did.

i'll believe it when i see it. right now, India's research output is, to put it lightly, not very good. there has not been any state of the art challenging technologies emerging from India, like nanoacoustics, quantum computing, supercomputers, drug delivery, etc. has done in China.
We go for the throat!

How dare you display my pic. without my permission. Just see my avtaar :cheesy:
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