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Travelling to the forbidden land — A Pakistani in Israel

What makes sense is that the foreign Jews cannot simply make their own state in Palestine for no reason. They were oppressed by Germany, instead of running away they should have made their state in Germany. Why should the Arabs pay for Germany's mistakes?
First, out of fairness to haviZsultan, you might want to correct the attribution in your post.

Second, you aren't addressing the issue I brought to the front. I can only assume that you've read the Mandate and understood that it does not support your favored narrative, so you've made a leap beyond facts and logic into spouting the tale that appeals to you instead. Did you think justice can be built upon such falsehoods?
Second, you aren't addressing the issue I brought to the front. I can only assume that you've read the Mandate and understood that it does not support your favored narrative, so you've made a leap beyond facts and logic into spouting the tale that appeals to you instead. Did you think justice can be built upon such falsehoods?

I don't care whatever nonsense you bring forward, the fact is that Israel has no right to exist, and as if that wasn't already enough, Israel is now trying to crush Palestine and not allow a Palestinian state to emerge.
I don't care whatever nonsense you bring forward, the fact is that Israel has no right to exist, and as if that wasn't already enough, Israel is now trying to crush Palestine and not allow a Palestinian state to emerge.
You could simply have said, "Yes, Solomon2, that's exactly what I'm doing and I don't care because I want the result I want, whether it's just or not."
"........... She handed me an entry visa on a separate piece of paper and directed me to the luggage machine."

"One wouldn't think so but they lead a fairly normal life"

"In fact, I hadn't seen the amount of luxury cars anywhere else in Israel as I did in the city of Ramallah in the West Bank."

Moral of the story
1. Israelis are so nice :omghaha:
2. Palestinians are enjoying better life style than Israelis :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Well some body check the visitor's lower back, I'm sure you will see a STAR with an eye is engraved there now :omghaha:
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The League of Nations wrote it in the spirit of the Treaty of Sevres, a document the Ottoman Caliph endorsed but the nascent Turkish Republic failed to ratify. Sevres was in turn based upon the outcome of the 1920 San Remo conference.

I.e, written by biased westerners looking to stick the jews somewhere and screwing the muslims

Where local Muslims would be forced to accept occupation and division of their land to foreign non middle eastern jews

Now why would Muslims accept that?
I.e, written by biased westerners looking to stick the jews somewhere and screwing the muslims
Read the Mandate. The Muslims were not "screwed" by their terms.
Where local Muslims would be forced to accept occupation and division of their land to foreign non middle eastern jews
Now why would Muslims accept that?
That's just what the accepted representative of Arab interests did at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference! See the Faisal-Weizmann agreement.
Read the Mandate. The Muslims were not "screwed" by their terms.
That's just what the accepted representative of Arab interests did at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference! See the Faisal-Weizmann agreement.

Of course the muslims were scewed, former lands of muslim Ottoman empire rather than be handed to local muslims and arabs were given to jews to form a state upon which muslims already lived.

Non middle eastern jews then had the right to travel to this land and have rights superseding that of the local Muslim population

All done without asking the local muslims

Now once again, why should the muslims have accept this? The division of their homes and lands and establishment of a jew state by foreign jews upon the homes and lands of muslims

That's just what the accepted representative of Arab interests did at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference! See the Faisal-Weizmann agreement.

There was no accepted representative, their was a western/jewish patsy
Of course the muslims were scewed, former lands of muslim Ottoman empire rather than be handed to local muslims and arabs were given to jews to form a state upon which muslims already lived.
You neglect entirely the proof just posted, that the local muslim representative agreed to it and that Jews also lived in the area. For example, according to Ottoman records, Jews had been the largest single group in Jerusalem for decades.

Non middle eastern jews then had the right to travel to this land and have rights superseding that of the local Muslim population
No, they had that right before, as immigrants to the Ottoman Empire.

Now once again, why should the muslims have accept this? The division of their homes and lands and establishment of a jew state by foreign jews upon the homes and lands of muslims
Because the lands the Jews settled in were fairly purchased or, after the Mandate was implemented, State or waste lands. The laws and rights of the Mandate referred to those of the decades-old tanzimat reforms of the Ottomans,so land could be bought and sold regardless of what religion you belonged to.

The whole post-WWI story is about the breaking up of the three defeated empires - Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman - into separate nation-states. The breakup worked, save in those areas where the different nationalities were compelled to stay in the same entity: Danzig, the Saarland, Iraq, the Sudentenland - and Palestine.

There was no accepted representative, their was a western/jewish patsy
Patsy? Faisal's family controlled the Hijaz and later Iraq and Transjordan, areas far larger than the Mandate Territory. The current Jordanian king is his descendant. It would be more accurate to claim that the British and Jews were his patsies.

All done without asking the local muslims
There was also a letter to the British Palestine governor, signed by the leaders of fifteen Arab villages, insisting that they were not a separate identity but "southern Syrians" and would oppose a division into a separate state. Their desire to not break up was irrelevant at this stage because the decision had already been made to break up the empire into nation-states, but their declaration that they had no separate "Palestinian" identity was quite enough to convince people at San Remo, etc. that there was no local Palestinian Arab nationalism to cater to. And in truth today's "Palestinian nationalism" is based on nothing more than subsidized Jew-hatred; otherwise, its all clan and family relationships.
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Been to Israel once (for a week) on a training.
On my return voyage, I went to the Ben Gurion Airport.
Asked someone for the SAS checkin counter, and she pointed at a corner, "...and go to the left".
I found SAS, and they had two open check-in counters,
one with a couple of hundred in line, and one with four guys waiting.

- Thank God, I am flying business class I thought, and waited a few minutes and then I was checked in.

As I had taken two steps towards the gates, the girl at the counter cried:

Excuse me sir, You did not pass security!

So I was take aside for questioning by a girl.

- How come I flew to Israel from Helsinki on Austrian Airlines, but leave on an SAS flight for Stockholm?
: Was on an exhibition in Helsinki.
- What did You do Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? ...
: <long story>
- Do You have anyone that can vouch for You?
: <names, names, names...>
- What do You have in Your bag? DON'T OPEN THE BAG!

She kept on asking questions for fifteen minutes, then she left, and another girl came up
and started asking questions:

- How come I flew to Israel from Helsinki on Austrian Airlines, but leave on an SAS flight for Stockholm?
: Was on an exhibition in Helsinki.
- What did You do Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? ...
: <long story>
- Do You have anyone that can vouch for You?
: <names, names, names...>
- What do You have in Your bag? DON'T OPEN THE BAG!

When she was ready after fifteen minutes, she left and a third girl came up
and started asking questions:

- How come I flew to Israel from Helsinki on Austrian Airlines, but leave on an SAS flight for Stockholm?
: Was on an exhibition in Helsinki.
- What did You do Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday? Thursday? Friday? ...
: <long story>
- Do You have anyone that can vouch for You?
: <names, names, names...>
- What do You have in Your bag? DON'T OPEN THE BAG!

Meanwhile the first two girls compared my answers, and when they finally were happy,
after a total of 45 minutes, the first girl came back, and apologized,
and hoped I realized that it was only for my security.

So I replied:

- I don't mind that girls are interested in me, even if it is only for professional reasons!

The other passengers were curious why the third degree, but looking at the incident
from a distance, I think bypassing the security check saved me at least one hour, LOL...

My sister flew on El Al from NY to Tel Aviv and they had a lady security guard sit next to her with a machine gun...this was before 9/11. They weren't happy with her answers I guess.
You neglect entirely the proof just posted, that the local muslim representative agreed to it and that Jews also lived in the area. For example, according to Ottoman records, Jews had been the largest single group in Jerusalem for decades.

No, they had that right before, as immigrants to the Ottoman Empire.

Because the lands the Jews settled in were fairly purchased or, after the Mandate was implemented, State or waste lands. The laws and rights of the Mandate referred to those of the decades-old tanzimat reforms of the Ottomans,so land could be bought and sold regardless of what religion you belonged to.

The whole post-WWI story is about the breaking up of the three defeated empires - Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman - into separate nation-states. The breakup worked, save in those areas where the different nationalities were compelled to stay in the same entity: Danzig, the Saarland, Iraq - and Palestine.

Patsy? Faisal's family controlled the Hijaz and later Iraq and Transjordan, areas far larger than the Mandate Territory. The current Jordanian king is his descendant. It would be more accurate to claim that the British and Jews were his patsies.

There was also a letter to the conference, signed by the leaders of fifteen Arab villages, insisting that they were not a separate identity but "southern Syrians".

All in all, it was quite enough to convince people at the Paris Peace Conference that there was no local Palestinian Arab nationalism. And in truth today's "Palestinian nationalism" is based on nothing more than subsidized Jew-hatred; otherwise, its all clan and family relationships.

I dont neglect any solid proof or evidence (not the jew virtual library of course)

All we have is western enforced plan favouring jews forcing a jew state upon a area which has been muslim for over 1000 years

Muslims fought for over 100 years to defeat the crusaders refusing to give up Jerusalem and Palestine yet you think they would agree to move off theur land in favour of a jew state made up of mostly foreign non middle eastern jews?

It was all planned with one sticking point the local muslims didn't accept jew occupation and oppression and dont to this day.
All we have is western enforced plan favouring jews forcing a jew state upon a area which has been muslim for over 1000 years
You're only seeing what you wish to see.

Muslims fought for over 100 years to defeat the crusaders refusing to give up Jerusalem and Palestine yet you think they would agree to move off theur land in favour of a jew state made up of mostly foreign non middle eastern jews?
You do know that Jews fought the crusaders too, right? The defense of Haifa was entirely up to the Jews. I don't think any reinforcements were sent from Egypt or Mesopotamia.

It was all planned with one sticking point the local muslims didn't accept jew occupation and oppression and dont to this day.
Did you think the "local muslims" were displaced by gunpoint during the Mandate period? No, the Jews had to pay money. Lots and lots of money. Something like forty times what the land would cost if a Muslim or Christian bought it. So yes, they did accept the Jews' arrival - for the right price.

Also, while the British restricted Jewish immigration, they did not restrict Arab immigration into the Mandate region. The Jews' money and improvements and industry all created jobs that Arabs found attractive. Palestinian Arabs talk a great deal about their family. They will claim they are from such-and-such place in Israel but many also talk about their relatives in Egypt, Syria, etc. Are these also to be counted as "local arabs"?

But it was whispered by their leaders that it would only last until the British left. Then they could kill the Jews and take it all back. Hitler was their inspiration: they would take the Jews' money AND their land, the land that the Jews settled as wastes or dilapidated structures and then built and improved with their own hands. THAT is the whole purpose of the "Palestinian" Arab nationalism you support - to empower and enrich genocidal thieves and their descendants, who have waved the flag of religious bigotry to manipulate you for a hundred years! (Who is the patsy, exactly?)
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If I ever visit I visit Palestine and the land occupying by Jews name call Israel.
If I ever visit I visit Palestine and the land occupying by Jews name call Israel.
See? You don't care about justice. You only care about victory for "our people". Now you know why the Arab middle east is such a mess, why Pakistan has been so hard-hit, and why even Europe is threatened.

My sister flew on El Al from NY to Tel Aviv and they had a lady security guard sit next to her with a machine gun...this was before 9/11. They weren't happy with her answers I guess.
Wow! Was she flying first class?
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