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Travelling to the forbidden land — A Pakistani in Israel

You're only seeing what you wish to see.

You do know that Jews fought the crusaders too, right? The defense of Haifa was entirely up to the Jews. I don't think any reinforcements were sent from Egypt or Mesopotamia.

Did you think the "local muslims" were displaced by gunpoint during the Mandate period? No, the Jews had to pay money. Lots and lots of money. Something like forty times what the land would cost if a Muslim or Christian bought it. So yes, that's they did accept the Jews' arrival.

But it was whispered by their leaders that it would only last until the British left. Then they could kill the Jews and take it all back. Hitler was their inspiration: they would take the Jews' money AND their land. THAT is the whole purpose of the "Palestinian" Arab nationalism you support - to empower and enrich thieves and their descendants, who have waved the flag of religious bigotry to manipulate you for a hundred years! (Who is the patsy, exactly?)

I am seeing the obvious

The crusades were a muslim v Christian affair, the jews if anything were duplicit throughout trying to improve their position, getting butchered by the crusaders and being saved by the muslim victory

The jews bought a few houses, they did not buy all the land and they didn't buy a country, nor gain the right to declare a jewish state with Jerusalem as its capital

Nor swamp the land with foreign jews and automatically give them more rights then the locals

Your trying to con us and you think we dont know, the only thieves trying to enrich themselves and their descendants is the jews at the cost of the local population.

The Germans were right about you, Hitler was right about you

The jews have faced pogroms and slaughter across the ages, across the world from Russia to Spain to England culminating in the Holocaust rather than learning your lesson you have butchered, murdered, abused, oppressed an innocent people forcing them into ghettos and camps

The muslim world is not small our 1.7 billion population will grow and power will return and we will remember whst the jews have done to us
I am seeing the obvious
No, you're still in distort-and-deny mode. You don't want to admit you've been had by the anti-Zionists and you want others to suffer just like you have, and the Jews to suffer even worse.

Really, there are alternatives to the hatred you espouse. Is it your pride that gets in your way? That was the argument of one of my Indian Muslim chums in college: he claimed truth was important, BUT he had the right to lie to his sons to avoid embarrassment. Nothing could sway him...a sin once made could never be admitted to, it had to be brushed aside and covered up. (He was quite the "killer pre-med": when I learned casual vandalism of school property was his hobby, I did not remain his companion.)

And of course you're getting a better understanding now of why everything was so nice when Sheraz visited Israel: it's the Jews that respect civil and property rights, regardless of nationality or religion. They did not cheat the Arabs of their just inheritance, nor should they deny their own, and they have treated the Arabs with justice: the Jews stuck to the terms of the Mandate whereas the Arabs have not.

So yes, Pakistanis can visit Israel. My understanding, and that of the author (he explains in the comments), is if a Pakistani passport is used a separate page can be added to it by the authorities. It's only Pakistanis who are holding themselves back.
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Wow ...simply marvelous ...I'm delighted to see the pics.Thankyou so much sheraz :),I'm sure it must have been a wonderful experience
No, you're still in distort-and-deny mode. You don't want to admit you've been had by the anti-Zionists and you want others to suffer just like you have, and the Jews to suffer even worse.

Really, there are alternatives to the hatred you espouse. Is it your pride that gets in your way? That was the argument of one of my Indian Muslim chums in college: he claimed truth was important, BUT he had the right to lie to his sons to avoid embarrassment. Nothing could sway him...a sin once made could never be admitted to, it had to be brushed aside and covered up. (He was quite the "killer pre-med": when I learned casual vandalism of school property was his hobby, I did not remain his companion.)

And of course you're getting a better understanding now of why everything was so nice when Sheraz visited Israel: it's the Jews that respect civil and property rights, regardless of nationality or religion. They did not cheat the Arabs of their just inheritance, nor should they deny their own, and they have treated the Arabs with justice: the Jews stuck to the terms of the Mandate whereas the Arabs have not.

Im not in any mode, but you are sure in con mode

You have been pining, plannin, crying and singing songs about Jerusalem for the best part of 2000 years

The plan to steal and occupy the land started with the birth of the modern zionist movement

Muslims are not ones for giving up and we will not surrender in the face of your occupation, oppression and apartheid state

Yes, they cheated the muslims and have oppressed them for over 60 years

You wanting us to give up or move on and just forget it and be friends is not possible until Al Aqsa is free, Palestine is established and the jews go back to their countries of origin
You could simply have said, "Yes, Solomon2, that's exactly what I'm doing and I don't care because I want the result I want, whether it's just or not."

My desired result is just, yours is not. Give me one reason why I should support Israel against the Palestinians.
Im not in any mode, but you are sure in con mode

You have been pining, plannin, crying and singing songs about Jerusalem for the best part of 2000 years

The plan to steal and occupy the land started with the birth of the modern zionist movement

Muslims are not ones for giving up and we will not surrender in the face of your occupation, oppression and apartheid state

Yes, they cheated the muslims and have oppressed them for over 60 years

You wanting us to give up or move on and just forget it and be friends is not possible until Al Aqsa is free, Palestine is established and the jews go back to their countries of origin

80% of Israelis are dual or triple nationals and they don't travel on Israel passport. If somehow my uncles uncles dead mother was somehow related to Judaism than I'm a Jew and entitled to Israeli citizenship but somehow that doesn't apply to darkskin or African Jews.
The Zionist claim Israel as a "prophecied promised land" but when you read the prophecies the promised land is there after the messiah arrives. The Jews are still waiting for their so called messiah to come and help them rule over the world and yes he'd be from the bloodline of David now the question here is how can the messiah be from the blood line of David when all the Jews in Israel are converts..funny isn't it. Oh yeah Hagana ,stern are some of Jewish terror organizations that butchered Palestine
Just wanted to clarify.
Israel is not a forbidden land, it is our holy land.

We will eventually take it back.
why on earth would israel want to have any relation with pakistan? especially defence related? deep down, all know it will be used against israel...
why on earth would israel want to have any relation with pakistan? especially defence related? deep down, all know it will be used against israel...

Why would it be? India, Afghanistan, and militants are our enemies, not Israel.
Just wanted to clarify.
Israel is not a forbidden land, it is our holy land.

We will eventually take it back.

Who is "our" ? Islam or Pakistan?

Any way, Israel existed way before either of them came into existence.
Because Muslims hate jews. Jews will survive only till they are militarily strong.

A very stupid thing to say considering Jews and Muslims have historically been allies against the Christians.
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