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Total breakdown? US-Pakistan may go to war in 2012

Im willing to bet that the deployment of USMC alone will suffice to dismantle pakistans conventional forces in a matter of days. But creating another Afghanistan will only lead to more problems in the region.

Spending too much time playing computer games is not good for sanity of a kid.
only indian retards like you are retarded enough to think that

its just wishfull thinking cos indians hoping that americans will take care of pakistan and china for them cos they are so worried they gonna get kicked in rogh neighbourhood. No chance americans will have an all out war with pakistan
its just wishfull thinking cos indians hoping that americans will take care of pakistan and china for them cos they are so worried they gonna get kicked in rogh neighbourhood. No chance americans will have an all out war with pakistan

Cool down buddy, we already sliced Pakistan. Still your talking about war.
Yes! it will be great to watch that real movie happening happening between US and Pakistan on the landz of India.And thats what already has been planned to make U guyz realli happi......Insha-Allah.........:)

Buddy.. YOu didnt get my post.. I meant that the scenario of a war between USA and Pakistan is only possible in a hollywood movie and not in real life..
Nothing as said above is Gonna Happen... At the most a Economic Sanction on Pakistan... it will be Beneficial for US Cozz Without Firing a Single Bullet they can Bring Pakistan on its Knees... Finally due to Bad shape of ur Economy Paks Elite or Ruling class(even if its Imran Khan) will Accept the US demands... Cozz a Country like Iran can sell Oil & Survive But Pak doesnt have any of such Assets to Sell & Survive the Sanctions...

Just my Views... No War For Sure BUT Economic Sanctions is for Sure...
I said explain ? If you don't have an argument then accept it and leave the discussion.
Any way, here's my response to your pathetic one liner anyway.

Pakistan is not the epicentre of terrorism, if you are man enough then prove me otherwise then I'll be waiting for your argument and it better be with proof, I don't want to see a caged ISI pigeon agent or a dead Kashmiri youth labelled as a Pakistani terrorist to save the skins of the butchers that killed him. I want PROOF. If there are terrorist camps in Pakistan, then India has a satellite, If you can't circle those camps on a map and tell me "There you go, your training militants there" then you might as well sell it for scrap because it is of no use.

almost every single western country says that pakistani nukes are not safe , and the pakistan based islamic terror groups might get an hand on them , so naturally india faces direct threat from this , and all those european and western countries who have been fighting these terror groups as a war on terror , so it is quiet obvious that almost the entire world community is threatened by pakistans incapability to close down these terror camps in its soil , and what proof do i need to give you when your own ex-foreign minister M.QUERESHI has said that your nukes are not safe , the entire world knows you had orchestrated 26/11 , still you want to live in your own delusion , then you may , this the very reason why american's want to snatch your nukes , because as a nation you are still not mature enough to posses nukes .

here is a credible source to justify my claims

US 'concerned Taliban will snatch Pakistan's nuclear weapons'
The United States is increasingly concerned about the potential vulnerability of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
By Isambard Wilkinson in Islamabad 11:54AM BST 04 May 2009
Citing unnamed US officials The New York Times newspaper said President Barack Obama's government is worried about the potential for Taliban militants to snatch a weapon in transport or to insert sympathisers into laboratories or fuel-production facilities.
The officials emphasised that there was no reason to believe that the arsenal, most of which is deployed south of Islamabad, was facing an imminent threat, the report said.
But the United States does not know where exactly all of Pakistan's nuclear sites are located, and its concerns have intensified in the last two weeks, after Taliban fighters entered Buner, a district just 60 miles from the capital, the newspaper said.
Pakistani officials have continued to rebuff American requests for more details about the location and security of the country's nuclear sites, the report noted.
Some of the Pakistani reluctance stemmed from long-standing concern that the United States might be tempted to seize or destroy Pakistan's arsenal if the insurgency spread further, according to the paper.
Thanks for telling ..... But Its useless to tell this to us, because we are aware of this rubbish propaganda about our nukes being made by you people....

You should concentrate on your internal issues that are causing Instability inside India..... You should concentrate on Red Corridor area and other areas where there are numerous separatist movements are operating and your forces are unable to control them .. You should concentrate on your extremists in BJP and other organizations first . . . .

You were also aware about OBL's presence in pakistan and you declined it already too. After OBL raid nothing seems to be impossible in Pakistan.
Im willing to bet that the deployment of USMC alone will suffice to dismantle pakistans conventional forces in a matter of days. But creating another Afghanistan will only lead to more problems in the region.

LOL ...

I said explain ? If you don't have an argument then accept it and leave the discussion.
Any way, here's my response to your pathetic one liner anyway.

Pakistan is not the epicentre of terrorism, if you are man enough then prove me otherwise then I'll be waiting for your argument and it better be with proof, I don't want to see a caged ISI pigeon agent or a dead Kashmiri youth labelled as a Pakistani terrorist to save the skins of the butchers that killed him. I want PROOF. If there are terrorist camps in Pakistan, then India has a satellite, If you can't circle those camps on a map and tell me "There you go, your training militants there" then you might as well sell it for scrap because it is of no use.

I think it takes a lot of courage to say pakistan is not epicenter of terrorism, after 26/11 and laden episode, and after death of thousands of ordinary pakistanis.
There are many muslim countries, but if I am allowed to bet, I would put my money on the fact that the next big terror plot targeting europe/US/India/China/Russia will have pakistan connection.
I think it takes a lot of courage to say pakistan is not epicenter of terrorism, after 26/11 and laden episode, and after death of thousands of ordinary pakistanis.
There are many muslim countries, but if I am allowed to bet, I would put my money on the fact that the next big terror plot targeting europe/US/India/China/Russia will have pakistan connection.
if that was the case mr hinduguy actions would be taken, but i see nothing happening except indians running their big mouth behind monitors.
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