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Total breakdown? US-Pakistan may go to war in 2012

unfortunately , in recent years pakistan has become a threat to the entire world peace because of the growing instability

Look who is talking...... do not forgets that you (india) is threat for region
paranoia at the worst..
a country 10,000 miles away vonsidering pakistan as a threat.

---------- Post added at 06:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:32 PM ----------

unfortunately , in recent years pakistan has become a threat to the entire world peace because of the growing instability

yup.be very....very....very afraid of us
Doubt americans have the balls for an all out war with pakistan. They have been huffing and puffing for 30 years about what they are going to iranians and they have done sweet FA. Americans have sanitised war. They dont like taking casulties. I mean lets look at Afghanistan? Iraq aftr 10 years of sanctions? libya. One thing for certain if there was a war with the likes of pakistan or iran the americans may win but they will take thousands of body bags back to america and they do not have the pain threshhold to take pain
I think only Pakistani nukes fallen into extremists hands is the only danger. But very risky for India and western world. Other than that I don't think Pakistan is risk to anybody including USA.

Thanks for telling ..... But Its useless to tell this to us, because we are aware of this rubbish propaganda about our nukes being made by you people....

You should concentrate on your internal issues that are causing Instability inside India..... You should concentrate on Red Corridor area and other areas where there are numerous separatist movements are operating and your forces are unable to control them .. You should concentrate on your extremists in BJP and other organizations first . . . .
Your comment is an opinion of misguided people. Furthermore learn to talk on topic, this topic is about armed conflict between US and Pakistan raising the US's threat level to itself. The said armed conflict is something the US is going to engage, not Pakistan. So the entire premise wreaks of duplicity and spinning yarns with half coherent words.

The reason for the increased probability of that armed conflict though is the belief of Western Nations and India that Pakistan is the source of most terror activities in the world. Right or wrong is a matter of opinion, but that belief that has been reinforced over a period of time thru incidents like 26/11, Abbotabad etc.. Hence the cause and effect..
Pakistan is not going to fight with the US. It is the US that is coming to fight Pakistan, yet Pakistan is the danger or is Pakistan IN danger?
report is concerned about the training up of terrorists on pakistan land to launch attacks around the globe.
Doubt americans have the balls for an all out war with pakistan. They have been huffing and puffing for 30 years about what they are going to iranians and they have done sweet FA. Americans have sanitised war. They dont like taking casulties. I mean lets look at Afghanistan? Iraq aftr 10 years of sanctions? libya. One thing for certain if there was a war with the likes of pakistan or iran the americans may win but they will take thousands of body bags back to america and they do not have the pain threshhold to take pain

The problem with you is that you equate all battles on the lines of historical India Pak wars. In today's time, with the technological edge that USA has, it probably wont even have to cross your border to inflict crippling damage to the Pakistan military machine. Examples were seen in Abbotabad and more recently in the Border incident where the skirmishes got over without Paksitan even getting a chance to react.. A drone killed here and there wont mean a thing..
The problem with you is that you equate all battles on the lines of historical India Pak wars. In today's time, with the technological edge that USA has, it probably wont even have to cross your border to inflict crippling damage to the Pakistan military machine. Examples were seen in Abbotabad and more recently in the Border incident where the skirmishes got over without Paksitan even getting a chance to react.. A drone killed here and there wont mean a thing..

I only have a problem with your perception of me. If there is an all out war with america pakistan will use its missiles and maybe even nukes against american bases and so forth. Only problem with you indians is that you are scared of getting your a$$es kicked by chinese so you like to have wet dreams about americans being gods who can do anything and you want to believe that these whites are masters of the universe and will save you from china and pakistani atacks
Take it Easy...
There will not be any war between US and pakistan.
pakistan is not like Iran who can stand and challenge US, in real terms...
Although pakistan will do lots of 'shadow boxing' :pakistan:

I agree Pakistan is no Iran that America can threaten or kick around.

Pakistan is capable of delivering a fatal blow to American forces in Afghanistan.

The truth is neither country can truly afford an all out WAR.

America is full of bluster but knows that an all out War with Pakistan would be devastating for its already tanked Economy.

Pakistan has nothing to gain by unnecessarily entangling itself with an all out war with the US. Period.
So I should ensure I have a large supply of popcorn and have a good HD plasma TV.. Since I assume this is talking of a new Hollywood movie or a TV series on the lines of 24 and Nikita :lol:

Sorry dude atleast this incident will not lead to 'Clash of the Titans' , No need to buy plasma
^^ they don't fight fair, but thats how it is the US learnt their lessons from Pearl harbor, wwII, korea and vietnam.
report is concerned about the training up of terrorists on pakistan land to launch attacks around the globe.

they been "concerned" for over a decade now.....and couldnt do anything about it...
better give up and go home.....
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