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Total breakdown? US-Pakistan may go to war in 2012

New Delhi: In 2012, the United States could face a major military conflict with Pakistan, an influential think-tank said on Friday.

According to the think-tank, the US-Pakistan war is likely to be triggered by a terror attack or due to U.S. counter-terror operations.

The Council on Foreign Relation’s Center for Preventive Action anonymously questioned government officials and experts and compiled a list of contingencies that could possibly occur in 2012.

The armed conflict with Pakistan is under Tier 1 category. This category lists contingencies that directly threaten the US, and which are likely to trigger U.S. military involvement.

US-Pakistan ties have hit an all-time low after an air strike by NATO killed 24 Pakistani soldiers last month.

The relationship between the two countries entered a testy phase after CIA operative Raymond Davis gunned down two armed men in Lahore, Pakistan in January this year.

The US raid on Abbottabad compound in May, in which fugitive al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed, further soured relations as Pakistan was kept in the dark about the secret operation being carried out on its soil.

US has also accused Pakistan's spy agency ISI of having with the Haqqani network and other militant groups.

Washington has steadfastly maintained that Pakistan continues to coddle these terrorist groups, which are responsible for carrying out deadly strikes in the Afghanistan region.

Pakistan's intelligence agency has also been accused of providing strategic support to the Haqqani network, which for the recent attack on the US embassy in Afghanistan.

In retaliation to the NATO air strikes, Pakistan immediately closed down NATO supply lines and ordered US to vacate the Shamsi air base, reportedly used by CIA-operated drones, by December 11.

Pakistan Army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani also gave his troops "full liberty" to respond to any further cross-border attacks by NATO forces in Afghanistan.

While, US has condoled the death of the soldiers, it has said it will continue its war on terrorism.

The fact that Pakistan has done little to allay US fears on ISI’s relationship with militants lends weight to the survey’s prediction.

The survey also predicts a civil-military crisis in Pakistan or terror attacks, which will lead to instability in Pakistan.

Not necessarily Pakistan, but s. .. happens
Ok, so since you ask. Many here on the forum talking about revenge for 26.11.11 and want to shoot U.S.. drones down. It's a sentiment that widespread in Pakistan, yes? If there is a fu and U.S. and Pakistan are no longer friends, and the U.S.. believe that they will have to bomb a few places in Pakistan just to show who is boss. This makes Pakistan angry. The Pakistani military will not receive funds from the U.S.. More fu's.. Pakistan and Iran come together in a partnership for peace. The West, which is not as stable as it has been (read Weimar Republic) goes into paranoid mode .....

So Pakistan is a danger if US is a danger for Pakistan. Don't send drones, don't boss Pakistan... These aren't commandments in the bible that HAVE to be done, these are illegal and condemned acts in the world.

We have not said anywhere that we will bomb US bases in Afghanistan in revenge for the November massacre by the US. We will defend future attempts at murder, not dying is our right, right?
Take it Easy...
There will not be any war between US and pakistan.
pakistan is not like Iran who can stand and challenge US, in real terms...
Although pakistan will do lots of 'shadow boxing' :pakistan:
There will not be any war between US and pakistan.
pakistan is not like Iran who can stand and challenge US, in real terms.

But the US wants a wants whether Pakistan provides a challenge or not.
What challenge was their in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan ?
pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism , is it not enough to understand .

Your comment is an opinion of misguided people. Furthermore learn to talk on topic, this topic is about armed conflict between US and Pakistan raising the US's threat level to itself. The said armed conflict is something the US is going to engage, not Pakistan. So the entire premise wreaks of duplicity and spinning yarns with half coherent words.
We have taken the most causalities in this bogus WoT. Atleast we are not killing our frenemies

You killed an American soldier while ambushing the U.S. and Afghan military officers on a visit. Very devious. Anyways this is a think tank so they are who they are.
So I should ensure I have a large supply of popcorn and have a good HD plasma TV.. Since I assume this is talking of a new Hollywood movie or a TV series on the lines of 24 and Nikita :lol:
well thats nice we should not make neighbours enemies they are like our own family and the fukin gov make India enemy and thats for GOOD:rofl::rofl:

if it was ur own govt then i can't believe that bcoz ur people hearts r blackened by some religious anti-indian freaks....
pakistan is the epicenter of terrorism , is it not enough to understand .

I said explain ? If you don't have an argument then accept it and leave the discussion.
Any way, here's my response to your pathetic one liner anyway.

Pakistan is not the epicentre of terrorism, if you are man enough then prove me otherwise then I'll be waiting for your argument and it better be with proof, I don't want to see a caged ISI pigeon agent or a dead Kashmiri youth labelled as a Pakistani terrorist to save the skins of the butchers that killed him. I want PROOF. If there are terrorist camps in Pakistan, then India has a satellite, If you can't circle those camps on a map and tell me "There you go, your training militants there" then you might as well sell it for scrap because it is of no use.
"The Center for Preventive Action (CPA) seeks to help prevent, defuse, or resolve deadly conflicts around the world and to expand the body of knowledge on conflict prevention."

All this report means that MORE efforts are needed by the US to PREVENT a conflict from happening; that is all.

It has no bearing on Pakistan directly.
Relax guys. There will be no direct conflict between the two.

"The Center for Preventive Action (CPA) seeks to help prevent, defuse, or resolve deadly conflicts around the world and to expand the body of knowledge on conflict prevention."

All this report means that MORE efforts are needed by the US to PREVENT a conflict from happening; that is all.

It has no bearing on Pakistan directly.
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