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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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Paan dugh churay aa kay rola paun lap pay. Twade vargay Rajput mere kar de baar koora chook de.
Fought off foreign invaders by surrendering your women? Great defence strategy I must say, but we are not beghairat enough as you guys. Also answer my question, do you like your mughal uncles in law?

We real Rajputs of Rajasthan would not even consider you worthy to herd our goats. Also knowing that you people are pretty fond of them in another kind of way ;)

Explain to these bhaiiyas the difference between a Rajput and a Rajphoot.

Hence I suggested a name change to them, which made them so angry. What do you call a guy who sells his daughter?

You tell me, since your ancestors opened their legs willingly. You should be proud of being a son of a concubine no? While us real Rajputs across the Thar, smirk at your desperation to be one of us

Trust me, we don't associate with you guys. In India, the only real hindu rajputs are the Katoch of himachal. You bhaiyyapoots have mixed with bhils and dravids. You should compare yourself with dom and mussali of Pakistan rather.
I am already terrified by their skyrocketing high IQ :fie::fie::fie:

You should be, their IQ is higher than the Jews and Europeans, that's why cheen is more developed than them.
No, but your lack of even the most rudimentary knowledge of a thread you're rating does bring a tear to my eye. :tsk:
So no friends in real life, I assume?

LOL so you really are crying again. :rofl:

This is way easier than it should be, but then again, you are an Indian. So that should be expected.
Due to their mal-treatment of uyghurs, religious and cultural oppression......India is a normal country for muslims and islam, thats not the case in china. For example even though the insurgency was very violent in kashmir, atrocities were committed, but india never meddled in the culture , ways of life and religion of kashmiris. Same is case with rest of Indian muslims. Muslims are even allowed to do tabligh in india.

On the other hand, in response to some knife-stabbing incidents or mere suspicions, ching-chongs have hanged thousands of muslims. Muslims are continuously watched and monitored and arrested. Han majority is freely using word 'terrorist" for each and every uyghurs, hate is spread against them by state. Quran study is banned in china which is not the case in india. Cultural and heritage sites of muslims and others were demolished in china, fasting is banned and they are not even allowed to bury their deads in graves. And few moths ago , i read a fcked up news that chinese government has announced cash rewards for marriages between muslim uyghur women and non-muslim ching-chong males.............fcked up racial engineering as well as attempt to dilute their culture and religion

Who is responsible for all this mess? Who is responsible for destroying Buddhas of Bamiyan?
Surely, any nation who wants to nip into the bud the evils like Taliban or ISIS types would certainly be strict with the muslims regardless of how lenient muslim's belief is.
China is saving it's nation. They have every right to suspect.
LOL so you really are crying again. :rofl:
This is way easier than it should be, but then again, you are an Indian. So that should be expected.

Hey, I'm not one clicking the like button on topics I know nothing about just so someone would like me. No girlfriend either, I presume? I don't blame them. You're too boring. I notice you use a lot of laugh moticons even on things that aren't funny. Is that what you do in real life too? Is that why people can't stand to be around you? It's ok. I'm sure you'll grow out of it once you hit puberty
Perhaps it was Tharparkar, not too familiar with the area. And yes other than Rajasthan, there are sizable pakistani communities in Lucknow and Delhi.

Tharparker has mostly low caste hindus..:lol:

The hindu rajputs are mostly from Umarkot and inner Sindh.
I can take on the Chinese, Hu Songsan had banned me numerous times more than I was banned by Pakistani mods. :lol::lol::lol:

You don't have the intelligence to take on Pakistani and Chinese on a factual debate. Hence, you resort to lie, distortion and fabrication of history as a mean of debating(trolling) This was why you got banned.
Near my ancestral house in Jaipur, there is a small but decent sized community of pakistani Rajput women originating from Bahawalpur whom have gotten married to some of the Rajputs of our area. Very nice people though

Brother, just see the majestic palaces of Rajasthan which have been converted into hotels like Lake palace hotel udaipur, umed bhuvan palace jodhpur, Jal Mahal Jaipur, Rambagh Palace Jaipur etc. Heck some havelis in Rajasthan are more beautiful than any piece of Mughal arcthitecture in Pakistan. not to mention Ranakpur Jain temples which are far more beautiful and ancient than any piece of Mughal architecture.

there are more than 25 super luxurious modern 5-star hotels in Rajasthan which include modern marvels like Amarvilas oberoi, leela udaipur, not to mention old palaces which can put to shame any place of luxury in the whole world.

do you know Pakistan does not have a SINGLE five star hotel????
You don't have the intelligence to take on Pakistani and Chinese on a factual debate, hence, you resort to lie, distortion and fabrication of history as a mean of trolling. This was why you got banned.

Yes, I can't take on to skyrocketing High IQ Chinese. :cry::cry::cry:
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