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To indian members: who do you like here chinese/pakistanis

who do you like here - chinese or pakistanis

  • chinese members

    Votes: 9 7.8%
  • pakistani members

    Votes: 23 20.0%
  • indian members

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • BD members

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • martians

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Screw you guys, i am going home

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • which moron started this thread?

    Votes: 39 33.9%
  • i think we need more choices

    Votes: 8 7.0%

  • Total voters
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So @Chinese-Dragon @DESERT FIGHTER if calling a Dark-Skinned person as a 'Dark Skinned' person is wrong then why isn't calling a White as 'White' racist ? :unsure:

I mean if I we don't call a Brownie as a Brownie what else do you call him ? Chocolate Caramalized South Asian ? o_O

I know I'm such a racist ! :(

But I suppose it may be offset by the fact that I really like Brown/Wheatish/Terracotta complexion myself ! :agree:
Indians have been called black Africans by many Chinese. I am quite aware reporting such posts won't gonna work. Chinese in general have strong fetish to insult Indian race, culture and history. The greatest thing of your obsession is with skyrocketing high IQ.
during the trolling part some call indians as "africans". sometimes its the other way around, they wonder if indians are "white" or has a "western face". their confusion is funny to watch :lol:
Indians have been called black Africans by many Chinese. I am quite aware reporting such posts won't gonna work. Chinese in general have strong fetish to insult Indian race, culture and history. The greatest thing of your obsession is with skyrocketing high IQ.

To be honest.. in Pak we have indian sterotypes...

south indians are dark looking people who live in jungles.
North indians are bhaiya type people..
Kashmiris are like us..
Sikhs Punjabis are loud mouths but somewhat like us.. and so on..

So @Chinese-Dragon @DESERT FIGHTER if calling a Dark-Skinned person as a 'Dark Skinned' person is wrong then why isn't calling a White as 'White' racist ? :unsure:

I mean if I we don't call a Brownie as a Brownie what else do you call him ? Chocolate Caramalized South Asian ? o_O

I know I'm such a racist ! :(

But I suppose it may be offset by the fact that I really like Brown/Wheatish/Terracotta complexion myself ! :agree:

Nah.. but your as fair as a pigeons butt..:lol:
during the trolling part some call indians as "africans". sometimes its the other way around, they wonder if indians are "white" or has a "western face". their confusion is funny to watch :lol:

Chinese call us Africans or Aryan invaders. Their skyrocketing high IQ is beyond my comprehension. :lol::lol:
To be honest.. in Pak we have indian sterotypes...
south indians are dark looking people who live in jungles.
North indians are bhaiya type people..
Kashmiris are like us..
Sikhs Punjabis are loud mouths but somewhat like us.. and so on..

you do realize that without south india, south asia is completely third world dont you?
i personally dislike the chinese members here. they seem to be unbelievably arrogant, stupid as well as racist. in short incapable of a civilized discussion
pakistanis here are a lot more intelligent and rational, not to mention empathatic. i believe if they get their act together can make good citizens of the world, unlike their other "drunk on power" counterparts

just my opinion. what do you think? i would like to know

PS: there are 2 sane chinese members on this forum, forgot their names
DITTO, i have the same feelings about the Chinese members here, they always seem to be on standby with pitchforks. I hope we are getting the worst of the lot on PDF, if that is not the case i feel sad for the general Chinese people. Often the Chinese members love to talk about their superior economy and gdp, however they seems to forget that these two country's economy risen and fallen together for centuries. May be now India is 10-15 years behind China but in overall long term they both will be on par with each other so cut this arrogant crap.
Before i was a member here i loved to read chinese dragons comments,no idea what made him go all out against india

ninja edit: i prefer pakistani members over chinese any day, however i love singaporean chinese they are awesome and nothing like PRC's!
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you do realize that without south india, south asia is completely third world dont you?

Nope.. we hardly know anything about south india or even north india ... apart from maybe bollywood movies tht people see... expect for what i wrote...

A pigeon's butt....really ? :disagree:

@Chinese-Dragon what was that Ming Dynasty Torture Method you were telling me about ? Do you think this Baluch can be a good candidate for that for insulting Armstrong the Magnificent ? :mad:

You can try..:D

But il prevail..

and i shall have my vengeance... in this world or another.. Maximus.
To be honest.. in Pak we have indian sterotypes...
south indians are dark looking people who live in jungles.
North indians are bhaiya type people..
Kashmiris are like us..
Sikhs Punjabis are loud mouths but somewhat like us.. and so on..

BTW previously I used to think Pakistanis as nomadic people of desert land, later I realized most of them share a similar culture to North Indians and Pakistan has fertile region.
Good for you man.. but 92% of us dont share anything with you.. unless your a Punjabi or Kashmiri..

BTW I said similar(not identical), only Muhajirs are identical to me. ;) Many in India thinks Pakistan as an extension of Arabia and Arabian desert. :lol::lol:
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