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Tit-for-tat action against India ruled out

What can indian do when Pakistan is fighting back and killing many Indian soldiers. That too against a nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has yet failed to destroy us :azn: Despite all the resources and weapons systems available to you yet denied to us 8-)

All Modi can do is fake surgical strikes which even other indians admit are lies. So what happened to Modi promising to isolate Pakistan and begging America & the UN to declare Pakistan a terrorist state?

We made your guns go quite, didn't we? :azn:
I think you missed that moron Parrikar's statements. :)

Parrikar is boosting that he had you people begging for mercy, where is your response mate? :lol:

Only if you believe the same indian bollywood fantasy that stated that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance 8-)

:o::o: so you believe you never went to UN, your minister never made the said statement, your DGMO never called and the guns haven't fallen silent on the LOC?
Parrikar is boosting that he had you people begging for mercy, where is your response mate? :lol:

:o::o: so you believe you never went to UN, your minister never made the said statement, your DGMO never called and the guns haven't fallen silent on the LOC?

Do you also expect me to believe indian surgical strike claims and indian fantasies claiming that Pakistan will NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance?

Pakistan BECAME a nuclear weapons state with CHINESE HELP..


But indians claimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state WITH or WITHOUT Chinese assistance.

india become a nuclear weapons state with Canadian and Russian assistance, expertise and equipment. As much as they deny it, indians DID NOT 100% indigenously build their nuclear weapons program. Nor are they pioneers of that technology.
Trying to cover it up ...your words tell a different story....:sarcastic:

Cover up what and why.. lol look at your home before you point fingers on others. My words reflect what i feel. Am expecting lunatic argument from you.
Do you also expect me to believe indian surgical strike claims and indian fantasies claiming that Pakistan will NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance?

But indians claimed that Pakistan would NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state WITH or WITHOUT Chinese assistance.

india become a nuclear weapons state with Canadian and Russian assistance, expertise and equipment. As much as they deny it, indians DID NOT build 100% indigenously their nuclear weapons program. Nor are they pioneers of that technology.
Our claims were already false because Pakistan was already a nuclear weapon state way before 98.The 1998 test was just to show the world that Pakistan has nukes.china had already provies everything to Pakistan..
Read the document..i can provide many more.
Do you also expect me to believe indian surgical strike claims and indian fantasies claiming that Pakistan will NEVER EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance?

Well don't believe it, But what it has got to do with statement of your minister or call of your DGMO or you people running to UN?

If DGMO talks is begging to you and that loser Parrikar then what is this??



You guys and your juvenile minister need to grow up.

Well you said look what Parrikar is saying and I replied with what he is saying. I personally believe your DGMO's call was a mature and the correct thing to do. To answer the fire assault at LOC you could have brought artillery on the borders, we would have repaid favors and things have escalated fast. Your false bravado aside your military knows that we are the bigger power here and can make it really painful for your army although yes we would have suffered too. Thus it was in Pakistan's interest to deescalate and live today to fight tomorrow
Well don't believe it, But what it has got to do with statement of your minister or call of your DGMO or you people running to UN?

Well you said look what Parrikar is saying and I replied with what he is saying. I personally believe your DGMO's call was a mature and the correct thing to do. To answer the fire assault at LOC you could have brought artillery on the borders, we would have repaid favors and things have escalated fast. Your false bravado aside your military knows that we are the bigger power here and can make it really painful for your army although yes we would have suffered too. Thus it was in Pakistan's interest to deescalate and live today to fight tomorrow

That out of all the races of mankind, indians are the ones most prone to inaccuracies, lying, propaganda and being extremely dishonest. IF india did attack Pakistan with artillery, then it will probably turn into a full scale war and eventually go nuclear. And Pakistan has the capability to wipe india off the face of the Earth as we have had thermonuclear capability since at least early 2011:


So even though india is at least 7× bigger than us, we can still destroy it. It's this fact that made india powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008.

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