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Tit-for-tat action against India ruled out

So what is the name of new chief,good that he is getting retire at such a crucial junction.
If he is true patriot he should not left the PA and there people at this time.when they need most.
I think you get my point,i had a high regards for this man but not now.

He is leaving on Nov 28. The day he is supposed to retire.

And he doesn't need high regards from an Indian. He has done his job and Pakistanis respect him for that.
He is leaving on Nov 28. The day he is supposed to retire.

And he doesn't need high regards from an Indian. He has done his job and Pakistanis respect him for that.
Congratulations sir,respect from enemy should be appreciated,but looking at this article in dawn,i think new COAS priority is very clear.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan reiterated on Friday that it would not respond in kind to Indian aggression but vowed to defend its borders, waters and space against any attacks by the neighbouring country.

Defence Minister Khawaja Asif and Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz presented policy statements in the National Assembly on Friday hinting that Pakistan was ready for talks with India provided that the Kashmir issue was included in the agenda.

They said the government was taking up the matter of Indian aggression along the Line of Control with the United Nations and the rest of the world to press India to stop the ongoing escalation in held Kashmir and along the LoC.

Read: Kashmir: why talk to India?

Several lawmakers urged the government to stop exercising restraint, saying that it would only embolden the Narendra Modi government in pressuring Pakistan on all fronts.

Policy statement given in NA, however, promises to defend Pakistan’s borders, waters and space
“We are ready for a dialogue with India if the Kashmir issue is included in [the agenda],” Mr Aziz said in his eight-minute-long speech on the floor of the house. Indian forces have defied all international norms by attacking an ambulance at the LoC, he said, adding that the attack, which claimed over 11 lives, had escalated the situation,

The adviser said that India wanted to divert the world’s attention away from the Kashmir issue where the situation worsened after the death of freedom fighter Burhan Wani.

“We held a meeting with representatives of P5 countries (permanent members of the United Nations Security Council) and wrote letters to their governments telling them that India was violating all international laws and killing innocent people in Kashmir and at the LoC...thus it should be condemned by the entire world,” he added.

He said Pakistan has actively taken the Kashmir cause forward since Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif delivered his speech at the UN General Assembly. “It is an indigenous freedom movement...led by youths. We will continue [to offer] political, diplomatic and moral support to Kashmiris,” he said.

Mr Aziz asked political parties to avoid scoring political points on the Kashmir and the LoC issue as it conveyed a wrong message to the rest of the world. Pakistan would give India a befitting response to any aggression in the border areas and would not come under pressure, he said.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Asif said that India would face dire consequences if it went to war against Pakistan. “We will kill three Indian soldiers for every Pakistani soldier they kill.”

He said that India could not afford war but neither could it give [Kashmiris] their due right to self-determination, because [if it did] a dozen other independence movements would rise up in its wake.

The defence minister said that the Modi government was intentionally trying to intensify the situation at the LoC due to domestic compulsions and to win people’s support in the upcoming general elections.

Mr Asif said that Pakistan would not respond to India in kind, but would try to maintain a balance of power in the region.

MNA Naveed Qamar of the Pakistan Peoples Party said that Pakistan could not afford a tit-for-tat response to India as it was too weak to face the consequences. Indian aggression at the LoC was an attempt to isolate Pakistan from the rest of the world, he added.

3 Indian soldiers for every pakistani one killed? does he have any quantifiable theory to suggest that, or he just pulled it off from the marde momin delusion?

The confusion prevailing inside pakistan is understandable as till now, Indian policy was to act with restraint in the face of a aggression. Retaliate a little to cease fire violations from pakistan and stop.

Its actually simple, the present Indian dispensation follows what is called "offensive defense"..that is to beat the **** out of the opposition for every violation and make them plead.
Exactly.. civilians on both sides are killed. Stop BSing about it. If you cant handle the heat, dont light the fire.

Read what our DGMO said to your panicked official who rang him up to show some mercy.

Unlike u we value human life so why shouldn't we ask mercy for the innocent civilians who are being killed. To all of your chest thumping about how our official called and so called begged for mercy because he is human and he has a responsibility to protect his country men.
Civilian casualties are minimal on Indian side since Pakistan doesn't deliberately target them. This isn't the case with coward enemy aka Indian army that deliberately targets civilians.
these are mujahideens ,which your side keep calling civilians...they had been carried to the forward posts in buses ....
there are evidences , where these mujahideens aka civilians are openly venturing into your army posts...
Exactly.. civilians on both sides are killed. Stop BSing about it. If you cant handle the heat, dont light the fire.

Read what our DGMO said to your panicked official who rang him up to show some mercy.
In jam side hindu population lives it's easy to target but Pak army wanted to avoid these type of casualties. Don't try to be smart that no hindu lives by border. We are just being reasonable to public.. but Indian Army shows their true face..
these are mujahideens ,which your side keep calling civilians...they had been carried to the forward posts in buses ....
there are evidences , where these mujahideens aka civilians are openly venturing into your army posts...

No they are not mujahideens. Keep your Zee TV cr@p to yourself.
Classic Pakistan.
Cannot take what they deal.:rofl::rofl:

in current situation when kashmiris are fully against india. any war could mean india can loose kashmir. just like bangladesh situation. you cannot win a war without peoples support. operation gibralter would definitely succeed.

Out of whatever sort of indoctrination makes you think that Kashmiris will support you, why don't you lot start a full scale war then?

BTW Op. Gibralter FAILED tremendously.
:lol::lol: Civilians? The minister could have then said that we will not target Civilians but provide a befitting reply to IA. He said no tit for tat to indian fire assault across LOC meaning we are chickening out!

Civilian casualties are minimal on Indian side since Pakistan doesn't deliberately target them. This isn't the case with coward enemy aka Indian army that deliberately targets civilians.

Our civilians are safe because we are promptly evacuating them unlike you lot we are not parading them around hotspots for whatever reason.


Our civilians are safe because we are promptly evacuating them unlike you lot we are not parading them around hotspots for whatever reason.
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We can still hit civilians if we want to. Not all are evacuated and not all of them are safe if we want to hit them.
:lol::lol: Civilians? The minister could have then said that we will not target Civilians but provide a befitting reply to IA. He said no tit for tat to indian fire assault across LOC meaning we are chickening out!

What our politicians say and what our military does are 2 seperate things. If Pakistan did in fact "chicken out" then india would launch a full scale military assault against Pakistan. And Pakistan would no longer be the 1st EVER nation in all recorded human history to repel and fend of an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege.
Why dont you clear the facts on behalf of pakistani government.
On one hand you people say Pakistan Army is the real government in Pakistan and on another hand you are taking noora's government serious :D . decide first baniya decide first .
What our politicians say and what our military does are 2 seperate things. If Pakistan did in fact "chicken out" then india would launch a full scale military assault against Pakistan. And Pakistan would no longer be the 1st EVER nation in all recorded human history to repel and fend of an enemy nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege.

Well firstly it's not military's job to issue statement without political leaderships consent. Secondly political leadership saying something and military doing something else is not something to be proud of, disciplined militaries don't behave is such fashion. Thirdly forget about politicians even your DGMO called up ours and asked for deescalation. It's good to be patriotic and all but both the armies are also humans and escalating things with a bigger adversary is not a joke which your army understands
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