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Tit-for-tat action against India ruled out

Well firstly it's not military's job to issue statement without political leaderships consent. Secondly political leadership saying something and military doing something else is not something to be proud of, disciplined militaries don't behave is such fashion. Thirdly forget about politicians even your DGMO called up ours and asked for deescalation. It's good to be patriotic and all but both the armies are also humans and escalating things with a bigger adversary is not a joke which your army understands

In Pakistan, the military is FAR bigger than the government. Pakistan has to be seen or PERCEIVED as to be trying to deescalate so when a full scale war breaks out or if it goes nuclear we can't be blamed for not trying. All else is conjecture. It's the same as to why india goes crying to the UN to try to isolate or penalize Pakistan. Unlike EVERY other nation on earth, fighting an enemy that is 7x bigger than us is something that doesn't really phase or bother us. There is a particular REASON why Pakistan is the ONLY nation ever, that has managed to fend off and repel any enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. It is the same reason as to why the indian military high command is reluctant to attack Pakistan.
In Pakistan, the military is FAR bigger than the government. Pakistan has to be seen or PERCEIVED as to be trying to deescalate so when a full scale war breaks out or if it goes nuclear we can't be blamed for not trying. All else is conjecture. It's the same as to why india goes crying to the UN to try to isolate or penalize Pakistan. Unlike EVERY other nation on earth, fighting an enemy that is 7x bigger than us is something that doesn't really phase or bother us. There is a particular REASON why Pakistan is the ONLY nation ever, that has managed to fend off and repel any enemy that is more than 7x bigger than us and has abundant access to the world's most advanced weapons systems whilst we are denied this privilege. It is the same reason as to why the indian military high command is reluctant to attack Pakistan.

Okay so it means that both your minister and DGMO were lying and you will reciprocate in kind. Cool we will be waiting, just be assured that with Modi at the helm any response if and when it comes will get a befitting reply he won't shy away from upping the ante so keep your artery etc in place and that 13 day oil reserve you are left with wouldn't cut the deal :disagree:
On one hand you people say Pakistan Army is the real government in Pakistan and on another hand you are taking noora's government serious :D . decide first baniya decide first .
Its pakistani army which rules your state,and your NS does not have power to give such statement without consulting army.Looking at the damage we did now,May b its wish of your new coming COAS.
Does army critcise this statement ????,No rite
Indian army target even ambulances and public transport pathetic loosers when their as s kicked by P.A they resort to kill innocent civilians.

hehe and this is why your acting FM went to UN for making peace deal. it hardly matters who dies cuz you all are sponsoring terrorism in different forms so stfu and live with it . your army is not saint and killed many civilians in our side too .
Okay so it means that both your minister and DGMO were lying and you will reciprocate in kind. Cool we will be waiting, just be assured that with Modi at the helm any response if and when it comes will get a befitting reply he won't shy away from upping the ante so keep your artery etc in place and that 13 day oil reserve you are left with wouldn't cut the deal :disagree:

Is that the same 13 day oil reserves Pakistan would only have left if the impossible came true and Pakistan became a nuclear weapons state? As per indian claims pre-May1998?

Modi is not to be taken seriously. Another indian that talks too much and is full of hot air. He ain't going to do anything. What happened with isolating Pakistan from the rest of the world? :azn:
Is that the same 13 day oil reserves Pakistan would only have left if the impossible came true and Pakistan became a nuclear weapons state? As per indian claims pre-May1998?

Modi is not to be taken seriously. Another indian that talks too much and is full of hot air. He ain't going to do anything. What happened with isolating Pakistan from the rest of the world? :azn:

:lol: You guys are funny, you ran to UN, your ministers say we won't answer back on LOC, your DGMO called and pleaded for peace and still you people live in your false bravado and when all else fails like a 10 year old shout nukes. FYI your adversary is far bigger in size and is a nuclear power too with better delivery systems from all air, water and ground

How much hot air or action is Modi has shown by launching fire assault across near about entire LOC and now it's your turn but you guys are singing peace tunes now
I'm sorry but Modi and India won't find any friend in the West if pictures of ambulances being targeted by BSF is shown live around the world.
:lol: You guys are funny, you ran to UN, your ministers say we won't answer back on LOC, your DGMO called and pleaded for peace and still you people live in your false bravado and when all else fails like a 10 year old shout nukes. FYI your adversary is far bigger in size and is a nuclear power too with better delivery systems from all air, water and ground

How much hot air or action is Modi has shown by launching fire assault across near about entire LOC and now it's your turn but you guys are singing peace tunes now

What can indian do when Pakistan is fighting back and killing many Indian soldiers. That too against a nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has yet failed to destroy us :azn: Despite all the resources and weapons systems available to you yet denied to us 8-)

All Modi can do is fake surgical strikes which even other indians admit are lies. So what happened to Modi promising to isolate Pakistan and begging America & the UN to declare Pakistan a terrorist state?
I'm sorry but Modi and India won't find any friend in the West if pictures of ambulances being targeted by BSF is shown live around the world.
Mortors are not guided by guided and who allow traffic when there is firing,dont blame us for PA incompetence...Pakistanies are one who are using guided mortors @Rafi will vouch for that,still they are hitting civilians on our side,unless it was intentional..what we did is not intentional,we just fire back towards the direction fire comes.
Does Modi have any hidden cards left?? He's a big mouth who is exposing the doings of his own country

Balochistan BLA/NDS
LOC + sir gi kal
False Flags

What's left? The militant outfits in Interior Sindh and Southern Punjab ...
Mortors are not guided by guided and who allow traffic when there is firing,dont blame us for PA incompetence...Pakistanies are one who are using guided mortors @Rafi will vouch for that,still they are hitting civilians on our side,unless it was intentional..what we did is not intentional,we just fire back towards the direction fire comes.

nope Mr. your army attacked an ambulance rushing to the scene. its disgusting

no one can justify it. its an ambulance for goodness sake have you completely lost your marbles
What can indian do when Pakistan is fighting back and killing many Indian soldiers. That too against a nation that is more than 7x bigger than us and has yet failed to destroy us :azn: Despite all the resources and weapons systems available to you yet denied to us 8-)

All Modi can do is fake surgical strikes which even other indians admit are lies. So what happened to Modi promising to isolate Pakistan and begging America & the UN to declare Pakistan a terrorist state?
Dont worry bro,we it hurts when organisation which you have high regards and the only hope you guys have dsnt stand up to your expectations.you should understand they tried their best but the enemy was to big and too strong.:cheers:

nope Mr. your army attacked an ambulance rushing to the scene. its disgusting

no one can justify it. its an ambulance for goodness sake have you completely lost your marbles
it was not intentional bro,
Dont worry bro,we it hurts when organisation which you have high regards and the only hope you guys have dsnt stand up to your expectations.you should understand they tried their best but the enemy was to big and too strong.:cheers:

Yukkkkkkkk! I'm not a "bro" to an indian creature. Feel dirty after reading that :bad:
Modi is Hindu and all Hindus are safe because near border areas only Muslims and Sikh population no Hindu population and Modi don't have any tension of human live's on both side of border that's why escalating tension. Sikhs should stand against modi let him put hindu population near border then modi will know how killings effect his mind & heart.

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