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Tit-for-tat action against India ruled out

That out of all the races of mankind, indians are the ones most prone to inaccuracies, lying, propaganda and being extremely dishonest. IF india did attack Pakistan with artillery, then it will probably turn into a full scale war and eventually go nuclear. And Pakistan has the capability to wipe india off the face of the Earth as we have had thermonuclear capability since at least early 2011:


So even though india is at least 7× bigger than us, we can still destroy it. It's this fact that made india powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 2008.

Well I believe the thread is about your minister's statement and not about our minister's. You are free to believe anything about us but here we haven't said anything, it's 'your' minister, 'your' DGMO, 'your' mission to the UN
What if India and Pakistan work together for the development of our people life, war against poverty. Stop hatred and promote peace in the region. War will only create more trouble for both side and at the end come to the table. Why don't we resolve all our matter by dialogue... We should see each other as a human first rather than another creature.
What if India and Pakistan work together for the development of our people life, war against poverty. Stop hatred and promote peace in the region. War will only create more trouble for both side and at the end come to the table. Why don't we resolve all our matter by dialogue... We should see each other as a human first rather than another creature.

this wont happen as india feeling the heat of cpec & china & kashmir
So the title of the thread is from a statement of Naveed qamar and even that statement is not quoted.
What crap article is this?
Look at the title and content.
Report this rubbish publication flooding PDF daily. Misleading titles meaningless writing.
Bring Quality back to PDF for God sake.
Well you said look what Parrikar is saying and I replied with what he is saying. I personally believe your DGMO's call was a mature and the correct thing to do. To answer the fire assault at LOC you could have brought artillery on the borders, we would have repaid favors and things have escalated fast. Your false bravado aside your military knows that we are the bigger power here and can make it really painful for your army although yes we would have suffered too. Thus it was in Pakistan's interest to deescalate and live today to fight tomorrow

You can talk about tough and big about being bigger power and all that. For past few years Pakistan has always strongly and brutally hit India on LOC and IB and same would happen in next few days and weeks too. But the thing is if you guys and your foolish defense minister thinks that DGMO talks are some kind of begging and pleading then you guys are just showing that you guys are not worth talks and deserve only bullets.

Pak DGMO has also conveyed that we would hit on time and place of our choosing and that is coming. You and your defense minister can claim success and talk big till then.
Its pakistani army which rules your state,and your NS does not have power to give such statement without consulting army.Looking at the damage we did now,May b its wish of your new coming COAS.
Does army critcise this statement ????,No rite
He says we wont retaliate in indian manner ( hitting civilians) . thats it . if you want to twist the statement as per your desire its upto you .
in current situation when kashmiris are fully against india. any war could mean india can loose kashmir. just like bangladesh situation. you cannot win a war without peoples support. operation gibralter would definitely succeed.
Then attack India and capture Kashmir..
You can talk about tough and big about being bigger power and all that. For past few years Pakistan has always strongly and brutally hit India on LOC and IB and same would happen in next few days and weeks too. But the thing is if you guys and your foolish defense minister thinks that DGMO talks are some kind of begging and pleading then you guys are just showing that you guys are not worth talks and deserve only bullets.

Pak DGMO has also conveyed that we would hit on time and place of our choosing and that is coming. You and your defense minister can claim success and talk big till then.

Compare the quality and quantity of Army, Navy, Airforce, Size, Population and economy of the two countries and you will understand what I meant about bigger power. I am sure even if we fight Nepal or Bangladesh there will losses for us too. Anyways will be waiting for your so called reply most probably it will be a terrorist attack after which LOC will again flare up

He says we wont retaliate in indian manner ( hitting civilians) . thats it . if you want to twist the statement as per your desire its upto you .

LOL then he should have said that we will not target Civilian but will keep hiting IA, but you people ceased hostilities
Actually, what you take out of it is all in the reading. When we say we will not 'respond in kind', it mean we will not target innocent civilians who are our own Muslim brothers in a vile and despicable 'show of cowardice'. As long as the Indian army keeps targeting only the Pakistani Army, we have no qualms in showing them who is boss. Where we draw the line in this bloody game is when innocent civilians get involved. It is cowardice on the part of Indian Army.

As far as the recent statement on water is concerned, let's wait until they actually stop a single drop of water to Pakistan. Until then, this is meaningless noise.
Seems like India is holding Kashmir as a hostage.. just like a criminal will do with hostages to escape justice..But we all know how it ends up for the criminal..

For the water question, it is usually governed by international treaties, so it will be debated in the UN..

In this thread, one can feel the Indian haste for a war; CPEC has this much negative effect on their morale that they want to vent it out in a war.. they just can not live with the idea of a prosperous Pakistan, because they will lose the dream of becoming an economic super power in the region.. So now they start to perceive Pakistan as a near future economical rival too.. and they perceive it as a threat.. A very powerful Pakistan is not in their interest, and so they do perceive China too. no wonder they went exploring Mars..:omghaha:
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He says we wont retaliate in indian manner ( hitting civilians) . thats it . if you want to twist the statement as per your desire its upto you .
Hve you not read the article or what,where the civilians,they are talking about defense and waters treaty.and space.\
You are twisting the article according to your wishes.
Then attack India and capture Kashmir..
sometimes not attacking is better option. we make CPEC a success, meanwhile indian occupied kashmir burn. we make khalistan strong, we help naxalites.
balochistan situation has improved. taliban are gone.
we can easily achieve our goal without fighting.
Seems like India is holding Kashmir as a hostage.. just like a criminal will do with hostages to escape justice..But we all know how it ends up for the criminal..

For the water question, it is usually governed by international treaties, so it will be debated in the UN..

In this thread, one can feel the Indian haste for a war; CPEC has this much negative effect on their morale that they want to vent it out in a war.. they just can not live with the idea of a prosperous Pakistan, because they will lose the dream of becoming an economic super power in the region.. Do now they start to perceive Pakistan as a near future economical rival too.. and they perceive it as a threat.. A very powerful Pakistan is not in their interest, and so they do perceive China too. no wonder they went exploring Mars..:omghaha:

I like to keep things logical so please don't perceive the following as 'trolling' or India bashing but to a certain extent I get the feeling that they try to 'keep up with the joneses' every time we achieve something significant. In response to CPEC there was that Iranian port they were going to develop. In response to us landing planes on the highway they had to land planes on the highway too. As soon as we ordered 8 submarines all of a sudden they had to increase their anti-submarine aircrafts. In response to JF-17 they want to keep working on Tejas while in parallel they continue work on local manufacture of Rafael parts and want 100% manufacturing of either f-16 or gripen or maybe both????? I mean the obvious lack of a grand strategy makes this look like a parvenu wasting money. Oh well.....

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