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Time to abandon Ummah / brotherhood for greater good of the nation?

Where did you learn "your" Islam, you forgot God saying: "and we made you one Ummah, to know each other and..."

He was talking about the Muslims specifically

Now he speaks about Mankind and its "different" communities, So Muslims form A community of their own, others form other communities.

The western world historic envy of Islamic principles made it a Muslim world without adhering formally to Islam due to the ignorance and hatred by the Christian ignorant clergy, so they want to abide by the best principles that suite their economy, while ignoring the morality ones, all out of historic negative emotions toward Islam.
And they think they are advanced humans, while they are still run by negative thoughts hidden behind artificial nice smiles andartificial positiveness.
Muslims are more genuine and their smile bothers the infidels till their hearts.

The problem is that you are blind to the truth.

And what does "ummah" mean? In the verses which envisions one "ummah" the meaning points to "one religion" that is without any sects like shia or sunni (23:52, 6:159). Not the "pan-islamist" unity based on one culture, one tradition and one everything you are dreaming of. Your dream is already canceled by the other verses I quoted(30:22, 11:118).

Blind to truth? Oh really, this is coming from someone sitting in Infidel Canada!!!:azn:
You are still blind to the truth and want to win an argument by ignorance.
What An infidel place has to do with an unshakable faith in God and Islam.
so you must have a very shallow faith in whatever religion you follow if any.
You "must" be a Zionist in disguise as I told you some time ago and a false flag at that.
I have no sleeping dream, mine are practical dreams and the Muslim Ummah is here and in very good shape albeit not fully seen, so what I do understand is that its existence bothers your tormented soul, so you start quoting Koran verses without any understanding of their meanings.
The time to abandon the "Ummah" should have come long ago.

A few centuries ago, most of the world was run by clergy and theocracy but today, most people want to be free.
You are still blind to the truth and want to win an argument by ignorance.
What An infidel place has to do with an unshakable faith in God and Islam.
so you must have a very shallow faith in whatever religion you follow if any.
You "must" be a Zionist in disguise as I told you some time ago and a false flag at that.
I have no sleeping dream, mine are practical dreams and the Muslim Ummah is here and in very good shape albeit not fully seen, so what I do understand is that its existence bothers your tormented soul quoting Koran verses without any understanding of their meanings.

Anybody who disagrees with you people who are induced in some fantasy world, probably by some Mullahs, is a hidden "joooo" in disguise aiming to convert you people into infidel Kafirs...:devil:

Anyway, whatever makes you sleep better, chum.:coffee:
Muslim Unity is an ideal..due to the lack of a central leadership and control we will never have complete Unity. Our complete Unity is reserve for Allah alone..Islam and Muslims are an organic living religion and people; our ethnic, racial, cultural, and national backgrounds are different.. The same can be said for our different interpretations, schools of thought, gender and socioeconomic backgrounds..So we will never have complete Unity and that's a good thing. If we had complete Unity we would run the risk of everyone making the same mistake if the leader(s) was in error.
Sorry to say this why Muslims always thinking bringing religion into everything

If we talked bombs you are saying Islamic bomb

For brotherhood talking abt UMMAH

If we talk abt Hafiz , you people saying Muslim should supports muslim

I am not blaming you its mainly because of your brought up ,your family members always talking abt religion always thats a problem. Now you people speaking about religion and your generation will do the same in future.

I am Hindu I am spiritual but I never talked abt my religion to friends or relatives or neighbor they are also won't talk abt that. Its weird to see your people arguments.
Sorry to say this why Muslims always thinking bringing religion into everything

If we talked bombs you are saying Islamic bomb

For brotherhood talking abt UMMAH

If we talk abt Hafiz , you people saying Muslim should supports muslim

I am not blaming you its mainly because of your brought up ,your family members always talking abt religion always thats a problem. Now you people speaking about religion and your generation will do the same in future.

I am Hindu I am spiritual but I never talked abt my religion to friends or relatives or neighbor they are also won't talk abt that. Its weird to see your people arguments.

I tell you whats weird bro..To see Adolf Hitler on your avatar..Now thats weird
Since God said: Your business is consultative between yourselves, he has pointed out to complete unity.
Shias and Sunnis are the same with minor differences amplified only by the enemies of Islam.
Guys, where do you live? There is nothing so called Muslim brotherhood in reality according to our regimes, Only some Muslims believe in that. Sombozo, since you live in KSA, you know very well that Arabs have never ever counted on Non-Arab Muslims, all Arabs only and only count on Arab brothers. Have you heard Palestinians, Syrians, or Libyans calling for Muslims help? absolutely not, they only call for Arabs help. I have never heard an Arabi counting on Indonesia, Pakistan or Bangladesh ever, we even counted on USSR more than any Muslim countries. That's because we already don't believe in it. Every country has the right to pursue it's own interests, we already have great relations with Indians, who are our friends, and that doesn't mean we are abandoning Pakistan who are our brothers.
Since God said: Your business is consultative between yourselves, he has pointed out to complete unity.
Shias and Sunnis are the same with minor differences amplified only by the enemies of Islam.

Your pan-islamist theory has clearly been disproved by the Koran itself and you are now resorting to desperate extrapolations.:rolleyes:

Anyway, lets leave out religion debate and debate on merits.

So, tell me, you as a Canadian, would you be willing to obey a "caliph" who is from Arabia and with a whole set of different culture than you? Remember, he may be a camel-herder while you work in a corporate environment?
the funny thing is that those who are not muslim trying to tell us what to do? now a days the concept of ummah is weak but we can hope for best/? but the need of time is that first we make ourself strong than think about to help our other muslim brother countries :devil:
Only true Muslims can be considered Ummah. It is laughable to even think those that side with Americans and Israelis and take aid from them, following the strategic goal of Kuffar talk about Ummah. First define what a Muslim is all about. Then come and talk about Ummah. Alqaida and Taliban were creations of CIA. So even bringing them in is laughable. When they needed Alqaida they took them to Libya to fight Qaddafi last year. When they do not need them, they send them to Pakistan with drones following them. It serves their strategic interests. You can not ride on both boats. You are either with Kuffar or you are with Muslims. It is simple as that.
The only people who keep harping about the Ummah are those without a sense of nationhood.

A sense of history as a people not dependent on their religion.

The moment you limit your perspective to a thousand odd years, you are always going to lose out to recorded human civilizational history.

A distant second.
You Arabs begged other countries to send armies and protect mecca and jordan from falling in 1971/79... don't act tough.:coffee:

The same Mecca that God clearly says in Quran that does not need to be protected since he will himself protect it. It was all lies. They repeated that story in 1990 when their old friend Saddam was at their border.
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