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Time to abandon Ummah / brotherhood for greater good of the nation?

Isn't Saudi Arabia the one that hires Pakistanis as pilots, doctors, to run their businesses?

In return they fund extremism in Pakistan
Somebozo, you seem to be stuck and out of arguments.

The Muslim Ummah will prevail.
Isn't Saudi Arabia the one that hires Pakistanis as pilots, doctors, to run their businesses?

In return they fund extremism in Pakistan

Extremism in Pakistan was born in Afghanistan and its war against communism, Pakistan is not to blame in this instance.
The ones who have financed the movements in Afghanistan during that period of time should help recycle and not abandon their allies.

Please don't judge Pakistan harshly. It is part of the national psyche to overestimated their importance in the world simply because of a rising sense of being left behind, given the events over the past decade. It will get better as and when Pakistan finds itself on a better footing.
Original Post By VCheng

Unfortunately many Pakistanis do attach too much importance on the contributions of our country resulting in them thinking they are just way too important or needed by the Muslim world. Combine that with their ailing desire for a Muslim "Ummah" & a bunch of "conspiracy" theories; that is a recipe for disaster.

This attitude has led them to neglecting their own country while either cheering for someone else or desperately trying to reaffirm their title as some sort of "fortress of Islam".
Original Post By p(-)0ENiX
this is called multi-cultrism and is part of values of any modrern country today..America and Canda are even made up largely on immigrants...nothing to do with Ummah and Islam here...infact if pan-islamism is the binding factor then what about the hindu, christian, sikh and other non Muslim minorities???

What is the binding factor for them?? Pan-hindusism or Pan-Christianism?? Doesnt make sense...

There is a difference between America and Canada and a country like Pakistan where everything from Sindu Desh to Pukhtoonistan to every other ethno-linguistic nationalist movement that you can think of is popping up and has been for the better part of our history ! America, Canada, Germany, Britain etc. have a deep history of their own that binds them....we don't enjoy the same with many of us having been at logger heads with each other ! Punjabis under Ranjit Singh made life hell for the Pukhtoons whereas the Pukhtoons under Abdali returned the favour in kind by ransacking Lahore ! Sindh has always been aloof of the rest of Pakistan whereas the Serieki Nationalist often talk about their glory days of ruling both Sindh and Punjab from Multan ! The Baloch in all of this have more in common with the Iranians (heck...my Baloch friend speaks Farsi in his home) then they've had with whatever became the rest of Pakistan and even then they were controlled as a vassal state by either the Persian or the Afghan Invaders. So my friend...Pan-Islamism really is indispensable to Pakistan - it keeps us together by transcending these petty differences of ethnicity, linguistics and even a mutually antagonistic history ! As for our religious minorities - Pakistan, as I have understood it to be, was supposed to be a Liberal, Pluralistic and Religious Impartial society whose movement was spearheaded by the Muslim by evoking Muslim Nationalism but many Non-Muslims who felt oppressed in India decided to tarry along...of course we've failed them massively ! And yes...as the majority we do reserve the right to have a dominant culture and no it doesn't imply that the religious minorities become social and political minorities, as they have been !

P.S Europe is waking up to Multi Culturalism and talking, from what I've heard, instead of 'Integration' !
Ibnwaled: Blame others?

I assume your Saudi? The day the oil runs out my friend your going to sink back into the sand fast.
Your a country which spends billions on defence but the first real threat arose and you went crying to the Americans for help.
Your country that sponsors the most reactionery Salafi brand of Islam that has caused havoc across the world. Your petrodollars fuel our virulent Mullahs. Your a country that looks on the killing abnd genocide of other Arabs in Palestine by Isreali's, yet you reserve your hatred for Iran.

You throw all your trouble causers to rest of the world Bin Laden et al.
So blame others? No. Blame the Saudi's. YES

And how does a country of 20 million plus end up with the name of one family? Absurd. Do the Saudi's own Arabia? Just curious.
Again, classic case of attention deficit disorder. What does our oil and defense spending have to do with any thing posted in this thread. Put you jealousy aside and focus on what I said, Pakistan's problem are Pakistan's problem. These slafis/wahhabis blowing them selves in Pakistan are Pakistanis. Our country has an exceptional track record of counter terrorism, while your country(according to every single report written on the matter) is helping out terrorists. Its easy to blame everything on Salafis, but if you have the capacity to think objectively, ask your self why Saudi Arabia(predominantly Salafi) doesn't have this problem? Again, because terrorism is unrelated to Salafism.
So, your not begging for food, just begging for money?
Leave me a message when we waste any more money on you.

Please solve your own issues before worrying about us. All that money and lack of progress and no sign of civilization...

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Somebozo ............. You have my respect.
Don't worry, oil is a finite resource, when they run out of oil they are going to be another Somalia.
Their population is growing fast, that desert of their's can't support nothing.
Then you watch them beg !!!
Please don't judge Pakistan harshly. It is part of the national psyche to overestimated their importance in the world simply because of a rising sense of being left behind, given the events over the past decade. It will get better as and when Pakistan finds itself on a better footing.
Original Post By VCheng

Unfortunately many Pakistanis do attach too much importance on the contributions of our country resulting in them thinking they are just way too important or needed by the Muslim world. Combine that with their ailing desire for a Muslim "Ummah" & a bunch of "conspiracy" theories; that is a recipe for disaster.

This attitude has led them to neglecting their own country while either cheering for someone else or desperately trying to reaffirm their title as some sort of "fortress of Islam".
Original Post By p(-)0ENiX

I already refuted that post here:


"Well, if you are implying that i am among those Pakistanis who believe; "the Muslim world would be destroyed if it wasn't for Pakistan or its nuclear bomb", then you are wrong. In fact, i based my argument on recent events taking place in the ME, as well as historical events involving Pakistan in one way or another.

Of course, i am for Pakistani Nationalism, i am for encouraging our present as well as future generations to take pride in our unique culture and heritage, our own identity that has been cultivated for thousands of years. To hell with "Muslim unity" if this so called "unity" involves a subservient and dependent Pakistan that has become a laughing stock of the world, but change will only come if the people change themselves from within."-Desert Fox

And here:


"VCheng, no one really takes him seriously, and us remembering our contributions has nothing to do with what he said.

I agree with p(-)0ENiX that we Pakistanis do care too much for arabs and we should indeed stop risking ourselves for unthankful arab countries. "-Desert Fox
Yeah I even commented on that thread saying dont they have any talent of their own?

They basically import professionals from other countries; their lucky they have all that oil (which btw won't last them forever)

Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia don't have oil, look at them...
Anyway, as I said before 95% of professional workers in GCC are either nationals or Arabs, all who work in menial jobs are non Arabs. Ask IbnAwalid or other Saudis about this.
When you have and feel genuine dignity(and that is what Islam teaches us all) you will never bother about someone looking down on you, you'll barely notice it, and know that he has a problem within himself not you.
No one begs no one in a true islamic spirit, it is all based on good and voluntary deeds, be it from the poorest towards the richest or the other way around.

The Muslim Ummah will prevail.
Man, these Arabs are nothing but a bunch of snobs, they love to get a spanking from israel every now and then.

And its funny how these arrogant chums then come crying to us to help their @$$es get out of their mess.

But then after we help them they come back and say "oh, we don't need you, we are capable enough of defending ourselves"...... Yeah right, we saw how capable they were in the past vs a small nation of 4 million Jews who sent these Arabs running back to their borders with their tales in between their legs.

The only capable Arab country in my opinion is Egypt, their soldiers can fight! The rest are a joke.

Keep stocking on those 'Made in America' toys, its funny.
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