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Time to abandon Ummah / brotherhood for greater good of the nation?

Jinnah's views about Iqbal

“He was the greatest interpreter of Islam in modern times," Quaid-i-Azam said about Iqbal on March 3, 1941.
, "DARE AND LIVE is Iqbal's message." What a wonderful motto coming from the founder of the nation!"
Jinnah calls Iqbal "the sage, philosopher and national poet of Islam,"

now dont say that you know more than father of the Nation. Quaid i Azam

But he didn't. Islam came via Sufia Karam not via gernails and marauders.
common again that denial mode. ok who brought i before Qasim i would prefer name rather then listned old stories.
1. Allama was a poet. he said Cheeno Arab Hamara. Now go to any Arab country and try to get nationality and right to work independently. Ordinary Arabs will whoop your @rse and kick you out in no time. Now bring Allama and show him the reality. Same thing with Chinese (although they will be a bit more humane as they are civilized compared to Tribal Arabs)

He was ALSO a poet. You're again acting very stupid, like I mentioned in my previous post, I think you didn't read it carefully that's why you just pick up isolated points and say something totally irrelevant, anyways, let me repeat myself once again, for you, mate. The system we are living in today is totally opposite to what Islam taught us centuries ago. The concept of Ummah is no more there today, we need to bring that back, 'we' of course doesn't include you. I'm not in favour of a immediate Khilafah or sudden unification of the Muslim lands, well, that's another debate that how can we be a 'Ummah' in real again. Anyways. The concept is there, that comes from my religion, which isn't just religion, it's a "Deen" as Qur'an says. The way of life. The ideology.

2. So wahabis killing Shias, and Talibotics bombing Ahmadi mosques are all due to Mars and Saturn. Where art tho living my dear. It doesn't seem like you are mentally on this planet anymore.

Shia-Sunni conflicts are sectarian ones, to eliminate these, we need strong belief in the concept of Muslim brotherhood, that's the only way we can get rid of this, harmony between sects. Respect. Actually, the concept of Ummah is the only thing which can unite different ethnic and sectarian groups in Muslims. And Ahmadis.. umm.. I thought we were talking about Muslims? Attacks on Qadiyanis is also because of the concept of Ummah? You need some sleep, bro.

3. Pakistanis do things for their own benefit and let others do things in their benefit. That's the reality of today. But as I said Islamists in Pakistan are mentally on some other planet.

Islamists? LOL Well, there's a simple thing which I think you cannot understand. Whatever Allah and His Messenger [S.A.W] have ordered me to do, I'll follow that, without any question. At least I'll try my best. I am proud of being a patriotic Pakistan but first, a Muslim. Ideology is Islam, Pakistan is the identity. No conflict at all. Conflicts are just in the minds of people like you.

Peace to you brother peace to you. Come back to this planet please if you want to philosophize the poor earthlings.

I will come back to this planet, as soon as you come out of you "liberalised" fantasy land.
..... The concept of Ummah is no more there today, we need to bring that back, 'we' of course doesn't include you. .......

it is like saying. No one is riding donkeys for international travel. But "we" need to bring it back.
I am glad you are not including me in the "Pan-world donkey express" crowd. Thank you.

Man. people want to bring back, things. that are long dead. Like dead for 1000 years. Wow!

.....Shia-Sunni conflicts are sectarian ones, to eliminate these, we need strong belief in the concept of Muslim brotherhood, that's the only way we can get rid of this, harmony between sects. .....

What Muslim brother hood hood are you talking about. Iranian hood hood, or Saudi Hood hood. Because those are the two main forces today. And if you don't believe in them, then your hood hood is flying somewhere else but not in this world.

Religion do make people close their eyes for good. You are no exception.


Jinnah's views about Iqbal

“He was the greatest interpreter of Islam in modern times," Quaid-i-Azam said about Iqbal on March 3, 1941. .....

That statement was made almost a century ago. Are you living in 1941?

Had Iqbal seen Wahabi and Irani fasad of today, he would have immediately gone back to Germany. Otherwise like Ghamdi he would have gotten threats on his life and killed.

Those times are gone bud. long gone.

Learn to live in 2012 please.
Iqbal was the greatest thinker which Islamic World have seen in last 500 years and Ummah concept is of Islam and and denying it or not following it is Kufr and we have problems and we don't need to follow any cartoon European Philosopher when we already have Quran and Sunnah but western slaves should follow their Masters

tell me how many so called Ummah nations are teaching about Iqbal?? A random arab doesn't even know who is Jinnah and Iqbal but can call you an entire life story (much of it is made up) about Gandhi!

I have listened to talk show about Gandi on radio channels in Saudi Arabia and quoting his great quotes but never heard a word about Jinnah and Iqbal...this Ummah and brotherhood has just made us a joker of world stage today.

We made nukes and everyone reminded us of Muslim Ummah and Brotherhood and how it is our moral duty to defend them. Today our nuke program is under threat of attacks and none of these brothers show up?????

We commit our blood and sweat in Afghanistan and the ummah brothers just come to spoil the party with their mullahs.

Fast forward, ummah champions commits acts of terrorism in USA, once again we come under radar and get targeted..not a word of sympathy said about it.....our people being taken out like sitting ducks through drone strikes and again not a word from brotherhood in sympathy...

Brotherhood flocks to fund conflicts, extremist madrassas and exploiting natural disasters but today when we are in desperate need to build rehabilitation and reconstruction institutes - we are being pacified with tokens!

We support Palestine and Kashmir out of "Ummah" cause and the 22 Arab countries reward us with strengthening ties with India...we are being played flood in divide and conquer game...

F_ck this brotherhood

That statement was made almost a century ago. Are you living in 1941?

Had Iqbal seen Wahabi and Irani fasad of today, he would have immediately gone back to Germany. Otherwise like Ghamdi he would have gotten threats on his life and killed.

Those times are gone bud. long gone.

Learn to live in 2012 please.

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tell me how many so called Ummah nations are teaching about Iqbal?? A random arab doesn't even know who is Jinnah and Iqbal but can call you an entire life story (much of it is made up) about Gandhi!

I have listened to talk show about Gandi on radio channels in Saudi Arabia and quoting his great quotes but never heard a word about Jinnah and Iqbal...this Ummah and brotherhood has just made us a joker of world stage today.

We made nukes and everyone reminded us of Muslim Ummah and Brotherhood and how it is our moral duty to defend them. Today our nuke program is under threat of attacks and none of these brothers show up?????

We commit our blood and sweat in Afghanistan and the ummah brothers just come to spoil the party with their mullahs.

Fast forward, ummah champions commits acts of terrorism in USA, once again we come under radar and get targeted..not a word of sympathy said about it.....our people being taken out like sitting ducks through drone strikes and again not a word from brotherhood in sympathy...

Brotherhood flocks to fund conflicts, extremist madrassas and exploiting natural disasters but today when we are in desperate need to build rehabilitation and reconstruction institutes - we are being pacified with tokens!

We support Palestine and Kashmir out of "Ummah" cause and the 22 Arab countries reward us with strengthening ties with India...we are being played flood in divide and conquer game...

F_ck this brotherhood

And Zarvan has no credibility, he is another of those hood hood inspired mullah!
Check his photo from his profile:


I understand what you are saying, Zombozo, since you live among Arabs, have you ever heard them counting on Pakistan or non-Arab countries?
The answer is no, why did you start this thread? were you expecting us to run over crying for your brotherhood?I don't know what were you thinking.
There is nothing so called brotherhood nowadays, it's just we perioretize pursuing our interests with Muslim countries rather than others. Without this "brotherhood" you wouldn't be working in KSA.

Saudi Arabia has allocated more than US $361.99 million for the relief operation, topping the list of all donating countries: US $105.29 million donated by the Saudi Government, US $14.7 million donated by the Saudi Fund for Development, and US $242 million collected through Saudi Public Fund Relief.[198] Within the first week of the flooding that started on 29 July, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia ordered a massive kingdom-wide fundraising and aid collection campaign. Official aid collection camps were set up in all major Saudi cities, the Saudi royal family set an example when several princes donated $20 million on the first day, encouraging Saudi citizens to follow their example, more than $107 million were collected in the first three days.[180] Saudi Arabia released a statement announcing the establishment of an air-bridge to ferry relief-supplies to Pakistan, 30 major air relief shipments were sent to land in Punjab, Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, in what is the largest air bridge in support of flood victims in Pakistan. The Saudi ambassador Abdul Aziz bin Ibrahim al-Ghadeer completely dedicated himself to relief efforts and hardly visited his office in Islamabad because of his constant field presence in Lahore, Multan and Hyderabad. As of 30 August, relief goods worth USD 40 million had been delivered and some USD 67 million worth of relief goods were in the pipeline; USD 5.3 million had been handed over to National Disaster Management Authority – NDMA Pakistan in cash. Two 100-bed mobile hospitals were also donated by the Saudi Government to the flood victims.[199] Saudi public response was also staggering, as women donated jewellery to fundraising camps.[200] In the aftermath of floods, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal and Princess Amerah Al Taweel, visited the flood affected areas of Pakistan and took 10 tons of relief materials with them.

2010 Pakistan floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Saudi Arabia has allocated more than US $361.99 million for the relief operation, topping the list of all donating countries: US $105.29 million donated by the Saudi Government, US $14.7 million donated by the Saudi Fund for Development, and US $242 million collected through Saudi Public Fund Relief.[198] Within the first week of the flooding that started on 29 July, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia ordered a massive kingdom-wide fundraising and aid collection campaign. Official aid collection camps were set up in all major Saudi cities, the Saudi royal family set an example when several princes donated $20 million on the first day, encouraging Saudi citizens to follow their example, more than $107 million were collected in the first three days.[180] Saudi Arabia released a statement announcing the establishment of an air-bridge to ferry relief-supplies to Pakistan, 30 major air relief shipments were sent to land in Punjab, Sindh, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, in what is the largest air bridge in support of flood victims in Pakistan. The Saudi ambassador Abdul Aziz bin Ibrahim al-Ghadeer completely dedicated himself to relief efforts and hardly visited his office in Islamabad because of his constant field presence in Lahore, Multan and Hyderabad. As of 30 August, relief goods worth USD 40 million had been delivered and some USD 67 million worth of relief goods were in the pipeline; USD 5.3 million had been handed over to National Disaster Management Authority – NDMA Pakistan in cash. Two 100-bed mobile hospitals were also donated by the Saudi Government to the flood victims.[199] Saudi public response was also staggering, as women donated jewellery to fundraising camps.[200] In the aftermath of floods, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal and Princess Amerah Al Taweel, visited the flood affected areas of Pakistan and took 10 tons of relief materials with them.

2010 Pakistan floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

we re not begging for flood recovery aid..as I have already mentioned in the above response which you seem to have hard time understanding. Much of this flood ad is used as a PR campaign by donators be it what ever country around the world. We need funds to build rehabilitation institutions to cure the extremist menace eating our society from inside....tell me who is funding that for us?? much of the funding in that regards is flowing from no one else but United States of American...

Aid at the times of natural disasters is very easy exploitation to win positive PR..and this seems to be happening very well in Pakistan...these disasters only happen once in a while..but we have been in dire need of funding since the sh_t hit the fan in 2001 to rehabilitate thousands of Pakistani and Afghani people suffering from jihadi brainwashing led by no other than OBL...

money also flowed like water during Afghan-Soviet "Jihad" but nothing came afterward to rebuild the institutions and social structure but some madrasas were kept well funded...another point to be noted.

Why do you keep mentioning Saudi Arabia, baring few individuals Saudi government atleast has been very good ally of our military and government but Saudi Arabia alone does not represent the entire Muslim and Arab world...

Surprised by the level of intellect some people have on this forum...
........... We need funds to build rehabilitation institutions to cure the extremist menace eating our society from inside....tell me who is funding that for us?? .......................

The primary responsibility for a society lies upon its own members. Why should one expect anybody else to provide funds for curing what extremism you create within yourselves?
The primary responsibility for a society lies upon its own members. Why should one expect anybody else to provide funds for curing what extremism you create within yourselves?

I don't expect and the primary cause of failures has been our own irresponsibility and short sightness...I was just providing a counter argument that money seems to flow very easy for funding extremist causes or natural disasters but not when we need it for long term rehabilitation which is very true...

primary countries to support our rehabilitation and reconstruction remain China, USA and Europe...where is the brotherhood?
I understand what you are saying, Zombozo, since you live among Arabs, have you ever heard them counting on Pakistan or non-Arab countries?
The answer is no, why did you start this thread? .....

Oh brother!!!!!!!

The audience of this thread is "Pakistanis who believe in Muslim brother hood-hood".

So do not take any offense.

What you say is based in reality. while Muslims brother hood-hood (or even Arab brother hood-hood) is imaginary.

I hope you understand it now. If not let me know.

For Lefties, socialists, and Islamists in Pakistan, the Arab culture the tribal Arab culture is considered to be the true-blue Islamic culture. Which it is not.

When we tell our fellow Pakistanis to treat Arabs as tribal- humans and not as gods or god-incarnates, they fall back into "Muslim brother hood-hood".

And unfortunately Paksitani-Shias consider Iranis as god-incarnates. So we are stuck with twin evils, that is destroying the very fabric or our society all in the name of Islam.

I don't expect and the primary cause of failures has been our own irresponsibility and short sightness....................

Then why all this kolaveri di? (to use a popular expression)

The irresponsible and the short-sighted either learn to be responsible and think long-term, or get weeded out.
I don't expect and the primary cause of failures has been our own irresponsibility and short sightness...I was just providing a counter argument that money seems to flow very easy for funding extremist causes or natural disasters but not when we need it for long term rehabilitation which is very true...

primary countries to support our rehabilitation and reconstruction remain China, USA and Europe...where is the brotherhood?
brotherhood been, captured by allied nations, in the command of united states of america!
& now they are targeting pakistan & iran, the last remaining strong holds of muslims, in the world?
you can check by urself, most of the richest & powerfull islamic , countries giving allies & thier commander, thier lands, paying them in different forms, of bribes like, militry bases or oil drilling agreements or a security insurance for the state of israel?
we dont need, a structure like them, all we need is unity on basic issues, faced by ummaha there was a famous quote from chairman MAO ZA DONG(power flows from the barrel of gun) which allies & thier commander are dealing with , ummaha ?
its up to pakistan & iran to show , ummaha a rare light in the drak long tunnel, which was created by allies & thier commander.
The Islamic Ummah will prevail.

Your repeated post "Ammah will prevail, Ammah will prevail ......" reminds me of the tape recorder that repeats "Allaho Akbar" in the slaugterhouse while sharp knife chops of chickens.

Yeah. you Sir are a tape recorder repeating Ammah Ammah while Muslims are choping other Muslims just like chickens get through halal factories.

tape recorder and yes the tape recorder.

Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar,

chop chop chope Shia head
chop chop Ahmadi head chop chop
chop chop Sunni head chop

Yes dear tape recorder do your duty like a good robot.

chop chop
Your repeated post "Ammah will prevail, Ammah will prevail ......" reminds me of the tape recorder that repeats "Allaho Akbar" in the slaugterhouse while sharp knife chops of chickens.

Yeah. you Sir are a tape recorder repeating Ammah Ammah while Muslims are choping other Muslims just like chickens get through halal factories.

tape recorder and yes the tape recorder.

Allaho Akbar, Allaho Akbar,

chop chop chope Shia head
chop chop Ahmadi head chop chop
chop chop Sunni head chop

Yes dear tape recorder do your duty like a good robot.

chop chop

Isnt this what they teach mostly at forigen funded religious seminaries?? to put your IQ aside and do not challenge the logic in religion or question the mullah????

Which is basically saying 'Muslims will prevail'.
Looks like Somebozo and Co. aren't well wishers of such thing :disagree:

Muslims will prevail - Yes if they follow the role model of Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Azerbaijan..

Not the ummah concept which has been used to create an elite ruling and ruled class..

Show me where is the Ummah in:

  • OBL
  • Drone Strikes
  • NATO Route blockade
  • Nuclear allegations
  • Enonomic collapse much of it due to on going WOT - much of whose culprits were ummah preachers...

Most of it, we have been left to fend alone after Ummah extracted their maximum political benefit...lets face it..Infidels are our best friends!
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