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Three Pakistani soldiers killed in Indian border firing

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just see your worth and then atalk about another action. its not like that we can not treat you ,of course we can treat you in way that you will remember through out your life as you remember kargil. let me tell you if it comes to army only we will knock hell out of you indians. REMEMBER IT!:pakistan:
And if willing TRY IT!
Try what? have guts to come with your army rather than sending terrorists here. we're ready.
pay ur respects & move on. ceasefire violations are normal at indo pak border coz of stupidity of soldiers on both sides.
It's not a question of me being happy..... but hell you people are the victims of your own, hence you will sleep on anything.
Its not the question of us being victims.. but hell you wanna call the terrorists the freedom fighters.
Every time there is an incident at the LOC firing, it is easy for India to a) claim that Pakistan opened fire first, or that b) they were trying to infiltrate Jihadis into India (two different/separate claims mind you), with no basis or reality attached to the claim. So I would believe that the mudslinging is coming from the Indian side, trying to undermine this killing of three Pakistani soldiers in this unfortunate event. It was probably accidental firing, so it is unfortunate. If Indian soldiers had been killed, it would be an extremely unfortunate event as well, & I wouldn't go through the mudslinging to undermine their deaths.
Well, combatants die in a war zone.. Sad but no biggie.. RIP to the fallen. The senseless hatred claims 3 more victims :(
if you had been reading PDF posts for 2 years now, you should have had a EQ & IQ better than the one that you have posted earlier. You see people indulge in flamming when they do not have a control over their Emotion and what I and the rest of the people in this forum can see from your post is, you are not yet seasoned

I don't care bout my image at all when it comes on expressing how I feel and if people lose control over their feelings who according to your are very seasoned and experienced then GOD BLESS THE SEASONED ONES. Trolls usually do their jobs and there are many people here who will end all of pakistan within seconds and all. I never reply to those. Again mentioning I wrote what I felt like writing and I felt how it should be.
I don't care bout my image at all when it comes on expressing how I feel and if people lose control over their feelings who according to your are very seasoned and experienced then GOD BLESS THE SEASONED ONES. Trolls usually do their jobs and there are many people here who will end all of pakistan within seconds and all. I never reply to those. Again mentioning I wrote what I felt like writing and I felt how it should be.
so what were you thinking of when you wrote that 6 on the INDIAN side should be killed.
Let the incident be, that out of stupidity that the IA fired first and had increased the sorrows of the world with 3 more families, so in return your post sugested that the sorrows of the world increse with 6 more families. isint it? Hate does not bring back the dead from the cofins to life. but being rational of what the response you take will not result in further sorrow.
So it is the spokesman of IA that was making up something!!! Pathetic.

Its not his fault. Your ISPR spokesperson drank all the elixir of truth, nothing left for him, so the IA spokesman has only lies to fall back on. :disagree:
so what were you thinking of when you wrote that 6 on the INDIAN side should be killed.
Let the incident be, that out of stupidity that the IA fired first and had increased the sorrows of the world with 3 more families, so in return your post sugested that the sorrows of the world increse with 6 more families. isint it? Hate does not bring back the dead from the cofins to life. but being rational of what the response you take will not result in further sorrow.

If I were an indian I would't want Pakistan to react at all. When you are on the other side its different. Killers are punished not because the killed ones come back to life. They are punished for what they do. Strong replies make the enemy think twice again before doing something similar. If you get into maths then how about killing only ppl who have families and not the ones who have kidz and all.Its a long maths if u wanna count families and this and that. additional 3 will bring peace next time and if one doesnt react then most likely 3 3 3 3 will continue to be killed only at one side. If i know my enemy kills double the amount of how many I kill then I will think twice for sure before starting something.
Ok, so we have gone back 11 years to Kargil.. Lets see how long does it take to reach 1971 and 1965
4000 soldiers for one hill top, seems like a very bad deal. remain at top & don't think of coming down. else another 4000 have to pay for any misadventure again.

4000 soldiers didn't even participate in that war let alone being killed in it. Keep believing in Ganja Sharif.

P.S: He is not Ganja anymore.
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If I were an indian I would't want Pakistan to react at all. When you are on the other side its different. Killers are punished not because the killed ones come back to life. They are punished for what they do. Strong replies make the enemy think twice again before doing something similar. If you get into maths then how about killing only ppl who have families and not the ones who have kidz and all.Its a long maths if u wanna count families and this and that. additional 3 will bring peace next time and if one doesnt react then most likely 3 3 3 3 will continue to be killed only at one side. If i know my enemy kills double the amount of how many I kill then I will think twice for sure before starting something.
your math is not working for pakistan i guess. we kill 3 to think that you won't infiltrate again, but you lost your own math to think of killing 6 Indian!
what are you talking man..
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