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Thread Bared: Communal tensions in India

Can't you let Muslims prosper and live in peace? Plzzzzzzz o_O
Muslims are living and developing with peace in India,now pakistanis dont want to believe this is not our problem.......
Can't you let Muslims prosper and live in peace? Plzzzzzzz o_O
not the fault of Hindus. Muslims of south India prospers; it is the Urdu/Hindi speaking illiterate Muslims/Hindus who are suffering. they are generally ghetto dwelling and highly intolerant and very religious people(true for Hindus also, but generally are much tolerant than Islamics). they are not Indonesians or Turks they are the same stock as other Indians are. do you want to believe it is Hindus against Muslims? you have chosen to believe so. just like you follow a religion by choice. so, there is no use of debunking your choice.
society is lenient, but religions are backward pulling. India can prosper if this high religiousness of the generations can be stopped and liberal values are nourished.
The story was researched and written by a Hindu. You, Indians here, and myself all condemn such crimes against any human.

Ok, tell me what is the best way to fix such problems. Attack India and take control of their authorities that maintian law and order so that nobody ever commits any crime there.

Yes, it was good that you mentioned it here so we all condemn such crimes together and oppose such people. However, to blame all Indians for such activities would be wrong.

We have similar problems in Pakistan against other minorities. India is a much larger country so we can statistically expect larger occurences of these problems in people with roughly similar education. It would be better to think together with a cool head how to promote tolerence. This might be the purpose behind "Aman Ki Asha" Instead of inflaming emotions of hatred and jingoistic talk, we talk about what is common and similar between the two people and at the same time, learn to appreciate the differences we have.
outlook india has a history of unearthing stories that other media org dont, so full credit to the mag.
It is disturbing to read.
BTW aman ki asha will not solve this problem, better law and order mechanism is what we need. If riot police could be magically deployed within few hours of conflict (one can easily predict the riot of this nature within a few hours of initial incident) it will reduce such incidents.
@Oscar Didn't expect selective moderation and threat by you.

You haven't change the title of the thread.

Have more than PDF to do in life unlike many. So overlook things when in a hurry.
Have more than PDF to do in life unlike many. So overlook things when in a hurry.

Yes, a clever excuse.

or is it the fact that you are a Yindoo Baniya agent??

Wait, wrong accusation.

I mean an ISI, pseudo secular Khangressi agent?? :D
I am a freelance worker. On sale to highest bidder.

Seriously. You are busy and oversight due to this is understandable.

You are one of the few relatively unbiased posters here. That explains @KRAIT comment.

Take care buddy :)
Or maybe that is the new strategy in India by the majority. Dismiss any attempts by Muslims to voice concern by calling it some strategy or drama.

great move to suppress a minority.

Cant think of any community suppressed which dare to burn hindus alive.

How exactly are muslims suppressed?
Cant think of any community suppressed which dare to burn hindus alive.

How exactly are muslims suppressed?

Muslims burned alive as well in previous communal riots. And the article is one more example.
As far as I know, real culprits on both sides are safe and those who do not deserved to be died get killed for reasons they are not aware of.. I mean what did a muslim or hindu woman do to get raped by multiple people? Or a kid do to be killed in cold blood?Did they killed people of other religion? Did they burn down a mosque or temple? Religion should be taken away from politics, its the only way to move foreward.
Muslims burned alive as well in previous communal riots. And the article is one more example.

Then wont it be better to call as level playing field?

Its just population ratio which reflects in final victim counts, I don't find anyone suppressed here.
Well i believe that nuclear exchange between us is inevitable :devil:

Going by your logic...this is what's gonna happen. One nuclear bomb...North India gone....retaliate one bomb Pakistan vaporized. India still remains and Pakistan is history.
Have more than PDF to do in life unlike many. So overlook things when in a hurry.
I mean even on this thread. Anyways, no problem.
BTW we do have a life outside PDF. ;)
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