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Thread Bared: Communal tensions in India

the only thing that you could say is propaganda is what modi said......

Lol propoganda?
but that also happened after the dehati auraat incident
he was replying....he didnt start it

Oh please he was ... much before tht... even fore the so called fake accident.. i did post the news didnt you see?

He said it is a flashpoint .... read the news.. where did he threaten war?

MUZAFFARABAD, Dec 3: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed his resolve here on Tuesday for early settlement of the Kashmir issue in accordance with UN resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiris, warning that failure to resolve the dispute in a timely manner could lead to war.

“Kashmir is a flashpoint and can trigger a fourth war between the two nuclear powers at anytime,” he said in his brief address to the budget session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Council.

The council, which is a product of AJK’s Interim Constitution Act of 1974, has its secretariat in Islamabad. It was for the first time its session was held in Muzaffarabad, where its Rs14.98 billion budget for the current fiscal year was approved.

AJK President Sardar Yaqoob Khan, Prime Minister Chaudhry Abdul Majeed, federal Minister for Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan Affairs Birjees Tahir, Minister of State for Commerce Khurram Dastgir Khan, MNAs Tariq Fazal and Marvi Memon and five of the six elected AJK Council members attended the meeting.

Prime Minister Sharif said he had been vigorously highlighting the issue at the global level, and lately had presented the just stand of Kashmiri people at all international forums, including the UN General Assembly.

“Kashmir also remained under focus during my meeting with President Barack Obama,” he said.

He said Pakistan did not want to indulge in an arms race and would implement the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC).

Stating that AJK’s development and prosperity was his priority, he also announced a number of ambitious plans to fulfil his commitment.

“I have a heartfelt attachment with Kashmir… It’s as much important for me as other parts of the country and that’s why I consider its development and prosperity my national duty.”

He said the AJK capital would be linked with Rawalpindi and Islamabad through a modern railway system. It would also be connected with Mirpur, Gilgit-Baltistan and major cities of Pakistan through a network of highways for revival of infrastructure and promotion of tourism in the region.

He said a state of the art road from Muzaffarabad to Taobutt in Neelum valley and a tunnel in Leepa valley to keep it connected with the rest of the area throughout the year would also be constructed.

Airports of international standard would be built in Muzaffarabad and Rawalakot, he said.

Underlining the need of launching hydroelectric projects, the prime minister said it would not only provide cheap electricity but also reduce poverty and unemployment.

“I wish the AJK government takes concrete steps for development of this region and we will extend them fullest cooperation,” he said.

However, he laid emphasis on transparency and good governance in AJK, saying his government was committed to eradicating corruption and those who would go against it would be taken to task.

The prime minister also held a meeting with an eight-member delegation of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), led by Syed Yousuf Nasim.

He paid tribute to the Kashmiris for their sacrifices and struggle to achieve the right of self-determination and said: “Please convey my message to every Kashmiri that the government and people of Pakistan are with them in their just cause.”












indian COAS confessions





c'mon give a link of the political anti pak bs

Really? beating actors,protests against Pak sports teams,hate speeches,protesting n stopping the indo-Pak friendship bus,vandalising art exhibition of Pak artists,again Pak authors,mistreatment of female cricket team,etc, etc????

we are not taught hatred against pak

you are only making claims without any proof

if you have any proof then show it

will reply back to you tomorrow
gd nite

Narendra modi speech against pakistan - YouTube

Narendra Modi's Message To Pakistan - YouTube

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I shivered with pain and rage when I read this article in an Indian paper -- how Hindus are killing and raping Muslims in India !! Astaghfurullah, and the Pakistani media is silent -- paid by RAW to protect Hindu Mushriks !!

Then Hamid Mir, Mir Shakil and Imtiaz Alam have the shameless audacity to bark about aman ki Asha !! Nawaz Shareef sood khor should read this and then talk about his fake peace with India ! By Allah, we will not take any prisioners this time in Ghazwa e Hind. Every Mushrik involved in these crimes would curse the day he was born ! This is a promise ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind ! Labbaik
Thread Bared | Neha Dixit
I always advise **** guy to look at such issues with full honesty as a human being instead they proved to be hard folowr of one book rule n as per them definition of humanity n secularism revolves around only safety n well being of muslim.....
I wish the culprits could have suffered much worse.
The tale of Muzzafarnager is simple

Isolated and minority communities with not enough numbers to protect themselves or fight back..

In Pakistan atleast we are armed & can fire back

Muslims in India MUST at all costs start moving to area's with lots of other muslims and in big numbers, so kashmir, Hyderabad, Delhi etc so if riots do occur (and they will) you have the numbers to fight back

Dont expect the Indian state or the Police or the army to help you, they are mostly hindu and will either stay out of the way or do nothing. Your protection is in your own hands

It has happened too many times now to ignore

Either get into big groups or arm yourself with legal or illegal weapons, what is worse being found with a illegal weapon or being killed and raped

The othere muslims of the sub continent must help if nothing else we can convince the indian muslims of the threat posed by the hindu's in india
I agree.You know in previous riots indian police and army even participated in those killings or just stayed way and did nothing for them because most of them are hindus.Multiculturism and secularism may work well somewhere else in the world but in india with a barbaric hindu society it simply cannot work and for this reason all muslim populated areas in india need their separate home land.And overtime things will go more worse specially if that extremist hindu modi bastard get,s elected.Now see that,s why pakistan was created because they were doing the same things with us before partition.As long as india is occupying a muslim majority areas further division and partition of india is inevitable.
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I agree.You know in previous riots indian police and army even participated in those killings or just stayed way and did nothing for them because most of them are hindus.Multiculturism and secularism may work well somewhere else in the world but in india with a barbaric hindu society it simply cannot work and for this reason all muslim populated areas in india need their separate home land.And overtime things will go more worse specially if that extremist hindu modi bastard get,s elected.Now see that,s why pakistan was created because they were doing the same things with us before partition.As long as india is occupying a muslim majority areas further division and partition of india is inevitable.

Jo ukhadana hai ukhaad le. We will elect Modi as PM. If you have the balls attack us and free your Ummah brothers
Now see that,s why pakistan was created because they were doing the same things with us before partition.As long as india is occupying a muslim majority areas further division and partition of india is inevitable.
If modi is elected continuously for two terms, you will not exist as independent nation :P
Secularism is which term terrorists as Islamist and not hindus....right?

In reality, Pakistan is being infected by Indians, otherwise all was well for every one with Islam and Muslims for centuries.

Why Gandhi never called Jinnah a Islamist... while he was much more Islamic than TTP.

While real issue on this forum is exactly the religious bias against Muslims.

There is a bias in moderation.... even if you write email no action is taken against Indians.

I'll describe India soon, but before i allow time to the busy moderators.

Your long message full with fantasy again proved you know nothing about secularism. :laughcry:
Jo ukhadana hai ukhaad le. We will elect Modi as PM. If you have the balls attack us and free your Ummah brothers
LOL here comes another stinky malnutritioned hindu talking big from his slum.

If modi is elected continuously for two terms, you will not exist as independent nation :P
The wet dream of a bharti suffering from inferiority complex )Illiterate tea sellers like modi get in power in a backward country like endia because they know how to fool a backward nation full of cow worshippers by shouting anti pakistan slogans in rallies.But in reality he know they cannot stop endian army soldiers dying like pigs in kashmir from the hands of ISI trained mujahaideen ,nor he will be able to raise a endian flag there and to let endians or hindu pandits buy a single inch of land there.We will invade you whenever we want to and we will soon mark anniversary of 26/11 mumbai attacks.Advise modi not to do some mistake ,who knows that will trigger another long period of slavery to muslims.
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Artificial... otherwise col. prohit may have been hanged by now!
Who is saying culprits are Hindu?

LOL here comes another stinky malnutritioned hindu talking big from his slum.

The wet dream of a bharti suffering from inferiority complex )Illiterate tea sellers like modi get in power in a backward country like endia because they know how to fool a backward nation full of cow worshippers by shouting anti pakistan slogans in rallies.But in reality he know they cannot stop endian army soldiers dying like pigs in kashmir from the hands of ISI trained mujahaideen ,nor he will be able to raise a endian flag there and to let endians or hindu pandits buy a single inch of land there.We will invade you whenever we want to and we will soon mark anniversary of 26/11 mumbai attacks.Advise modi not to do some mistake ,who knows that will trigger another long period of slavery to muslims.
First of all go and stop ISI trained terrorists killing Pakistani soldiers during namaz. Then come and talk to us.
Its the hate which have blinded Indians, there are lot of other examples.

-Samjhota express... Muslims burned alive.. master mind Indian army.. biased judiciary failed to protect Muslim rights.
-Gujrat genocide.... state was involved... biased judiciary failed to protect Muslim rights further more modi will be awarded Indian PMship.
-Almost, daily Indian army accuse of cross border infiltration! who is the idiot going to believe it? while we see 300K Indian army is manning Kashmir border with all the modern technology, resources and foreign help.
On the other hand Pakistan's border with Iran and Afghanistan are completely open, where anti Pakistan coalition is present and no Indian is willing to believe that terrorists are being trained and armed by Indian army and puppet regime of Afghanistan and than sent across to Pakistan.
-It was India who build, trained and armed mukti bahni (terrorist organization) and when Pak army was busy they invaded from all directions, with a force 10 times bigger.
-Indian army built and trained Tamil Tiger (terrorist organization) and due to religious / historic bias with Srilank they start killing srilankans.... your agents came all the way to Lahore to attack Srilankan cricket team.
-Indian state failed to give justice to its low cast... but no Indina can see it.
-Indian army is raping, Indian women all over the country.. no indian can see it but a think tank of defence.pk is telling those were Muslims behind rapes... hell this was totally uncalled for... and in clear violation of forum rules.
- Do i need to continue to the point where naked Indian women gather in-front of Indian army garrisons...

India cannot make peace today or just put cover on its dark side... you are as naked as it can be but you are blinded in your hate and you can't see it.
i keep myself from being blind due to over patriotism. some of the points that u have been so kind to put forth, are just and some of them are outright baloney.
i dont want to analyze and comment on each of ur points but i would advice u to calm urself down.
india, like other nations, has a darker side to its existence. we have our problems and we only have to deal with it.
as i have said earlier, religion is seldom the reason behind heinous acts being committed throughout the history, although its always shown as the reason. behind it, it streams down the individual whose vile intentions (eg wealth , power, status) over power one person after the another in doing one or many evil deeds. it doesnt have to do anything with being a pakistani/hindustani/hindu/muslim etc etc.
we , the south asians, particularly the belt extending from pakistani punjab to modern bihar have seen many crests and troughs of civilization and degradation.
after a thousand years, if we convert ourselves to "blue robotism" and " red robotism", and our mentality remains the same as today ( i hope it doesnt), then the evils will remain intact.
i sense that many of ur esteemed members here may have a feeling that india is a bad country bcoz its predominantly hindu. to that i must ask, after ur conversion to islam (i mean ur country, the lands), were you guys totally free of any problems ??? was ur life better than all the hindus ??? and how do u know that u are better than hindus, if u dont experience their life.
u cant review a society (such a big n complex society as india) with ur skewed mind and a few paper cuttings.
and last but not the least, please have a good look in the mirror. are u clean enough to make fun of the dirt in my face ???? be honest.....
in my reply to u , i know i was
LOL here comes another stinky malnutritioned hindu talking big from his slum.

The wet dream of a bharti suffering from inferiority complex )Illiterate tea sellers like modi get in power in a backward country like endia because they know how to fool a backward nation full of cow worshippers by shouting anti pakistan slogans in rallies.But in reality he know they cannot stop endian army soldiers dying like pigs in kashmir from the hands of ISI trained mujahaideen ,nor he will be able to raise a endian flag there and to let endians or hindu pandits buy a single inch of land there.We will invade you whenever we want to and we will soon mark anniversary of 26/11 mumbai attacks.Advise modi not to do some mistake ,who knows that will trigger another long period of slavery to muslims.
Why are you so frustated??! I said truth. Present Pakistan was the site of Hindus. Thats what going to happen. Pakistani land will be free from muslims. As you put it correctly history will repeat itself. You forgot to mentions Muslims are being killed in there own country like dogs and all 47 Islamic countries can't help it out.
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