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This Time We Break Pakistan into Four Pieces, BJP Leader Spews Against Pakistan

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What you mean India's rile in 1971 is exposed ? Its a secret ? But we ding indulge in terrorism . Mukti bni never declared as terrorist organisation . Show me any one country declared them as terrorists ? We just liberated Bangladesh .

And “We have always been a country which has never gone to war with anybody, unless the war is forced on us,” he added.
Now tfats the problem when we are under attack on proxy front we dont declare war ? Thats a sin .

Why dont you send mutton biriyani parcels then :enjoy: And with super hot kebabs . But u instead sending Kasabs 1,2,3 :bunny::police:
And what happens when a war in force on you? Run like cowards and being a slave of foreign forces for a thousand years? Give a history lesson to Swammy and whole BJP terrorist History will repeat again if a war happen and as usual Hindus start run to leave behind land rule for victorious. To threaten a country to destroy it is an act of terrorist and you guys are a proven terrorists.
save kashmir if u can save assam if u can and many more ahahaha poor moro*s
This is on the cards

Or maybe We will rather annex Pakistan and then give NWFP and FATA to Afghanistan , create independent Balochistan and keep the rest after converting them to Buddhism .:devil:

Pah! Go chase a toilet. Like the UNICEF says, "POO IN LOO"
Stupid quote from Swami. Just reactionary bullshit.
I do not understand what is all the fuss about? What could you all expect from such a person? Just ignore such comments.
Kashmir is Indian land munna and Kashmiris are Indians . You terrorists have nothing to show but we Indians have 5000 years old history recognised by the whole world . Indian history is not just IVC . There is Tamilhistory , history of north-east mongoloids etc apart from iVC . India has more claim on IVC anyway because most of the sites of IVC lie in India .Also Indians spread their culture and religion to other parts of the world ie Buddhism . What have Pakistanis achieved ?
So called junglee India has sent probes to moon and the mars while You fucking terrorists are still chanting your Allah hu Akbar bullcrap and bombing people .

Islamic countries can never achieve anything worthwhile . It would be in the interest of the whole world to rid itself of Sunni islam
You are so much Proud Indian that you even don't dare to use you flag, right?For bold PartMUSLIMS RULED YOU FOR 800 YEARS AND LAL QILA AND TAJ MEHAL ARE SIGN OF IT.is that not enough achievement.........
You are so much Proud Indian that you even don't dare to use you flag, right?For bold PartMUSLIMS RULED YOU FOR 800 YEARS AND LAL QILA AND TAJ MEHAL ARE SIGN OF IT.is that not enough achievement.........

Beta Baap kA hi flag use kare ga na!
What an irony. you call yourself lucknowi and express your love for your ancestral land India (U.P ) more than karachi.yet you are giving lecture on national integration.
I am Pakistani first and it is possible for a child of Lucknowi parents to be patriotic. I value my family history, even cousins who want united India. But Lucknow should seriously have gone to Pakistani. We muslims of the north sacrificed everything for it so we know what Pakistan means to us. When you face difficulties in a land that is supposed to be yours by hindutva terrorists you know that Pakistan is the only representative and helper of muslims left there. I recognize this even if some of the new strain of so called "Indian muslims do not." If I must merge as a pashtun punjabi sindhi etc then it is a small price to pay than the one my family had to pay in India-even loyal people have been killed by you Indians so yes I do not accept India as my nation.
Beta Baap kA hi flag use kare ga na!
Aur agar kisi lanti ko maloom na ho kay us ka baap kon hai, tou wo bohnkata hai international forums par a kar!

Those muslims were not related to pakistanis in anyway . modern pakistanis bore the brunt of their violence and bloodshed . Those Muslims forcibly converted your Hindu ancestors to Islam .

I was talking about worthwhile achievements in arts , sciences , technologies etc not wars and occupation anyway . No wonder Muslims only think of war and jihad all the time . They got no time to improve their social and economic parameters
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Indian statements recently are really mouth watering.:devil:... Can't wait for them to start over...... There are no mukti bhani in Pakistan now and there isn't any enemy state standing in between... Please stop barking and cross over... waiting for you :guns:
Tumhari tarah ?

I do acknowledge some scientific contributions by Arabs but most were stolen from Hindu and Greek civilizations . other Muslim countries have nothing to brag about though .Stop claiming others' achievements . Arabs are not Pakistanis .

Persia was a great civilization before converting to Islam so were other ce tral and Western Asian and North African countries like egypt . Islam ruined them

Marne ki khwahish hai kya ? Do you really think you can defeat 9 times larger economy ?
Muslims are one nation that is part of our Faith.What Hindus and Greek did not even one comes near to Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi.......
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