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This Time We Break Pakistan into Four Pieces, BJP Leader Spews Against Pakistan

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Tell that to your warmonger terrorist party BJPee

It goes both ways bro, you go tell that to your generals....We all act like childrens dont we. And looking at our behaviour, this problem would go on for a long long time.

Poor Pakistani received HIV

Lol nice trolling. But try acting normal sometimes so people can engage in meaningful conversation :)
It goes both ways bro, you go tell that to your generals....We all act like childrens dont we. And looking at our behaviour, this problem would go on for a long long time.

Lol nice trolling. But try acting normal sometimes so people can engage in meaningful conversation :)
My bad. Sorry for wrong choice of words.

So what're your suggestions for peace between the 2 countries?

And the Indian got Polio . One can't contract HIV through kissing . You should have gone to a real school instead of a madarsa
& he wouldn't get polio unless that Pakistani had pissed in his mouth.

I will prefer madarsa over RSS terrorist training camp any day of the month.
There is nothing wrong with that. The worse thing could happen is you find out your NOT a Arab :lol:

And any Pakistani who uses the terms "Desi, Apna, Asian, Indian, Muslim" needs to be publicly lashed. Be a freakin Punjabi, be a freakin Pashtun, be a Sindhi, be a Baloch, be a Kashmiri and then be a Pakistani but 68 years after the flag went up drop that crappy language of a people are are lost, rootless, no identity, vagrants.

You all have so much to take pride in. I just can't understand why people can't take ownership of their past which in case of Pakistan is there with the top three in the world.

Junglee Indian's who have nothing and I mean nothing to show. They barely learnt how to wrap cloth around their privates in the last 100 years are claming the history, culture and heritage of Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi and Baloch.

This is fact. Indian's cannot say a sentance on history without having to use our lands. Take away our lands of the Indus Basin and they have just jungle history to show.
You're a shithead TTA to use derogatory term for Indians.

I assume you have graduated from that famous ZH madarsaa of Pakistani btthurt.

I believe this guy needs to be put on a short leash.
looks like Dr Subramaniam Swamy is trolling Pakistan :sarcastic:
I can understand being hyper nationalistic and overzealous in your patriotism is inherent to you because of being Pakistani but you should know limitations and capabilities of your armed forces . India being 1/4th compared to china in GDP can't think of defeating China while Pakistan being 9 times smaller can ?????
If Pakistan has become 100 times stronger , India also has become at least a 1000 times stronger and with each passing year Pakistan will fall farther behind
We compare our one soldier with 10-enemies and that has been proved many times. Remind Kargal please. another thing is that you have put 700,000 soldiers in Kashmir and they are killing each others because of stress due to few Kashmiri Mujahideen. So please do not compare the quantity but check the enthusiasm of your soldiers if they are ready to face our Army?????
Funny as you Pakistanis daily consume our piss that we drain down the Indus and its tributaries .:chilli:
If this were the case then we would have finished polio cases a long time back. Considering India is polio free.

looks like Dr Subramaniam Swamy is trolling Pakistan :sarcastic:
You indian have nothing to counter claims except running wild naked screaming "got trolled got trolled got trolled"

Get a life.
Don't take him as serious he is like that always we can't change such creatures. Once he was elected from our constituency as MP and people suffered a lot of his stupidity its really damn experience. He is a genius but he didn't know how to utilize it.
I think, he means Four new country from Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber PAKHTUNKHWA and Punjab.
This is not possible now after our nuclear program.
He is on drug. He lost his brain.
Promote tourism and beautiful places instead of making rants for wasteland.
My bad. Sorry for wrong choice of words.

So what're your suggestions for peace between the 2 countries?

My suggestion would hardly matter to anyone. But I think firstly we all must stop it crazy hatred against each other. Thats the first step. The lovely Brits left us with this mess, while now they sit back and watch us fight and have a laugh at how third world we all are.

We are like a circus for them. Just look at this thread....
Barking Dogs never bite.....and if they do......everybody knows what happens with mad dogs............:sniper::sniper::sniper:

Those in India who are talking these days to attack on Pakistan, they don't have any clue what they are talking...and if the real war begins....they will be the First to run ("apni Dhoti Sambaltey hoon gey to geli ho chuki hoo gi...")....
jub ker hi rehy ho to 15 ya 20 pieces kerdo, phir pata ne kub tume mileyga
Dr swamy just say the words Indians think but normally won't dare to say. He is the conscious of India.
thats why he is so famous ..... guess what your becoming too obvious and loosing that sting in your trolling :coffee:
Dr swamy just say the words Indians think but normally won't dare to say. He is the conscious of India.

And you know this how? experienced this on PDF?
Here Luca1 can be an American doesn't seems to be an accurate source
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