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They Will Always Need Pakistan

How come you reached this conclusion ? Well as for Arabs in Yemen they have done great aden and majority area is back in their control so How they failed ?
Saudis and their allies have failed to achieve any success in yemen.
Saudi forces cant even fight facr to face even with untrained rebels.
They are only busy in aerial bombing.
Bhai jaan you have put your view in greater details. But I must say even without Pakistan Gulf countries has no disappointments or disadvantages. Take UAE and their ability to add new fighters jets in their kitty. Money buys you anything and everything
Money can buy any thing except bravery and commo sense, which these sheikhs badly lack.
Expensive weapons arent enough to win wars.

It is not the gun, it is the man behind the gun
Money can buy any thing except bravery and commo sense, which these sheikhs badly lack.
Expensive weapons arent enough to win wars.

It is not the gun, it is the man behind the gun
Wonder what could be the reply of Arabs. While disagree (being diplomatic) :P
Nice write up.. And we allowed them to invade us millennium ago, now they need south asians to fight and work..

Correction; ARABS hardly invaded India, it was Afghans, Turkmen and later on the Persian influence ( to a smaller extent ).

You should understand why u been called for Yemen missions.
1) Gulf countries funded you heavily on defence procurement and helps you in you bad times like since you born in 1947. Population wise we Asians fuk too much and reproduction rate is higher than these guys or any guys on this planet except Chinese :P They called you because the commitment you gave to them. Man power is more in Pakistan when compared to them. Not only that you have strengthen you defence forces too. But think of it When your friends backtrack from backing you when you need them most. You don't get involved in Yemen crisis because sectarian violence will ripoff you armed forces into two. War of sunni Shia will divide your country itself.

Even if you don't go for them some one like Egypt or even US will. That's my point. Their frustration is because they think you back tracked from your words you gave them. Am not a expert in this field I will wait for Pakistani experts who can explain you in greater detail

Wrong comparison;
Today I promise to help you;
but when you call me for help on a day that I am sick myself, then my own well being stands first ( assuming I believe your cause for help is justified ).

Pakistan today is fighting a war with Hindu-stani proxies; this war is utmost important.

Lastly, you must understand that a soldier needs a reason to go into battle and start fighting; until and unless the soldier on ground owns the cause and the war ; he will never ever fight for it.

This in case of Pakistan was impossible for Pakistani Army, specially considering that it is mostly secular.
I frankly don't see it in most of the middle eastern armies especially where there's monarchies and dictatorship.

I hope you can see the bitter irony in your own statement. :D

You're comparing an insurgency that is decade old, to one that is barely a year old.

In the same time frame, the Arabs have lost twice as many. Losing between 70-100 soldiers in a single day. Such a massive loss has not happened in such a short amount of time in Pakistan.

You comparison of casualty totals is flawed, because it doesn't take time line into consideration. Hell, it doesn't even take battlefield situations, and military experience into consideration either.

My point remains that it is incorrect to compare performance of Armies when the circumstances are so different. The OP fails in its basic premise, utterly.
Pakistan Army is battle hardened force from conventional wars to limited conflicts or dealing insurgencies no doubt it's an army to be reckon with and in demand but moving forward we have to stop fighting other's wars. It has not taken us anywhere infact weakening us from inside. Middle eastern wars are ideological ones which are even more dangerous than fighting against the Indians in a longer run.
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Pakistan Army is battle hardened force from conventional wars to limited conflicts or dealing insurgencies no doubt it's an army to be reckon with and in demand but moving forward we have to stop fighting other wars. It has not taken us anywhere infact weakening us from inside. Middle eastern wars are ideological ones which are even more dangerous than fighting against the Indians in a longer run.
Unlike PA, Saudis, and all their allies in yemen war have never fought or tasted the battle grounds. Their generals never wanted this war, but their king is asking them too much from this unending and lost war.

Despite being well equipped saudi and uae soldiers are nothing more than gov servants with my motivation.
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This has, in turn, strengthened the standing army of approximately 800,000 well-trained, motivated soldiers. The Pakistan army is well-prepared for any conflict.

where does Pakistan have 8 lac troops as far as i know there are only 550000 troops
I hope you can see the bitter irony in your own statement. :D

My point remains that it is incorrect to compare performance of Armies when the circumstances are so different. The OP fails in its premise, utterly.
Except it really doesn't take into consideration about the experience of a military force. PA IS a superior military force to anything the Arabs can offer, that's just factual. There is 0 denying that the Arab coalition is suffering as a result of PA's refusal to join.

The comparison stands. In the same situation, PA would perform FAR better, simply because it has more experience on how to handle situations that arise in these sorts of conflicts. In fact, I would bet that PA HAS dealt with similar situations, fighting in both rural and urban environments to a far greater success than the Arab coalition had yet to show, and in a much shorter time frame, such as SWAT and SWA/NWA.

where does Pakistan have 8 lac troops as far as i know there are only 550000 troops
550,000 is an old figure. I know the number of active troops has increased above 650,000, which is also an old figure. The 800,000 could just be an active number, which includes reserve forces that are bring brought to the front line to re-enforce troops.
Except it really doesn't take into consideration about the experience of a military force. PA IS a superior military force.to anything the Arabs can offer, that's just factual, and there is 0 denying that the Arab coalition is suffering as a result of PA's refusal to join.

The comparison stands. In the same situation, PA would perform FAR better, simply because it has more experience on how to handle situations that arise in these sorts of conflicts. In fact, I would bet that PA HAS dealt with similar situations, fighting in both rural and urban environments to a far greater success than the Arab coalition had yet to show, and in a much shorter time frame, such as SWAT and SWA/NWA.

Sir, those are more claims than facts. Let's see what facts can you present to support your claim that "PA IS a superior military force.to anything the Arabs can offer".
550,000 is an old figure. I know the number of active troops has increased above 650,000, which is also an old figure. The 800,000 could just be an active number, which includes reserve forces that are bring brought to the front line to re-enforce troops.

actually the size of Army is somewhere 647000 but there are alot of contradictions regarding army size as for reserve forces no reserve forces are used in war against terror as reserve force are referred to retired soldiers who are called back for duty if needed
Nice write up.. And we allowed them to invade us millennium ago, now they need south asians to fight and work..

"They"? Reminder that the current Arabs, didn't exist a millennium ago.
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