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They Will Always Need Pakistan

In other words, you have no real way to counter my points. I'm not trying to be rude here, but that is essentially what you're saying.

As for the Yemen situation? I doubt the Saudis will come out of this in a good position. To get a political deal now would be tantamount to giving up. The entire reason why they even went into Yemen was so that Hadi would regain the capital and stay in power, and to eliminate the Houthi militancy, both of which seem to have so far failed miserably.

I given them a year before they give up and withdraw, at most 2 years before they're forced to withdraw.

Wars always end in a political solution, that is the logical end and not "giving up". We can disagree for now and take this up later once the Saudis have done what they will do.
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Sorry to bring this up now @Junaid B

Was the article written by you?
If not, can you please credit the original author and add the source.

Americans poured in billions into Indian economy to make it at par with China Plus India has been the biggest recipient of aid from 1947 and even now continues to receive aid one way or another, I dont see you fighting on behalf of americans all around the world.

That's called investment
How come you reached this conclusion ? Well as for Arabs in Yemen they have done great aden and majority area is back in their control so How they failed ?
Lol, I see lots of jets daily . I am in khamis mushayt now. Even yesterday during eid namaz jets were going possibly to strike yemeni terrorist groups . Such loud voice of jets. Huge roar. Yemen border is not much far from khamis mushayt .
I believe Saudi pilots are improved and they got training from world best pilots from Pakistan and U.S.A & from others.
Saudi are capable same as Pakistani or any other pilot. Even they got massive improvement in Military machinery. Saudi are giving sleepless nights to Yemeni terrorist groups.
Wars always end in a political solution, that is the logical end and not "giving up". We can disagree for now and take this up later once the Saudis have done what they will do.
Not really, but sure, let's wait. You're gonna be waiting a long time, though.
If Saudi Arabia as a nation or the holy sites of Mecca and Medinah are threatened by anyone, then the Pakistani people, the Pakistani military and Muslim nations and people worlwide would die defending them. But the Saudi and GCC premise for attacking the Houthis because they MAY or may not have an Iranian/Shia connection is completely unnecessary and ridiculous to say the least. Especially when they pose 0 threat to the GCC nations. Nothing good will come from killing these poor nomads. This will ultimately backfire on the GCC. The Pakistan establishment know this.
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Would anyone like to compare the Saudi casualties in Yemen with Pakistani casualties in Zarb-e-Azb before they conclude who is superior in such operations?
would you like to compare the time periods of both the ops, and the terrain also?
and would you also like to comapre how well established the TTP were in FATA as compared to the Houthis in Yemen?

PAKISTAN Ka Matlab kya. Laa hilala hillalaa

Or allau akbar? Frank question
both means the same,
First means there is no God but Allah.
and second means Allah is the greatest
Lol, I see lots of jets daily . I am in khamis mushayt now. Even yesterday during eid namaz jets were going possibly to strike yemeni terrorist groups . Such loud voice of jets. Huge roar. Yemen border is not much far from khamis mushayt .
I believe Saudi pilots are improved and they got training from world best pilots from Pakistan and U.S.A & from others.
Saudi are capable same as Pakistani or any other pilot. Even they got massive improvement in Military machinery. Saudi are giving sleepless nights to Yemeni terrorist groups.

Yes because the Houthis are more advanced and more powerful than the american military. The Saudi military must be so fabulous for bombing the Houthis.
Yes because the Houthis are more advanced and more powerful than the american military.
Congrats for this gem and rant.
I am sure You didn't see saudi military hardware. Keep continue to remain in delusion life unless you see frontline fighters, targeting with pin point precision leaving no chance for houthis to save their asss from state of art missiles , big truck bomb jets .
Congrats for this gem and rant.
I am sure You didn't see saudi military hardware. Keep continue to remain in delusion life unless you see frontline fighters, targeting with pin point precision leaving no chance for houthis to save their asss from state of art missiles , big truck bomb jets .

I know they have the latest most advanced western military hardware but they must have not so well trained soldiers and pilots if they're asking for Pakistani military intervention.
I know they have the latest most advanced western military hardware but they must have not so well trained soldiers and pilots if they're asking for Pakistani military intervention.
Dude, this is not 1990s....Area where I live, this is hub of soldiers, bases, & military same as we in rawalpindi. So I got few military friends too including few retired ones. One friend which was in military, his arm was broken in accident. He is no more in military even He is young energetic but they fired him because his arm was broken in car accident. These days saudi military don't compromise in anything.
While I agree they have not real combat experience from few decades as china don't have.
They are tough as other soldiers of country , few non combat experience hole is balanced by quality of automatic and jadeed weapons.
Dude, this is not 1990s....Area where I live, this is hub of soldiers, bases, & military same as we in rawalpindi. So I got few military friends too including few retired ones. One friend which was in military, his arm was broken in accident. He is no more in military even He is young energetic but they fired him because his arm was broken in car accident. These days saudi military don't compromise in anything.
While I agree they have not real combat experience from few decades as china don't have.
They are tough as other soldiers of country , few non combat experience hole is balanced by quality of automatic and jadeed weapons.

I believe you and I'm really happy if this is the case. If Saudi Arabia's national sovereignty is threatened or if the holy sites of MECCA and MEDINAH are threatened by ANYONE than Pakistan, other Muslim nations and Muslims around the world would die protecting them. There is no compromise in that. I just don't agree with attacking the Houthis because they may or may not have a Iranian/Shia connection. That is completely wrong. The Houthis are completely harmless nomads. I wish our Saudi Arabian brothers and sisters much love and hope their military becomes one of the most advanced and powerful in the world. I wish the same for our Iranian brothers and sisters.
Not really, but sure, let's wait. You're gonna be waiting a long time, though.

Not really. The Saudi military engagement in Yemen will not be too prolonged as a political solution is implemented.
Americans poured in billions into Indian economy to make it at par with China Plus India has been the biggest recipient of aid from 1947 and even now continues to receive aid one way or another, I dont see you fighting on behalf of americans all around the world.

You won't see what you are looking in as a "return" from India. What the US administration hasn't realized is that its putting India to a place where she'll kick us in the balls one day on issues. The US expects India to be buddy-buddy with us to a degree where if and when the issue of China arises, both India and US will go to war with China and through India, China might at some point, have an equally challenging power next door.

IMO, we've totally been blind sided by the facts.The US administration I don't think understands the fact that sooner or later, India will go beyond us in terms of economic size and influence, and will dictate back to us. 15 years from now, when India is growing independent of American jobs and all, and doesn't require our dollars, if we get into an issue with the Chinese, we'll find ourselves to be alone. We'll be told that "the Indian people don't want war with China". And so we'll just have to suck it up and survive the betrayal. The American leadership have different goals and expectations from India. Indians have an entirely different view of it, they are JUST wanting all American jobs and dollars so they can grow, become independent and kick us to the curb!!!
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