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There is no future for an 'apartheid Israel'

With all due respect, wasn't Pakistan only established in 1947?

all nations are "fabricated" but peoples are not. Pakistan is made up of 5 major ethnicities and several smaller ones all of which with the exception of the muhajirs from India, and perhaps refugees from Afghanistan are "natives" of the land.

Israel is the product of Jewish migration from Europe promoted by the zionists to a land that was already comprised of arabs.

You're comparing apples and oranges
Pakistan is a political entity, a nation state which we created in 1947. That begs the question that where were the Pakistanis before 1947?

The answer is that Pakistanis were right here, we didn't migrate from Europe on ships. We are the 'indigenous' people of this land. We are the 3rd oldest civilization in human history, the very people of Indus Valley.

To reiterate my previous question more precisely, why are Pakistanis, as Pakistanis (as opposed to as Muslims) so interested in the Israel/Palestine issue in particular? I haven't seen Pakistanis calling for the arming of ISIS against Shiites, for example, or sending soldiers to fight in Syria against Assad, even though atrocities are being committed against fellow Sunnis there on a far worse scale.

all nations are "fabricated" but peoples are not. Pakistan is made up of 5 major ethnicities and several smaller ones all of which with the exception of the muhajirs from India, and perhaps refugees from Afghanistan are "natives" of the land.

Israel is the product of Jewish migration from Europe promoted by the zionists to a land that was already comprised of arabs.

You're comparing apples and oranges

Peoples aren't fabricated? Genuine question: Why was there not a call for an independent Palestine after the West Bank was incorporated into Jordan, and Gaza into Egypt? As fellow Muslims and Arabs, it would have been easy to establish Palestine.
When israel will colonize india then I will join you with this slogan.

Oh God, it looks like all they teach you in school where you come from, is mindless ranting and frivolous words that are rooted in anything but reality. Says a lot :lol:
I learn something new every day. Until now, I had always thought that India was called India while under British rule. It was called Pakistan?

Ignore him, he's catching troll flue, i gave him a tablet, hopefully he'll catch the memo.

Pakistan and India were never united countries, its a myth and propaganda. Before the colonial rule which itself was based on alliance and subjugation of Princely States, we were divided in fully autonomous or semi autonomous Princely States which were allied to powerful Muslim monarchies. That is how the system operated. India and Pakistan as modern nation states did not exist before 1947, nor 'India' has ever been a 'united' country. This is a map from 1600s before the Pondicherry landings which should put things in perspective.

Israel is the product of Jewish migration from Europe promoted by the zionists to a land that was already comprised of arabs.

And when did Arab Invasion happen ? Israel was a jewish state,then under persian,babylonian,greek & romans rule,then under byzantine rule till AD 7th century.
I learn something new every day. Until now, I had always thought that India was called India while under British rule. It was called Pakistan?

It was a joke!

albeit ill timed, and poorly worded.

But no, India was never a united Nation, After the British left, India had to 'induct' 500 odd princely states.

Even some Indian states were historically comprised of three or more Kingdoms.
I learn something new every day. Until now, I had always thought that India was called India while under British rule. It was called Pakistan?

There was never a state called "India" (or Hindustan/Hind etc) before 1947. In the history of the region, for the most part the area that is now Pakistan and the area that is now India were separate political entities; however there were three periods when they were united: Mauryan empire, Mughal Empire, and British Raj.
Ignore him, he's catching troll flue, i gave him a tablet, hopefully he'll catch the memo.

Pakistan and India were never united countries, its a myth and propaganda. Before the colonial rule which itself was based on alliance and subjugation of Princely States, we were divided in fully autonomous or semi autonomous Princely States which were allied to powerful Muslim monarchies. That is how the system operated. India and Pakistan as modern nation states did not exist before 1947, nor 'India' has ever been a 'united' country. This is a map from 1600s before the Pondicherry landings which should put things in perspective.

View attachment 38170

Fascinating stuff, I need to study that bit of history--it would probably help me understand the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan better. It reminds me of the unification of the German Empire in 1971.
If I missed the sarcasm in your comment, I can only say that my sarcasm detector does not work very well in print.

As @Aeronaut pointed out, The British actually gave India it's present shape.

For example, even the Indian state where I come from, was comprised of three Kingdoms before Independence.
inncident like this make me wonder if hilter was right to punish jews... the actions are the reason no one see jews with respct in the world

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