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The 'worst ever' mutant from South Africa: UK Banning Travel from some African Countries

let put it as it , you don't trust CDC, you don't trust WHO, what about Chinese counterpart , what about European or Russian one , even in Iran we have a counterpart to CDC that also state you must vaccinate ,or the rest of he world organization that deal with health care .

are they all part of world wide conspiracy
for every research that support not vaccinating there is more than hundreds that support vaccination

nothing happened to him , we in detail explained for him that mutation more likely happen in unvaccinated not vaccinated people and there in detail we went into why its so and explained to him why vaccinated people is more likely to get the mutated variant rather than the old ones and why its so and why it don't mean the mutation happened in their body

As of now, I don't trust ANY govt account of the pandemic. One of the primary reasons for my distrust is that the 'global' opinion is all too heavily influenced by the American CDC. The power of the American media and/or the American 'discourse' is overwhelming even when about a lot of Americans are themselves distrustful of their own govt.
I will posit a challenge at the PDF right here and right now: If and when the American CDC decides to say that 'Natural Immunity' is as much relevant as the nth doses of the vaccines and the boosters, then the global opinion is going to turn around.
As of now, I don't trust ANY govt account of the pandemic. One of the primary reasons for my distrust is that the 'global' opinion is all too heavily influenced by the American CDC. The power of the American media and/or the American 'discourse' is overwhelming even when about a lot of Americans are themselves distrustful of their own govt.
I will posit a challenge at the PDF right here and right now: If and when the American CDC decides to say that 'Natural Immunity' is as much relevant as the nth doses of the vaccines and the boosters, then the global opinion is going to turn around.
well my question would be , did WHO state that first or CDC ? the word reaction would be dramatically different. just like the case about masks. eastern countries didn't followed western country assumption that masks are not necessary when the epidemy started
There also is another bottom line. Accept death. Old people die. Its the way things are. No 90 year old needs an intensive care unit. Give them oxygen and morphium to pass in peace and accept it like it is.

After some thoughts for hours, I finally decided to 'Thank' you for that post. I do that often anyway to posts which stimulate my mind, even if contrary to my current positions on matters.
There was an article on NY Times a few years ago by a daughter to her mother: "Mother, I love you but why don't you die??" [The daughter painfully wrote that in an online article about either a very old or very sick mama)
well my question would be , did WHO state that first or CDC ? the word reaction would be dramatically different. just like the case about masks. eastern countries didn't followed western country assumption that masks are not necessary when the epidemy started

I remember once what the then Sec. of State Madelene Albright told to the UN: Don't forget who is paying your salary??!
The global pandemic narrative is driven by the dominant American narrative. I bet it would be different if Trump was the President, for better or worse.
After some thoughts for hours, I finally decided to 'Thank' you for that post. I do that often anyway to posts which stimulate my mind, even if contrary to my current positions on matters.
There was an article on NY Times a few years ago by a daughter to her mother: "Mother, I love you but why don't you die??" [The daughter painfully wrote that in an online article about either a very old or very sick mama)

I totally understand that and once i witness something that was sickening. A 94 year old ladie collapsed and then was reanimated, was for weeks in hospital, got a trachea tube and bladder catheter...they basicly robbed her dignity and let her go through hell for 14 days until she died.
I totally understand that and once i witness something that was sickening. A 94 year old ladie collapsed and then was reanimated, was for weeks in hospital, got a trachea tube and bladder catheter...they basicly robbed her dignity and let her go through hell for 14 days until she died.

And a lot of times, there is money to be made... at least in America. I don't know of many such horror stories personally where the 'healthcare system' keeps someone alive but maybe a couple of such stories..
This little side discussion brings an episodes of one of the Star Treks where a there was a rule that when one is past a certain age then the person would voluntarily end it.
What do you see? Over here 92% of covid cases are wizhout symptoms. Of the 8% who develop symptoms, only 2% die and of those 2% over 89% are 86 years or older.
Many deaths that triggered the initial panic esp. those in europe and US happened due to something called clinical mismanagement. They always happen but often disguised under a death certificate. Wrong medical procedures not necessarily the disease itself. Shortage of doctors and equipment ..trial and error on something still not understood. It's the third leading cause of deaths by some.It happens when a new disease comes. Happens when hospitals are overloaded esp. when panic makes people attempt to get admitted for a things like a small flu restricting the needy ones and when care takers abandon old homes leaving poor old people on their own.Inadequately skilled staff, error in judgment or care, a system defect or a preventable adverse effect. Includes computer breakdowns, mix-ups with the doses or types of medications administered to patients and surgical complications that go undiagnosed. The health workers are still the hero for us, it's not their fault and we cant blame them.And they are always saved against it.
Having the tag of virus constitutes to the virus as one of the 'probable' reasons on death certificates regardless they had any symptoms or not. .. it also helps in getting government aid for the affected help with rental , mortgage food stamps, often misused. Hospitals get a big fat cheque from govt. for every patient on ventilator.....UN is paying countries billions of dollars to manage the pandemic that govts are distributing to hospitals.
Many deaths that triggered the initial panic esp. those in europe and US happened due to something called clinical mismanagement. They always happen but often disguised under a death certificate. Wrong medical procedures not necessarily the disease itself. Shortage of doctors and equipment ..trial and error on something still not understood. It's the third leading cause of deaths by some.It happens when a new disease comes. Happens when hospitals are overloaded esp. when panic makes people attempt to get admitted for a things like a small flu restricting the needy ones and when care takers abandon old homes leaving poor old people on their own.Inadequately skilled staff, error in judgment or care, a system defect or a preventable adverse effect. Includes computer breakdowns, mix-ups with the doses or types of medications administered to patients and surgical complications that go undiagnosed. The health workers are still the hero for us, it's not their fault and we cant blame them.And they are always saved against it.
Having the tag of virus constitutes to the virus as one of the 'probable' reasons on death certificates regardless they had any symptoms or not. .. it also helps in getting government aid for the affected help with rental , mortgage food stamps, often misused. Hospitals get a big fat cheque from govt. for every patient on ventilator.....UN is paying countries billions of dollars to manage the pandemic that govts are distributing to hospitals.

That and breathing machines are highly invasive and in most cases a death sentence
What do you see? Over here 92% of covid cases are wizhout symptoms. Of the 8% who develop symptoms, only 2% die and of those 2% over 89% are 86 years or older.
When there are milliards of victim then those 2% or even 0.002% is a substantial number
And who are we to decide if someone lived enough or not.
That and breathing machines are highly invasive and in most cases a death sentence
Ventilators only used in extreme cases when the situation is worsening.
When there are milliards of victim then those 2% or even 0.002% is a substantial number
And who are we to decide if someone lived enough or not.

Ventilators only used in extreme cases when the situation is worsening.

Wrong in early pandemic ventilators were used extensive here and were main reason of death.

As for asking if someone long enough...so you want that 90 years old get on a ventilator, get a pipe down their urinal tract and kept alive longer to cash in from health insurance?
I never fear of COVID-19, never got affected by it and i think that it will never affect me in a foreseeable future.

Fyi, i never Care too much about health protocols defined for COVID-19 such as wearing mask. However i rarely use Masks just to respect the social laws specially when i am in a crowd.

Do these and don't be afraid of any kind of viruses. I hope it would be useful for everyone out there regard less of their religion. All words of prophet Muhammed pbuh.

Zayd ibn Khalid Juhani: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not engage in any prayer from one prayer to another, unless he brushed his teeth at this time interval. Which means 5 times a day

Use toothpicks, because it cleans the mouth and is good for the health of the gums.

Every fruit has poisons, whenever you get the fruit, wash it with water or immerse it in water. (before eating it)

Washing hands before meals removes poverty and after meals, relieves sadness and gives health to the eyes.

Each of you deserves to spin a lot of water in your mouth and nose, because this is your forgiveness and... .
This one in different color is the most important one which includes gragling with salt water that removes viruses from pharynx. Its a known fact that viruses remain inside one's throat before spreading into lungs and the digestive system. Grogling removes from human body and at the very least throws it inside digestive system and hence bars it from entering lungs.
I don't know what happened to you but watch the latest videos about Covid and even in the liberal YouTube channel there is deep resentment about the official narrative. People are tired of this.

There has been a policy of silencing anybody who doesn't believe in the narrative. Martin Kulldorf, Jay battacharia and sinitra Gupta of Oxford university have openly spoken out against this madness. The head of Oxford's evidence based medicine dept has said that there is a political agenda to this. I can see two agenda's at the moment.

1. Vaccination. There is a mad drive like never before to vaccinate everyone on the planet. Even children, who are at zero risk, are to be vaccinated.

2. 'Vaccine passports'. These are essentially digital ID's that everyone on the planet will be required to have. This plan was around way before Covid, and exagerrating Covid is a way to implement them.
Wrong in early pandemic ventilators were used extensive here and were main reason of death.

As for asking if someone long enough...so you want that 90 years old get on a ventilator, get a pipe down their urinal tract and kept alive longer to cash in from health insurance?
That 90 year old maybe an artist . He maybe someone who has employed 30 more people . He may pay enough tax so they can pay unemployment benefits for 30 person . Maybe next year he save the life of a 10 years old. Maybe if he live now he will be brain death 6 month later and you find in his will he donated his organs to save the life of several others. Or maybe he is not 90 year old but 40 years old.
1. Vaccination. There is a mad drive like never before to vaccinate everyone on the planet. Even children, who are at zero risk, are to be vaccinated.
Who says children are at zero risk . They have lower chance of symptomatic disease but when they become symptomatic they face very serious complication.
There has been a policy of silencing anybody who doesn't believe in the narrative. Martin Kulldorf, Jay battacharia and sinitra Gupta of Oxford university have openly spoken out against this madness. The head of Oxford's evidence based medicine dept has said that there is a political agenda to this. I can see two agenda's at the moment.

1. Vaccination. There is a mad drive like never before to vaccinate everyone on the planet. Even children, who are at zero risk, are to be vaccinated.

2. 'Vaccine passports'. These are essentially digital ID's that everyone on the planet will be required to have. This plan was around way before Covid, and exagerrating Covid is a way to implement them.
Everybody who has a passport or birth certificate has that ID
That 90 year old maybe an artist . He maybe someone who has employed 30 more people . He may pay enough tax so they can pay unemployment benefits for 30 person . Maybe next year he save the life of a 10 years old. Maybe if he live now he will be brain death 6 month later and you find in his will he donated his organs to save the life of several others. Or maybe he is not 90 year old but 40 years old.

Who says children are at zero risk . They have lower chance of symptomatic disease but when they become symptomatic they face very serious complication.

Everybody who has a passport or birth certificate has that ID

The majority of 90 years old wish a death in dignity and not breathing through trachea tube, urinal catheter and slow, painflul death alone in a ICU.

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