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The 'worst ever' mutant from South Africa: UK Banning Travel from some African Countries

I think we will all learn to have to live with this and perhaps there will be a move toward healthier lifestyle going forward: Better eating, work-life balance, good sleep.
But it is becoming apparent to me that no vaccines or boosters would get us back to the world before 2020. There will always be something out there, like this latest 'worst ever' Variant, which is gracing the front pages of even the more careful outlets like the NY Times and Washington Post.
china was pretty much become virus free ,before recent emergence of the disease . if the rest of the world also acted like them, perhaps today also there was no virus in wild to mutate.
till Anti-vaxer are free to act as fertile ground for virus mutation there will be no end to it.
very simple , you have a factory , it has one production line . you can produce 3 product or 30 ,which one you guess produce more goods

I think you mean the one which produces only 3 products?? I am not an economist and generally defer to others on this forum about those matters. Regardless, no, even the CDC has officially called the immunity after after an infection 'more comprehensive' and so that negates your 3 vs 30 products. It is a different matter that CDC, to protect is reputation and to protect the 'scientists' working there, is not going to admit that CDC has been wrong on Covid for a long time. The CDC in America is a big pawn between the Republicans and Democrats and science itself is the biggest victim of the political divide in America.

"It has been well established that natural immunity is far superior to the so-called “protections” offered by the experiment Covid-19 injections. Despite this, the CDC and other health organizations have chosen to ignore natural immunity altogether because acknowledging it could derail their universal vaccine agenda. Their efforts are working since less than half of Americans are aware of any of the abundant data showing natural immunity works.

One does not need to be an “anti-vaxxer” to acknowledge that natural immunity is better than the jabs. But it goes further than that with data pointing to a possibility that is very inconvenient for vaxx-nannies: The “vaccines” may actually weaken the immune system permanently and take away the natural immunity previously infected Americans have developed."
china was pretty much become virus free ,before recent emergence of the disease . if the rest of the world also acted like them, perhaps today also there was no virus in wild to mutate.
till Anti-vaxer are free to act as fertile ground for virus mutation there will be no end to it.

You do have a point there.
But the genie is out of the bottle now--anti-vaxxers or not. My wife is fully vaccinated and for our sake I hope the vaccines work--and work for longer durations than what's being reported as 6-8 months to be followed by boosters. And more boosters. And more boosters. You know people are tiring out of them and you can see from the Comments about Covid in some of the videos posted above.

It was a wrong strategy to rely on a global population of 8+ billion to take the vaccines in enough numbers to curb the pandemic. Even if 10% wouldn't take it then it would be possible for deadlier variants to arrive. The world is much more connected now then it was around the Spanish Flu of around 1918...

The genie is out of the bottle and I frankly don't see how relying on vaccines, lockdowns, and masks will put the genie back into the bottle. I think let the anti-vaxxers or those with the Natural Immunity live normal life provided they sign medical waivers, let those who choose to vaccinate, self-isolate and take the boosters, continue to do so, and let the already approved Covid treatments which greatly reduce serious illness be readily available . This is the only way I see out of this crisis.
Just great!! The main news in two major news outlets.

Covid Live Updates: Variant Alert From South Africa Prompts Rush to Halt Flights
South African scientists meet with W.H.O. experts on Friday to discuss a concerning new coronavirus variant. Several countries impose restrictions on travel to and from South Africa and its neighbors."

Announcement of new virus variant alarms world, crashing stocks and banning flights
Even Reuters, which is perhaps one of those true remaining global true journalism site, has this as the main story right now. www.reuters.com

1. Thanks China for all of this...

2. It gets really boring. Me and my entire family are vaccinated wth Moderna. Times goes on and the average age of the death ones is 86 years old...Covid is just like a more heavy flu and we must live with it. Its that simple.
2. It gets really boring. Me and my entire family are vaccinated wth Moderna. Times goes on and the average age of the death ones is 86 years old...Covid is just like a more heavy flu and we must live with it. Its that simple.

The bottom line for the pandemic should be about letting the health care systems to be functional like they before 2020. The idea of 'zero covid' is absolutely the worst now; worse then the pandemic itself.
The bottom line for the pandemic should be about letting the health care systems to be functional like they before 2020. The idea of 'zero covid' is absolutely the worst now; worse then the pandemic itself.

There also is another bottom line. Accept death. Old people die. Its the way things are. No 90 year old needs an intensive care unit. Give them oxygen and morphium to pass in peace and accept it like it is.
There also is another bottom line. Accept death. Old people die. Its the way things are. No 90 year old needs an intensive care unit. Give them oxygen and morphium to pass in peace and accept it like it is.

Even older people survive. In China, a woman over a hundred years old had it , and survived it. Obviously it's more dangerous to the elderly.
I still don't subscribe to theories like 'Big Pharma' or 'govt. control tactic' etc. It would be intellectually dishonest to come to such conclusions without enough evidence. But sometimes, after a long wait, you start relying on your gut feelings. And my own gut feelings is starting to tell me that vaccines are not much more than the pumping out the water from a sinking Titanic.

The pandemic is a huge 'disruptor' globally and especially in America. We need an honest discussion about what's going on. The 'fatigue' about the pandemic is becoming more and more pronounced. More and more of my American friends are outright refusing to take the 'boosters' or delaying them for as long as possible.

Listen to Robert Kennedy on his interview about his book ' The real Dr. Fauci.' This is less to do with Pandemic, and more to do with control. Long, but well worth it.

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A virologist consulting for WHO had warned over a year ago that mass vaccination program would lead to an acceleration of Variants that vaccines would not be effective against.

Vaccinated are the Variant Breeders!
Honestly now I'm starting to think this crap is just scare tactic to control people. Enough with this bs already.

Seems like this is true afterall,
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Already they were itching about Africa.
It’s been a political virus from the beginning.

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